Pagan hate thread

Pagan hate thread

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Yep, pagans need to be killed on sight.

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Why does this sound greatly exaggerated and biased?

Jesus is a Jew and there is nothing you can do against it.

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>t. Somalian
>Somalians live close to niggers
>only knows pagans who are niggers
well I understand why you think this

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I take accusations of ancient homosex with a tablespoon of salt.
Most sources seem on society X being full of homos are from cultures openly antagonistic to that society - and often in a tone of disgust.
Almost like the accusation of the opposing culture being full of fags is demeaning and meant to attack and defame it.

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Here comes the schizoid Albanian.

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Bumping based Serbbro's thread.

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OP worships Jews. He reaches for the Jews to answer life's questions.

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>the golden one
>survive the jive
both non jewed non controlled op far right solid people, you got a problem with them?

>the rest
idk they seem kinda like neonazis, but also literally who

>the texts
no source.jpg
so you took a screenshot of your gay fanfic?

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How can you believe an arab man born to an arab town in the arab part of the world was white? When even his biblical description speaks of curly dark hair.