/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3194

► Detected: 1,949,619 (+25,771) ► Died: 121,927 (+2,309) ► Day: 96 (-10:26:38)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.6x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,640 strains have been sequenced —


Pastor who thought virus was a hoax has died of coronavirus

Brazil has 225,000 undetected cases, researchers estimate

Putin willing to use Russian military to enforce lockdowns

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

WHO admits not everyone develops immunity after "recovery"

Virus invades nervous systems

18 year old teenager dies in Britain

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

Infection might cause male infertility

Virus inhibits body's immune function

WHO declared end of swine flu with only 18,500 confirmed dead

WHO says detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

Spain buys Chinese rapid tests, only 30% work

White House admits they lack tests

04:06: 211 new cases and 1 new death in Pakistan
04:03: 432 new cases and 21 new deaths in Germany
04:02: 471 new cases and 128 new deaths in Spain
04:00: 112 new cases and 50 new deaths in Piedmont, Italy
04:00: 27 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea
03:43: 59 new cases in Nevada


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Fucking retarded krauts!


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>only 25k new cases in the last 12 hours
please dont tell me this faggot virus is already over. i dont want to work next week. fuckthisfuckthis you told me its actually fucking happening and now i have to go to work AFTER 3 WQEEKS AGAIN FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK YOU

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It's just a flu, bro

N-N-nothingburger ......

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WHO went full kike when they declared as diseases playing videogames and not wanting to reproduce with tranies

#1 United States 588,958 (23,749) #2 Spain 172,541 (18,056) #3 Italy 159,516 (20,465) #4 France 136,779 (14,967) #5 Germany 130,694 (3,261) #6 United Kingdom 93,873 (12,107) #7 China 82,249 (3,341) #8 Iran 74,877 (4,683) #9 Turkey 61,049 (1,296) #10 Belgium 31,119 (4,157) #11 Netherlands 27,419 (2,945) #12 Canada 26,163 (823) #13 Switzerland 25,913 (1,162) #14 Brazil 23,955 (1,361) #15 Russia 21,102 (170) #16 Portugal 17,448 (567) #17 Austria 14,185 (384) #18 Israel 11,868 (117) #19 Sweden 11,445 (1,033) #20 Ireland 10,647 (365) #21 South Korea 10,564 (222) #22 India 10,541 (358) #23 Peru 9,784 (216) #24 Chile 7,917 (92) #25 Japan 7,645 (143) #26 Ecuador 7,529 (355) #27 Poland 7,049 (251) #28 Romania 6,879 (351) #29 Norway 6,623 (139) #30 Denmark 6,496 (299) #31 Australia 6,400 (61) #32 Czech Republic 6,059 (147) #33 Pakistan 5,837 (96) #34 Saudi Arabia 5,369 (73) #35 Philippines 5,223 (335)…

#1 United Kingdom +5,252 (+778) #2 Russia +2,774 (+22) #3 Spain +2,442 (+300) #4 United States +2,017 (+109) #5 Iran +1,574 (+98) #6 Netherlands +868 (+122) #7 Germany +622 (+67) #8 Belgium +530 (+254) #9 Brazil +525 (+33) #10 Portugal +514 (+32) #11 Sweden +497 (+114) #12 Canada +483 (+43) #13 Saudi Arabia +435 (+8) #14 Serbia +411 (+9) #15 Chile +392 (+10) #16 Belarus +362 (+4) #17 Mexico +353 (+36) #18 Pakistan +341 (+3) #19 Singapore +334 (+1) #20 Philippines +291 (+20) #21 Israel +282 (+1) #22 Indonesia +282 (+60) #23 Ukraine +270 (+5) #24 Romania +246 (+20) #25 Switzerland +225 (+24) #26 Moldova +222 (+1) #27 Bangladesh +209 (+7) #28 Denmark +178 (+14) #29 Malaysia +170 (+5) #30 Bahrain +161 (+1) #31 Austria +144 (+16) #32 Dominican Republic +119 (+6) #33 Poland +115 (+6) #34 Kazakhstan +111 (+2) #35 Finland +97 (+5)…

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>19 minutes until I can start the scheduled 2 hour Hall & Oates marathon
Goddamn clock can't move fast enough

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I know your being ironic and you actuallly want this to be over but I can’t fathom how someone who uses pol can be glad to return back to globohomo society
You people aren’t real you’re faceitious and don’t actually want change you just want status quo

Didn't you say wait 2 weeks ago 2 months ago? Maybe you and all of the faggots ITT were wrong

Fizzy worm anyone?

Ps wash your groceries

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Meant for but whatever

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Insider pastabro here.
Leaked numbers for today as usual.
Fuck the graph guy.
I don't have precise numbers for cases but who cares


~2.900 NEW CASES



~162.000 CASES

21.067 DEATHS

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Can't wait

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i was surprised at how unaffected soaked bananas were

>602 new deaths.

It's rising again, it will never stop... May God have mercy upon our souls.

That's the lowest number in a long time

wow it's already over in italy. looks like it was just a nothing burger after all

How many died in jew york today?

I can't fathom how you would think that everyone hiding under blankets at home was the change Yas Forums was talking about.

>even more deaths than last time

Why can’t we just cancel the rest of the working year for non essential staff and just go into lockdown until September world wide?

Our nations have lots of gold in their vaults for situations like these no?

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testing kits have run out

we /ecuador/ nao

Everyone should be worshiping our heroes on the front lines. Thank you, nurses, for sacrificing so much.

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>2 hour Hall & Oates marathon
please elaborate, I want in

What a cute presentation. God. I love those fucking things

>US has the most cases and deaths than any other country by double
>"hey guys lets re-open! what could possibly go wrong?"
The chaotic inner me wants this to happen, but I got a family to protect for fucks sakes

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>Cases dropping
You pastas lied to me about Easter

That gold is for actual situations. Not ones contrived by bureaucrats fucking around with statistics.

Nigger I'm dead serious, I don't wanna work. Hope all the kids are infecting their parents so number of infections rise again and I can keep staying at home.
God I hate retarded politicans who only care about some shitty green line.


>778 deaths in New York since yesterday, seconds highest death toll in a week
Andrew "the worst is over" Cuomo seems to be very optimistic if he assumes hospitalizations are going down for 1-2% of NY's population.

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>2 months into military lockdown
>still 3000/4000 new daily cases

Wtf Italy?

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hahah yes it's all still there don't worry

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are masks only good for not spreading and not for preventing catching it yourself or is it a meme

>Ecuador with ten times the population
Oh it's gonna get nasty

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>2900 new cases
It's finally dropping, or lolwhocountsonEaster?

Why hasn't Rome or any other city outside of the north become as bad as Lombardy? I imagine if Rome went as bad you'd easily be getting 1k+ daily death like we all hoped you guys would 3 weeks ago.

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> and there wasn't any real outbreak anywhere else than lombardy

Not enough

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Cant wait for Trump to reopen the USA and the second wave to be even stronger

Probably still a delay with testing

Italy numbers for testing 13/04/2020
the curve is FLATTENING

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We MaY bE tOo ScArEd ToO lEaVe

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>no test
>faggots will claim virus is over
It's realy frustrating sometimes

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me too lad

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Imagine she invites you over to her house to try some TaStY BAT SOUP that she cooked especially just for you.

What do you do?

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It’s just people not being tested. The amount of people that have it are probably 10+ million

they work in both ways

Is Italy okay? What the shit happened over there, since March the infections have been over the fucking moon.

Argentine GLOWNIGGER getting paid shekels to scare the Goyim

Rabbi, why don't you go slurp in a baby boy benis?

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