>What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE >What happens if people dont engage? THEY DIE
>The SARS outbreak has a variable death rate of about a little over 2% to 6% of all cases SARS had a CFR of around 10%. all indications show that this virus is at least 2 or 3x as deadly. then there's the fact that reinfection is even deadlier than the first time. with a death rate this high and no chance of immunity among "survivors", we're looking at an extinction level event.
Eli Hall
we don't use titles here in 'merica. give him a military rank. commander trump is better
Jack Brooks
Probably greenland too as they will vote to join the winning team
I do not believe that states have the ability to form extranational coalitions to conduct interstate or international regulations, so just try to enforce it.
i wish we'd just declare something, another month and a half of this is awful wish we'd just stop pussyfooting and decide if we're gonna collapse or go back to business or w/e already
>if we could get a spaceship back from the moon, I should be able to track your phone
Angel Cooper
>I dont know why the President wants to pick a fight >i wont engage in a fight >we have to get past politics >I have cooperated with him this whole time >I'm not sure why anyone wants to be divisive at this time
Nolan Adams
This SARS outbreak is, in all likelihood, more infectious than the last outbreak but substantially less fatal, perhaps less than a third.
Jordan Johnson
>fuck this country as if that's supposed to mean anything? liberals have been saying that since the 60s but every election year try to pretend like they care about it all over again, until they lose and their true colors show again
Jaxson Sullivan
These Marina Abramovich, Satanist, Wiccan, Illuiniti bunch. What's their stance on Islam?
> Den Platz vor der Volksbühne erreichten allerdings nur wenige Teilnehmer*innen. 180 Polizist*innen riegelten die Zugänge ab und versuchten über mehr als zwei Stunden, die sich an verschiedenen Orten bildenden Menschenansammlungen zu zerstreuen. Unter Buh-Rufen führten sie mehrere Demonstrant*innen ab. Eine kleine Gasse neben dem Kino Babylon wurde zum Wartebereich für 80 festgesetzte Personen. Jesus, that *innen bullshit is cancer.
I DECLARE AFFECTION FOR MAGANONS Gov plans look to expire some time in May but Trumo could CAPTAIN THIS SHIP and cause NYC to collectively lose their shit
>there's the fact that reinfection is even deadlier than the first time. with a death rate this high and no chance of immunity among "survivors", we're looking at an extinction level event. top fucking kek now you're just going full retard bait
The Video Out Of Shadows doesn't show fake news it shows how a political machine creates the fake news what if we encourage Chris Cuomo to quit CNN and right a book telling the truth of the media bull shit, he doesn't have to turn into a Trump supporter, just expose the democratic deep state fake news generator
>California, Washington, and Oregon creating a pact and refusing to open anything until at least the end of the year I'm not sure how economically leveling your own (perma-D) states is going to help but ok.
it's not really that, the media INSISTS in making them fight, hell his brother was literally pushing him to say something bad about trump during an interview they had, he just won't.
Trump tossed a grenade in the room with those tweets. Press is rabid.
Brayden Turner
It's our land chang, you will all be deported south of the Panama canal
Jack Brooks
>Only NYC will secede >Upstate NY will invade >CT will be annexed by the New England states to create a superstate for the US and as an Ally
Its starting, Jew England has your back, America.
Sebastian Hughes
Lol super typical lefty post. Bitterness, contempt, hatred, disgust, fear, all covered with a thin layer of pseudointellectualism
David Lewis
Is he implying Trump has dementia?
Owen Gutierrez
The Constitution doesn't have an asterisk next to the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments that says (*not valid during plague) either but all the courts have kept ruling that orders arresting you if you leave your house are fine.
Nope. The economy is in tatters and Trump stands no chance.
Jackson Lewis
>anybody else listening to coumo now? Why would I?
Eli Wright
it's being pushed on my trending page, as well as sex workers/simps calling everyone an incel and a bunch of people hating on random dudes for saying that some girl on TV is hot
pls trump I wont fight you. i dont have two nickels to rub together
Robert Gomez
That's the big thing - give us ventilators, because they get reimbursed by the Feds more for those coded deaths. Dems shitty governing is being covered up and trying to plug holes in their budgets.
David Rivera
German english mix , Tyrone ..you can have that giant ice cube
Trump is just so fucked. He's gone. He can not fight a bad economy. The economy is bad
Parker Martinez
The shillbot is broken.
Aiden Gutierrez
I've been out of the loop for awhile. Now that the U.S. is getting fucked by coronavirus is Trump even going to keep that "Keep America Great" slogan?
Personally I thought pic-related was a better slogan but either way they don't really work too well in these current times. What should Trump's new slogan be?
>none of them were going to get sick and die if Trump had done "something"
Joseph Garcia
>The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday forecast that the global economy would recover partially next year from the “Great Lockdown” of 2020, but the economists at the international financial institution didn’t sound entirely convinced. >“Much worse growth outcomes are possible and maybe even likely,” said Gita Gopinath, the IMF’s top economist, with the Tuesday release.
>The IMF said the U.S. economy would shrink 5.9% this year, the steepest drop since the financial crisis.That’s 7.2 percentage points lower than the group’s prediction for 2020 offered at the beginning of the year. This would be followed by a 4.7% rebound in 2021. The gain in 2021 is 3.1 percentage points higher than the earlier forecast.
>China’s growth rate this year would be the lowest since 1976, according to Macrotrends. The IMF has forecast 6% growth this year for the Asian giant.
>And there are more pessimistic scenarios. For instance, if the pandemic lasts into 2021, it could reduce the level of global GDP by 8% compared with the baseline, she added.
Im sure with your fine pedegree you will welcome a chance to leave the frozen north and accept out travel arrangements to Africa where you are free to spread love and peace
Brandon Williams
The economy exists as much as ppl are employed. As soon as this is stopped those jobs simply return, so how can a rival campaign on an economy rising from a problem? How can the ysay "we would do better"? It can't, it's actually quite brilliant how it has worked out. A stagnant economy could be attacked by a rival campaign, they can say "well we can do this, or this", a rising economy has nor questions being asked.
Thomas Robinson
>GEP gun? sounds like something pistolchads wouldn't know about
Cuomo really thinks everyone will forget that shit?
Aaron Williams
Obama brought up how he and Joe managed the H1N1 and Ebola epidemics and how they prevented that from destroying us economically.
This points to a contrast against Trump for November. Trump is done.