Could Nick Fuentes be a bigger cocksucker?

Also, RIP states rights?

Attached: cs.png (860x539, 116.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

he can't help how tall he is

someone post the
>at least I have muh constitution
meme with a white guy surrounded by niggers or some shit.
let me explain this to you for the last time: good for the white race? good. bad for the white race? bad. it is, literally, as simple as that.

based spic

Reminder that the Constitution has the 19th Amendment

Yeah, and also the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th...

Fuentes is a fucking loser

Attached: image(3).jpg (255x247, 13.76K)

Yes masta DONALD, I do as you command!

Attached: 16133441357775.png (456x472, 433.7K)

>Spic doesnt care about the constitution.

>not being able to see the ironic nature of his post

how is sucking King of Zion Blumpf's cock good for the white race, dumb nigger

>trump has total authority over the government and me
>I don’t care that he doesn’t care to stop immigration

Fuentes confirmed a faggot kike shill who should die in a grease fire

That's not real is it? He's not really that much of a faggot is he? Tell me that's a fake tweet.

merely pretending

It's real.

Can you stop being ironic for one day?

why do spic Fuentes fanboys accuse Richard spencer of being a fed when spencer got his blue check on Twitter rescinded years ago but spic Fuentes still has it

Can you stop sucking dicks, for one day?

Gonna post these in every Fuentes thread I see

Attached: catboy3.jpg (931x634, 39.77K)

He's based
Fuck the constitution

Stop noticing things, goy.

Attached: catboy38.jpg (600x1200, 93.57K)

This one?

Attached: lilNicky.jpg (550x492, 182.33K)

Attached: catboy1 (1).jpg (1167x554, 40.55K)

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>ban porn
>no e-girls
>trans people are degenerate

Attached: catboy37.jpg (1088x639, 71.85K)

. He's pretty small FYI, of course I suspect it's cuz it puts him closer to the dick

The constitution hasn't mattered since 1861

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>my allegiance is to ZOG

why does nick fuentes matter to you?

The constitution literally doesn’t matter. Liberals don’t give a shit about it and will find ways circumvent it at any opportunity. All that matters is political power. Libertarians need to fuck off this board.

And of course it was a matter of time before one of these edgelords arrived