Dairy farmers forced to dump milk as demand drops amid coronavirus closures

wtf is this shit? manufactured scarcity just out in the open.

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we live in a for profit world

oil production is also being slowed for same reason

How has demand dropped? Milk was sold out for weeks at my grocery store and they had a sign up limiting it to 2 per customer.

Maybe? Milk doesn't last very long, it needs to get to customers relatively quickly. If shipping is delayed and restaurants are not buying, it makes sense they have surplus they can't get rid of.

i know right. its almost like they are trying to induce panic

the stores are reducing the amounts they are ordering, which is why the dairies are now over producing. the stores are manufacturing scarcity.

It hasn't, the kike-owned companies are simply dumping all animal products in the trash and the government has been buying up all of the breeding stock and slaughtering them in preparation for a mandatory-meatless society.
You WILL eat the fucking bugs.

Why don't you link and then read the article?

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Correct. The government and you idiots have stopped buying direct so they rely on distributions chains. The chains are slowing down so they're not selling as much. Call local farmers if you live near them and see what you can buy direct from them if you're pissed.

Schools are closed. School lunches sell a lot of milk.

Couldn't they turn it to cheese and age it?

Restaurants all closed, demand goes down.
People stuck at home are eating non-perishable food, not going out every week and buying milk.

In the meantime, cows need to be milked every day. What do you do with the excess?
I buy from a local farm, usually 5 gallons a pop, and haven't changed just for this fake plague.

but I'll bet they're feeling the pinch, too.

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A lot of school and restaurant orders aren't coming in like usual. Also farmers are letting produce rot on the vine due to lack of workers. Meat plants are also closing due to sick workers. Apparently the business shutdowns weren't enough.

like other anons said they mean restraunts and businesses. Actual people and grocery consumers demand is high. Milk is also apprently treated as a hazardous material so they can't just bottle it and sell directly to consumers.

Holy fuck this
Tyson has also been heavily investing in fake meat so they will probably be fine and help facilitate this shit.

>so they can't just bottle it and sell directly to consumers.
In some states like Commiefornia this is true.
In other states, like PA, you can buy it direct from the farmer, take it right from the mixing tank and put it in your own bottles.

Will they be able to make an insurance claim from this?

Steinback writes in The Grapes of Wrath about farmers doing this in the `30s--dumping milk, oranges, etc., when Americans were going hungry.

That's an interesting question...
Apparently, some insurance companies are making the claim this is not really a pandemic, and not paying off.
They claim the burden of proof that it is a pandemic lies with those making the claims.

Jewish fuckery.

Yeah I'm sure all the restaurants closing down had no effect on demand, retard

They used to dump milk in protest, because the state governments were not controlling milk prices & the farmers claimed they didn't get enough money to make selling it worthwhile.
So they dumped it, instead.

The government then set milk prices, but what they really did to keep production flowing was to buy the surplus and store it as powdered milk.
The rats in the warehouses ate it then, of course.

name a common restaurant recipe that relies on real milk right now

to all the people saying schools are closed and restaurants are closed turning away customers - those people are still alive and can consume milk. they didnt lose customers those people and kids are still there. when i first read the article i thought they were going to try and say the milk was contaminated with corona or some shit that made it go bad and thats why they were having to dump it. in what world do you dump your surplus food when theres a so called pandemic ravaging the planet? when is that acceptable behavior?

This is fucked. I can’t even get half and half right now for my fucking coffee!

When you're America, and you're swimming in food, and can't find anywhere to store it all.
Grocery stores throw away perfectly good food all the time, because the government puts expiration dates on it that are WAY before the food actually goes bad.

Private and commercial milk have different supply lines and factories. It doesn't matter if you have a twice as much raw material if you don't have the throughput. You can't make a factory produce twice the amount of product it was designed to make

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What will the titty hormones do to the grass?

At least make cheese or some shit, damn

this, all other comments are fucking retarded

"Milk is also apprently treated as a hazardous material"

The pasteurization process requires them to boil the milk while in glass containers that are set into large pots of water, right?

It's to bad you can't preserve milk in anyway. Maybe they should ask cheese farmers how they preserve their liquid cheese.