Home office fail

>be woman
>no brain
>work from home
>write login information on a postit
>put it on the monitor
>take picture of cat
>post it on twitter #workingfromhome
How can you be so stupid?

Attached: EVj9KjTWkAEilB-.jpg (1536x2048, 325.94K)

seems fake

Attached: 1568018684659.jpg (480x482, 37.1K)

what a nice cat

Attached: EVj9KjTXYAAEYxD.jpg (1536x2048, 326.23K)

everyone needs to see this cute cat

Attached: EVj9KjTXkAEeH6l.jpg (1536x2048, 341.53K)

Nice try glownigger

>login information
Those are financial accounts.

Attached: 1562397026043.jpg (706x706, 31.84K)

Attached: relaxing night.jpg (760x756, 183.57K)

you underestimate the power of women

Attached: if you believe.png (617x436, 220.19K)

Holy shit, those pictures are still up what the fuck are they doing ?

I fucking hate modern women so fucking much

>be woman
>post a funny email
>include all email adresses

Attached: EVklSSwWoAkSCip.jpg (2738x2738, 880.46K)

>EVER posting work anything on the internet

Attached: 1586730144007.jpg (417x649, 71.64K)

I think someone should email Chinese animal murder and torture videos to the email addresses in the image

anybody got a throwaway account?

There's nothing compromising there OP, you just dislike cats.

Attached: IMG_20200413_154347.jpg (4608x2176, 1.75M)

Look at that fluffy faggot. I bet it's such a brat.

password cat is in ur house
stealin ur passwords

Attached: 1515090469939.jpg (600x593, 41.24K)

I can use one of my proton accounts. What do you want me to send?

good for her, but still very negligent

>CNN Tab open
Well that explains everything.

how about something cute?

Attached: Cat_insides (2).jpg (1280x960, 474.18K)

That looks like my kitty. What are you doing with my kitty user?

Attached: kitty.png (540x346, 388.15K)

Nope not sending dead cat.

this guy knows to at least censor your screen

Attached: EU7s_FwWoAI7Zu0.jpg (2048x1534, 309.21K)

Well, at least she's using a thinkpad.

What kind of nigger works on a Mac?

its a guy, thats why

>What kind of nigger works on a Mac?
My wife would be one of those niggers. Her entire office is mac.. fucking morons.

Hopefully not like that doublenigger with an iPad and that abomination of 1mm travel chiclet keyboard+trackpad.

I fucking hate cats. I bought one and I keep it locked in a box with only its head sticking out and I always blow weed and cigarette smoke in its face and when it's time to feed it I shove a feeding tube down its throat. About six months ago I drastically upped its calories and now it's so fat that it barely has room to poop in there (I clean the box once a day via a small door I put into it). In another year I think I might let it out of the box when it's so fat and its muscles are so atrophied that it will never be able to walk. Then I'll kick it around and laugh as it meows in pain.

>Installing Win10 on a Thinkpad

>login information
That appears to be step-by-step instructions on filling out a spreadsheet?

After you killed my cat and made jokes about it here, my shilling went to new levels (and you joked about this here too).
It's all in the archives somewhere.
I love to expose your shit here, by the way.

Cant find older ones, guess someone alerts them and then they get removed.
The other ones not usable because the people use cameras with potato quality. So there is a benefit of being poor when you are poor

Attached: EU_bimIXsAA9MIB.jpg (2048x1536, 414.27K)

what are you nigger talking about?

What distro should I run if I'm a virgin? (Not a real irl virgin, that's why I run win10, wondering which distro would be easiest as a first time linux user)

*So there is a benefit of being poor when you are stupid


take meds.

This is so sad and so true.

>be me
>log into citrix
>open up outlook
>ignore my emails
>dont answer my phone
>just 8.5 hours of staring at my outlook inbox before my soul returns to my body and I can be a human again

Nah she has a box and a full size keyboard.

Most likely work issued, or she actually acted on some decent advice.
But saying that, it's a recent model. Things started going downhill after they changed the keyboard.

Goatsee with her login info notes shopped into the gaping asshole? Probably will keep her from making such a mistake again

some of them need a better camera, cant read their notes

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