Who was in the wrong here?
>White roastie sleeps with teacher to pass chemistry
>White single mom white roastie slaps whore daughter and kicks her out.
I would side with the mother but can't blame the daughter for becoming a whore when she learned it from her whore mother, notice how there's no father?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
The father is in the wrong for not being there
The simp chemistry teacher is to blame for not failing her ass regardless.
and gay
lol the video is fake both are Instagram influencers idk the name but I have seen the account
You also can't blame the father when the white roastie mother filed for divorce and has custody of their daughter. It's a Jew world user....
As a Jew and this being Yas Forums, I'd say it was us.
It's still the father's fault for getting involved with a women that would do that
Women have no agency therefore everything is always the man's fault
This, fuck her and fail her to teach the valuable lesson that you can't always fuck your way out of a problem.
>White roastie sleeps with teacher to pass chemistry
Show flag kike
Happens all the time
Women using pussy to get ahead in life
Pretty sure this will just kickstart her victim life and start an onlyfans where reddit cucks will donate
> giving a fuck about endless female drama
Fuck off OP
You need to leave this shit behind. There is always drama around women. Tomorrow it’ll be yet another situation like this one.
I wanna fuck both of them
Kill both.
i have another question how the hell did the mother found out about it?
Lay off the porn bro
I'm sure she bragged about it to classmates or some shit and someone (rightfully) ratted her out.
thanks for the sound warning. Im at work.
I am am expat also I meant influencers
here is the girls Instagram it was a sketch
its an Instagram sketch
what a whore kek
what the fuck is this amateur dramatics shit, im the wronged party for having to watch 30 seconds. fake as fuck and op is retarded for having to put more than 10 seconds of thought into this
I don't care about the drama just tired of these roasties.
You know this video is fake and was for a drama class or something like that right
Fuck off, stop ruining my thread, go shill somewhere else. I need my fucking (you)s.
So i am supposed to believe all the shitty theories and "the jews" bla bla on here but you spastics didnt even figure out this shit is fake?
it is fake here is the link
lol dont post fake stuff and I won't
Fuck off.
/thread. divorce and broken families are a Jew business