>This is the code in google meet to join ->meet.google.com
Hi anons,
Urgency is of paramount importance, there is little time to explain.
Basically, there are these faggots who are going to do an online chat and some speeches to suck each other willies and say how good being a leftist is.
We might as well flood their chat to remind them how much of a failure was their little republic and to generally mock them.
Some recommended phrases in Spanish: (Your own chants are very much encouraged as well!):
>Ya hemos pasao!
(We have already won, we are mocking their famous "No pasaran!")
>Vuelva el martillo al taller, la hoz al trigal
(Return the hammer to the workshop, the sickle to the wheat field.)
>Calzame las alpargatas, dame la boina, dame el fusil,que voy a matar mas rojos que flores tienen mayo y abril!
(Put on my espadrilles, give me the beret, give me the rifle, for i am going to kill more reds than there are flowers in april and may!)
>Cueste lo que cueste, se ha de conseguir, que los boinas rojas entren en Madrid!
(Regardless of what it takes,the red berets must enter Madrid!)
As well,you can have some music to enjoy youserlf! (Most are related to the phrases above)