Boomers are still walking around NYC without masks on

Do they think they're being brave, or worse, impressing others by refusing to take the same precautions as everyone else?
Don't they realize that everything has been shutdown primarily to protect THEM, the demographic most susceptible to the Chink Flu?

Attached: masklessboomer.png (958x540, 552.06K)

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Or just wise enough to know it’s all bullshit.

OK Karen

Boomer probably can't even buy any because all the /cvg/ retards bought them all and boomers don't know how to shop online.

Better than living in fear.

>Or just wise enough to know it’s all bullshit.
Doesn't matter.
The mitigation measures, including shutting down much of our economy and causing record unemployment, are being done ostensibly to protect THEM, and are being demanded by THEM:
Even if it's a nothing burger, they should at least have to suffer the inconvenience of wearing masks and gloves at all times when outdoors.

If we have to put up with all of this shit, they should be publicly shamed for setting foot outside without any PPE on.

OK Koran

That guy is gen x at best

Walking around without a mask right now is pussy repellent, it means you dont give a shit about anyone, not even yourself. Real or fake, if you're dumb enough to ruin your own social capital over pride you deserve all the hate you get. In practice you look like a nihilist retard with no self respect.

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People are walking around like it's normal because it is. This shit was over blown and you drank the government Kool-Aid.

Source: I live in the area.
You cant find a fucking mask. anywhere.

boomers arent a single person shill nigger. There are ones you can respect

You people look like losers afraid of the outside. Sorry your not strong enough to live without a mask.

we're at the point where the mask wearers are the npcs

>hes scared of a little flu

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You didn't wear masks last year or the year before during flu season. Why would you wear them now?

Good for him.
The world is a fucking joke right now.
Everyone is living in fear, normies (You) really showing off the spineless cowards they are.

know people who literally dont step out of their house for weeks because of the fear.

Mask wearers are NPCs.

I dont give a shit about it desu, making yourself a target is bad optics.

Attached: The Octo Expansion.png (500x775, 483.71K)

>no self respect
>Doing things because of what others may think

Besides masks are only for people with symptoms or healthcare personnel.

Finally some fucking sense. Is there anything more pathetic than seeing some millennial in perfect health wearing a mask while walking outside?

I don't wear a mask because I'm not a retarded shill with a weak immune system.
Corona is the hero we needed.

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>implying chink flue can affect humans
nice try chang

Cloth masks are fucking useless and cause more damage than they prevent. The cloth becomes saturated with saliva so every time they breath hard or coof they spray concentrated saliva droplets out into the air. Fucking stupid bullshit. The only effective masks are N95 mask or respirator.

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Swedboomers are a joke too. Literally blowing their noses in the air as if the paper handkerchief wasn't invented.

Swedish men in general should be removed and replaced with east asians. Because they are bros. Swedish men are guilty of the worst case of sneezing and coffing into the air and spitting I've ever seen.

Pic related, because the people that got their undies in a bundle over someone DARING to point out that climate change is double plus ungood are the are nothingburgers too.

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Irrelevant, you must be humble enough to understand that this isnt your society, you're a slave living in someone elses. Things may change, but giving attention to yourself is foolish. Wear a mask, figuratively and literally.

because Chinese agents bought up all the masks back in January. Not everyone has respirator mask lying around the house for no reason because they always thought that they would just go by them when they need them, so they were caught flat footed a hen an army of chinks spent millions of dollars to buy up all the PPE in the world and sent it back to Beijing, while Beijing downplayed the threat of the virus and pressured the WHO into playing along.

Mask wearers who are not coughing or sneezing are peak NPCs.
Walk wherever the hell you want, keep your hands to yourself and use alcohol/soap before touching other parts of your body or dicking around on your phone. Boom, problem solved, save for being coofed all over your face.

NYC is degeneracy incarnate. Nothing there should surprise you.

Good joke

That cloth mask is useless anyways, it's just virtue signaling to call the boomers out.

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make one, you lazy fat

>Besides masks are only for people with symptoms
Nope, all types of masks reduce the risk of infection.
However there are "suegical masks" that are made to stop someone else from getting you infected and are used often by medical professionals.

>Nope, all types of masks reduce the risk of infection.
No, no they don't.
t. Firefighter Paramedic 15+ years