Sunni and Shia team up and chase Jews out of Paris
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So Diversity IS strength?
The Zionist plan is working perfectly, use the Muslims to destroy Europe and chase the Jews to Palestine to be used to push the Palestinians off the land, so they can build the temple for the anti-Christ.
Win Win Win
> Jews hate white christians so much for the holocauust they put all their wealth and energy into lobbying for mass migration of muslims
> muslims expel Jews
Behold the master chosen IQ race
get rid of them all.
fuck foreigners of all stripes.
Nobody will join your glownigger CIA chat.
>Video from 2016
Instant sage.
Jews that were born in France are French dumb bong faggot
What is going on in their honeypot all day? Is it the same discord these guys shill? Are they from the kike imageboards with bitcoinminers on their site?
Id rather have Jews than Mudshits most Jew shit is false too Israel would be pretty based if they removed faggots from their nation.
but they've been moving back to Israel user
A French person has no international home to retreat to, FRANCE is his home.
>if im born in africa i magically become a nigger and vice versa
fuck off you tranny cunt no one gives a shit baout your commie no border faggotry over here
Muslim migrant in France are 99.9% sunni. There are no shia
>There are no shia
Never. They are kikes
>Sunni and Shia team up and chase Jews out of Paris
unexpected muslim news. god bless them
No shia in fucking France, and all the Iranian coming to France are apostates and ex-Muslims.
>Jews that were born in France are French dumb bong faggot
Those are the 0.1 %
Extreme majority of migrant come from africa where there is no shia muslim.
Video is from 2016 ...
No they aren't
>The Zionist plan is working perfectly, use the Muslims to destroy Europe and chase the Jews to Palestine to be used to push the Palestinians off the land, so they can build the temple for the anti-Christ.
>Win Win Win
half right. heres the actual game plan
>The Zionist plan is working perfectly, use the Muslims to destroy Europe and chase the Jews to Palestine, then the jews are contained in one location and remove them
4200 odd years of waging war on our monarchy through banking was never going to end well. they thought "israel" was a gift, they were wrong.
yeah those are muslims alright
>unexpected muslim news
the video is from 2016
>Aug 2, 2016
>1 post by this ID
fuck off glownigger
>The Zionist plan is working perfectly, use the Muslims to destroy Europe and chase the Jews to Palestine to be used to push the Palestinians off the land
Correct. There are even videos of rabbis stating that this is their plan but people still won't believe it.
>Sunni and Shia team up and chase French out of Paris
You can take the sandnigger out of the desert, but you can't take the desert out of the sandnigger.
Finger to mouth
imagine pulling this off while STILL having the benefit of the doubt, this shit is beyond diabolical