Are all gun owners in America bootlickers...

Are all gun owners in America bootlickers? I always hear muh tyrannical government but none those pussy ever do anything, you'd expect to see militant groups all across America but nothing. Just like when Trump banned bump stocks, all the bootlickers turned them in. I'm guessing the same would have happen with guns if they were ever banned.

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>a 50 year old police officer
>has a fucking tattoo

What porno is this from?

Why is everyone using the term 'bootlickers' today?

2 sociopaths shaking hands

>Mia Khalifa

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Reddit r/latestagecapitalism must be leaking in.


oh look its that Croat Nigger talking shit about the US again

She'll regret that when the gibs run out.



Americans are doing too well. Only lunatics would throw their lives or freedom away as long as they stay fed and have jobs. As long as Americans don't starve nothing will ever make them rise against tyrannical government, their guns make no difference to anything else than being good for self defense against common criminals. If cops confiscated them now Americans would just thank them for their service.

>She'll regret that when the gibs run out.
she'll be sucking cock for a can of tuna when the gibs run out

The bootlicking is a huge problem with the mainstream American right, yes. Boomers love their cops, they fellate them at every opportunity in some strange virtue signalling.

As the mainstream right dies though, this problem is dying with it.

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>Turned them in
Not really how that works. The sale is what was stopped. People still have bump stocks. People who turned them in to police did that for no reason, police just threw them in the trash because they didn't know what to do with them.

Leftys. Leftys are the only ones who use that terminology. OP is a lefty who I am guessing is new because we use the term cop. Just demoralize and expose his stupidity about the law and carry on. Remember to remind them that Bernie lost too, just to rub salt in the wound.

It's not even a scary baby slaughter gun, what a twit. She'll regret this moment so much if she ever finds her self tied up while 3 burritos eye her up and down licking their lips in a home invasion. Women who are anti-gun absolutely need to be culled out of the gene pool.

yeah pretty much. they love thin blue line and cops. very few are actually redpilled. maybe a million or two americans would oppose the pigs.

did she fug that cop after this photo was taken?

Do you faggots ever get tired of this? Seriously, get a fucking life already.

>The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.

America has good psy ops. Occasionally the jews go too far too early like when they tried to get a little boy's genitals surgically removed. But they just try again in four years.

> turns in pump shotgun
> helps get guns off the streets
> but how will she protect herself from getting ganged raped by a gang of niggers?
> no, wait......

this is a very low iq post

A lot of gun owners in Murica are boomers and boomers love to virtue signal about their cops and jews as much as american liberals love to do the same about spics and niggers.

> Posts Arab Porn star
> Thinks no one will notice this jew trick

How much longer must this board put up with such trash posting?

Fags with guns don't ever do shit except plunk targets at the range while America rots from within

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Well tell you what brother, I'll support you because I too want liberty. However I believe in personal responsibility. If you want me to follow you then YOU need to throw the first punch at the police. If you do it I will follow you. I PROMISE. Now go, march into the front lines, I'm right here behind you.

thats not how "rent free" meme works. You are the one making this worthless post, people are going to respond.

Just look at the smirk on that fat old jew.

That cop was just enjoying meeting a porn star lel

What's this propaganda. A leftist spic handing over a gun while complying with a smile. I wonder if schlomo is behind the camers

You'll notice the same people that blame the rich and corporations for their poverty are the same people that hate police and blame them for all their other problems.

>police just threw them in the trash because they didn't know what to do with them
Police probably started using the ones that were turned in

a few juba le sniper di baghdad style attacks would probably make half of a local police force disband . they already struggle to recruit people.

old ass shit

Jew word of the day

Muh LEOs be protectin muh constitooshn.

yeah, not gonna happen bro. i get your point, but everyone in america is a fat lazy idiot even if they are redpilled

any time a gun owner tries to actually use their guns to protect their rights 99% of the other gun owners go 'FALSE FLAG TO TRY AND TAKE MY GUNS'

>Officer shaking a literal cumrags hand for no reason

Oh God

You don't know what a bump stock is do you?

Doubt it, communists are spineless queers who talk trash and expect others to fight for them. I just want to see commies get slotted by the police. My hatred for communists is beyond any hatred I have for any other group.
Bernie is gone
Colleges are empty
Families are reuniting
There is no desire for revolution
Communists are dying in the most humiliating way possible

I rarely see cops without them.
Sheriffs are a little different, but then they arent really cops.

>getting butthurt in the last thread so you have to make a new one

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>Don't agree with my hallowed Marx who I follow blindly?
>Don't want a Stalinist police state?
>Don't do exactly as I say you should do even though I'm your enemy?
>Be independent and self-sufficient and look out for your own rational interests?
Leftists live in upside down bizzarro world

Turn in your guns, and your freedoms but don’t you dare say anything racist on the internet or call faggot trannys, trannys !

They're both cops. What are you smoking?

so you're a cop or a cop's relative right?