What is that makes manlets who rise to positions of authority so deranged and dangerous?

What is that makes manlets who rise to positions of authority so deranged and dangerous?

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size isn't everything...

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Judging by the nose or (((relatives))), jewish genes.

There were just as many tall dictators as there were short. Maybe you dont think about them being out of the ordinary because you expect them to be succesful in their "fiels or something". Anyways I am a manlet and I am a total uselèss waste of a human life, but there are also tall wastes of human life.

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>Judging by the nose or (((relatives))), jewish genes
Dont be stupid

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Where's hitler in that list?

5'9 is considered tall for us manlets.

>What is that makes manlets who rise to positions of authority so deranged and dangerous?

The anger they have within about a particular thing and the power they gain along the way.

funniest shit ever lmfao

Seriously, only the ching chong isn't a kike in this photo (but he is a psychopath too).

You forgot Hitler (5'8)

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hey where is the fuhrer?

You come from a nation of cowards and traitors, you couldn't possibly understand.

Churchill wasn't a manlet.

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In your mom's bedroom

Mussolini, Franco and Napoleon were 100% based

Yanks put the bust of Churchill in the white house because they wanted to know what it felt like to have strong wartime leader in the building

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stfu all those except bloomberg and and george orwell are based and cool

Now that's rich coming from you

Holy shit Franco was 5'4.

Never lost a war, keep yapping gypsy inbreds.

>Never lost a war, keep yapping gypsy inbreds
You lost the only war that mattered you fucking baboon

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It’s more of a hairline thing I bet, that shit makes u want to become supreme leader

>receding hairline user

Your royal family are also the only one european royal family that managed have a nigger member

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Because us shorties deal with your stupid bullshit all day about "dur im taller i better" so we climb the totem pole to remind you your height means nothing and a short man is emasculating you.

>never lost a war

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>war hero
>youngest general in europe
>managed to marry and have children with a qt
>saved his country and ruled it till his death

That's what I call self improvement.

Napoleon was average height.

You're still buying propaganda from over 200 years ago?

>have Churchill
>not having Stalin.
you can see in this image the Stalin was the manlet there.

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Who's top left?

lost 3 wars to Iceland