The toy company Mattel is trying to turn your kids gay. I came across this retweet by them just today shilling their tranny toy line. I noticed it was some single mother who was imposing a non-binary degeneracy on her kids for twitter attention like some form of Munchhausen By Proxy.

Attached: non binary dolls.png (541x614, 352.91K)

Attached: mattel dolls7.png (550x560, 285.22K)

Here's what you do user: don't buy them for your kids. It's really that simple. Be the change you want to see. If nobody buys them, they'll stop making them.

Attached: mattel dolls.jpg (2040x1360, 634.09K)

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Faggot advice as always.

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Attached: mattel becky christ pilled.png (881x339, 73.66K)

the state of america summed up in one picture

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No he's right. And you should tell everyone you know not to support them. You can't kill them off by continuing to give them money. This is how you kill anything in capitalist society. If you want to go shoot up their factory in mine craft thinking it will stop them you go right on ahead tho

Some of the other shit Mattel is making

Attached: ugly barbies.png (992x1194, 846.02K)

Attached: black disabled barbie.png (536x469, 88.24K)

Who cares, this shit isn't going to sell and Mattel will learn that the woke twitter crowd is actually two dozen loud cunts that buy nothing.

>Who cares
You should never turn a blind eye to degeneracy

Attached: 1585936974495.jpg (740x724, 195.13K)

Based. Anybody got photos of Barbie’s cock?

Brah this is old-ass news. Either you slow or you just trying to slide

>You should never turn a blind eye to degeneracy
have you seen the things children make regular barbie dolls do ? it can be pretty degenerate

This is why China is the future.

>4th TRImester

I kek'd

I was the user who first posted about it here, retard. I'm posting about it again, because Mattel is retweeting shit about it. Please try to be less of a jewish puppet, please and thank you.

pretty much

4/3 is a number.

I stuck it's hand up my ass once. I was molested years before. :(

This, nobody’s actually buying this shit for their kids.

t. Live in a very liberal area, schools are full of LGBT shit, parents still don’t actually encourage it in their children. The vast majority of normal people are still normal, despite what blackpillers would have you believe.

>these are products made to generate profit
>the free market has an effect on companies pushing sjw shit that no one ever buys
Based galaxy brained libertarian

Is there anything more soi that believing you can actually vote with your wallet?

They have a shit ton of professional marketers, behavior research, psychologists and support from the media and academia to be able to sell this stuff to a group large enough of people.

Your tiny little wallet doesnt matter. We need to kill these fuckers.

where's my big fucking anime tiddies barbie

>have you seen the things children make regular barbie dolls do ? it can be pretty degenerate

Attached: (you).png (319x458, 70.97K)

Got to go kill myself now.

>CEO of Mattel is a dual citizen
Imagine my shock

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I do turn a blind eye when I see a degenerate run full speed toward doom. Let mattel chase the woke crowd, it will quickly learn an important lesson or go broke. The degenerates behind this crap want us to protest, because in they eyes we are a small group that onyl create free marketing. Let them fail in silence, then they can't blame 'far right trolls' for their failures and we will see mattel firing their asses.

>Your tiny little wallet doesnt matter.
This. Retailers buy the toys anyway, the consumer then buys from a retailer. Mattel will choose to take a hit just to have them out on the shelves and promote social engineering.

Even animal crossing has fucking trannies

Attached: 20200330_015809.jpg (4032x3024, 3.35M)

what the fuck man... are we in hell? how much worse can shit gets? its like they just try to be as degenerate as possible. for what fucking purpose? does nobody stop and say, hey this is fucked up?

Back during GamerGate, I thought stealth conservatism might have infected the left, making them hateful.

How did you even find this tweet

NB really just means boys dressing like girls. It’s all Ephemisms

Note how nicely the trays and packaging for these dolls are set up. I could imagine that this would be very appealing to children with autism/apsies. Actually targeting them to get them into the tranny doctrine.

What does NB stand for? Nigga Bitch?

They had these at Aldi last christmas and afterwards only the nigger barbies were left over. Kek'd

Can't wait for economy to open up again, so I can go to the stores that sell this shit, and rip the box, pop a leg out or something like that.
Plus it's made in China- with the cororana virus.

That sucks. Sending you positive energy, user.

what in the fuck am i even looking at

He looks like a crossbreed between a chad and an actual monkey. Holy fuck the inbreeding of these kikes. How can this thing be fertile?