Sweet sweet ganja

Day 30 without weed due to this retarded lockdown my brain is at 100% now.. shit is hard
also whats your honest opinion on cannabis, how based to you think it is and how do you get some where you at

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I’m so high rn I couldn’t even read your post lol

>also whats your honest opinion on cannabis, how based to you think it is and how do you get some where you at
10/10 would blaze it again.
AZ here, dispensaries are still open. I got friends who have medical cards so I just give them money to buy what I want.

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Remember to smoke for me frens

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Oh damn..

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>live in IL
>dispensaries closed rec sales
>only friend with a medical card doesn't have his license any more

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Don't consoom it until you're 18, otherwise it's completely harmless. Anyone telling you otherwise is a shill.

Only reason why I won't get a medical card is you can't buy guns from a gun shop if you do.

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Weed and 2 Xanax bars I feel like I’m in heaven

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fuck man I feel ya, have to wait for may 11 here
My first joint was at 23 so im fine

I smoke everyday and my brain is always at 100%. What the hell is wrong with you? Only retards are disabled by weed.

Kys drug abusing monkeys. You're fueling the spic and shitskin mobsters black money bank accounts, stupid idiots.

Whats the difference with or w/o xanax ?

bullshit, makes no sense, buy guns first then

Shouldn't smoke until around 23 or higher m80. Brain is still developing at 18 (ur not really safe till 25 or so) you shouldn't drink or do any sort of drug even caffeine below this age tho

No weed but the best edibles on the planet here

You feel like less or more of a retard.

You could just grown your own. Sounds like you could clean up in your local area given the supply is short. In fact, where do you live?

Yeah it's been harder to get a hold of here in Florida. Most of it comes from Cali so it's getting scarce. Pens are easy to come by though.

ran out of herb a week ago and can't get more because my guy is stuck in another state. I feel fine and don't miss it too much, it's just an optional choice whenever I don't wanna drink beer. I smoke once or twice everyday but whenever I run out I'm just fine.

Naaah you must be smoking nigger shit
I get mine from a friend who grow it himself 100% naty purple haze, no niggers no shitskins you dumb faggot

How do you know if you're at 100% if you're always high? Where's your basis of comparison?

Because I still want to buy more.

>all these green IDs
Yep. Time to take a good old hit from my baby

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Still at the stores lol


Friendly reminder that marijuana shills are kikes.

When I was a degenerate druggie loser my go to would always be a couple of xanax or other benzos (clonazepam/kpins as you burgers call them are everywhere in Norway), 2-4 beers and a joint or two of hash. I've finally gotten clean over the last three months, I don't miss the high or the experiences but the mental clarity and emotions get overwhelming at times. It's also quite tough to deal with time going by so slowly, and all of the free time that can't simply be pissed away by self-inflicting blackouts and semi-consciousness.

Is the reason more intelligent people have higher drug use rates that being retarded is more fun than being smart? Being smart is a lot of work and focus, why do that when you can just melt your brain and laugh at the fact that you can see it melting and are intelligent enough to. Real smart drug users don’t use drugs to make themselves smarter they use it to think about things differently and enjoy the feeling of retardation while not being frightened unlike midwits, who aren’t cognizant to observe their impairment externally due to lack of intelligence, but can retroactively become aware of it unlike dimwits. The intelligent drug user is aware of their impairment, which causes even greater pleasure to result.


Smoking weed makes me feel good but when I start thinking about things some things are bad that’s why when I get a Xanax or 2 my weed high feels amazing and I have no bad thoughts just pure bless like I was just born

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