They found out

they found out

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we need to push this narrative

The fire rises

if kikes lose the "holocaust card" they will lose their power.

No ono confontrs them because the fear of being called anti-semitic, if we end the holocaust narrative the jews will lose.

Same pic except with muslim slavery and piracy since the 700s vs american slavery. Now what?

Attrocities are bad, but people that make a favorite of one and magnify it need to fuck off

Niggers have been killing jews for a while. What have you done?

Who cares about your country, faggot


Meh its the same both ways.


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3000 a day, every day, for 5 years solid

t. Local kosher sales

well i imagine the niggers in your locale dont care about american slavery. euros could just replace "slavery" with "colonialism", should work well enough.

so fucking pumped, i cant wait for this to become common

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I wanna know why niggers are bitching about slavery not being taught enough in schools. As if they ever learned anything in school (lol) to begin with. I learned about slavery in school, maybe they just didnt pay attention.

stay out of Brooklyn for the next few weeks.

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who makes all the movies, series, books... about slavery ? (((them)))

because the kikes want the nigger to hate the whites.
If we change their hate towards the jews and not the whites we will win.

>they will lose their power.
As much I wish it to be true pedro, ((((they)))) have pretty much all of the wealth and ((((they)))) have all the positions of power.

Imagine if we could use niggers against kikes like kikes use niggers against us...

Where's all them "Doesn't compare" pictures. They are ripe for the picking. I'd do it but I'm out of burner emails and fake phone numbers to shitpost.

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yes the have the power, and you know why? because people have fear of the word -racist- and -anti-semitic- nothing more.

That makes them all the better targets when they lose their power with their Marxist language and conditioning


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There are no jews in Spain

Blacks don’t know Jews were heavily involved in the slave trade. They owned blacks

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And the hatred for white people continues to grow.

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>There are no jews in Spain

en España tenemos sefardís.

Mira los apellidos: Levy, Monasterio, Botín, Iglesias, Abadía, Monje, Abad,...

En USA tienen Ashkenazis.

Slavery was bad because it brought this trash here.

this. encourage downplaying narratives instead of denying them.

D__sc0rd 1nvite: HMm3ck


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Well that's racist

have a few relatives I’ve never met who lived during the holocaust and were Jewish luckily most lived in America or Britain but a few lived in Europe and weren’t so lucky. That being said Germany was much more apologetic over the holocaust than America is over slavery

Slavery is worse by default because the holocaust is a lie

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>if kikes lose the "holocaust card" they will lose their power.
nope. why do you think holocaust is a card in the first place? the power that makes it so will remain a power regardless. being labeled an antisemite is not its own punishment but simply makes you a target of jewish power. they have enough power to successfully deny any problem with the holocaust narrative anyway, and this power stems from the npc hordes of philosemite whites.

>people have fear of the word -racist- and -anti-semitic- nothing more.
True, but ((((they)))) have the media.
>they lose their power
It won't happen. I want it to, I really do, but it won't. The reason why it won't ?. Blacks and education are mutually exclusive. Yes, some blacks are educated, but no where near the amount needed to start taking down the kikes.

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