Get this through your thick skulls Drumpftards. President Hillary won the election FAIR AND SQUARE. What part of democracy do you not understand? I know Drumpftards have a difficult time with logic, but more votes means you won. See? The blue number is bigger than the red one, dumb dumb. I cant believe Drumpftards are still living in denial over this. Just accept it, you fucking lost. PERIOD.
it's a republic. only idiots think they pick the president
Dylan Martinez
So why wasn't she sworn in?
Easton Morales
Electoral College got ya boilin'! Trump owns ya!
Colton Watson
Low effort troll, Yas Forums has not supported (((zion Don))) since 2017. SAGED!
Grayson Carter
>SHE. FUCKING. WON. And yet, who is the one who got the job?
Parker Morris
Why do bongs think we care about their opinions on politics? We dont give a fuck about your inbred royals.
Matthew Myers
Actually, neither of them truly won the “popular vote”. Most people didn’t vote. It’s not because they’re lazy or can’t figure out how to vote, but they didn’t want either of those people to be president. No one won the popular vote.
Once you account for the illegals and the blatant voter fraud she didn't even come near the popular vote. Besides, we're a republic. She could have gotten 100% of the vote in CA, NY, and every other state she won, and still lost the actual, real, election.
Robert Moore
>popular vote passes Today is 47th election in a row where California wasnt able to submit vote counts until they found out exactly how many votes the democrat needs to win.
Justin Lee
Importing voters doesn’t sound very fair and square to me
William Mitchell
>everyone knows about the rules of Monopoly >you get the most money >opponent gets all the important properties >you don't have the important properties >you lose everything on one wrong move >you act like a little bitch because you had a bigger number in one spot >... but that wasn't part of the rules to win
Oliver Smith
REEEEEEEEEEEE. I WAS PLAYING CHECKERS, not chess. NOW KING MY PAWN. That’s not how it works, Abdul.
Oh look, another eurotwat who knows NOTHING about America's system of government, yet feels entitled to lecture us based on his ignorance.
Evan Price
>SHE. FUCKING. WON. 7.3 million fraud votes for Hillary She won
Bentley Thompson
LMAO at all the seething Drumpftards in this thread, totally disillusioned as Drumpf (his real name) is exposed as a fraud. And people are trying to create analogies (a logical fallacy) to suggest Hillary didn't win. They weren't playing Chess or Monopoly were they thickos, they were in an ELECTION. ELECTION (I repeat for rural and suburban people who aren't used to such complex thoughts).
It’s the United States of AMERICA, not the United States of CA & NY. She lost because early patriots understood Plato’s Republic (at a minimum). Moreover she deserved to lose, so get over it.
Not everyone here is a Nazi brainlet. I like Trump, and I think he's doing a good job despite a hostile media.
David Gomez
I don't like it when people post the exact numbers, because they aren't exact. When what's-her-name was doing her recount, they "found" differences from what was first reported.