The most parasitic nation of Europe. Let's have a discussion about the mongrel Dutch...

The most parasitic nation of Europe. Let's have a discussion about the mongrel Dutch. What does Yas Forums think of the Netherlands?

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I very much like the Netherlands, as I do most every European country

They never fail to make southrons seethe

Dutch although they are shitty and helped create liberalism are within reach of being bullied into submission. Basically much better versions of the english

They are the swiss colony of sorts, kinda official face of the banking to hide under the tail lichtenstein and co

>Most parasitic nation of Europe
The royal club

>The most parasitic nation of Europe
that would be Switzerland

you Dutch have plenty of southron genes yourself, it's not like you were some hyperboreans from Siberia

Gig is up fellow dutchies. Lets trick these southern idiots with weed and prostitutes again. Maybe we should throw in some shiny beads this time.

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>What does Yas Forums think of the Netherlands?
Germans in denial.

>The most parasitic nation of Europe.
That would be Belgium.

Durchfags universally get offended when I advocate for becoming a province of a new German Reich.

lel. As if there is a difference between NL, Austria, Flanders and the majority of Switzerland. All of you are Germans in denial.

>most parasitic
>not the Germans
Try again

>Calling anyone else a parasite

Home of some of the hook nosed garbage who crapped all over everything since the Dark Ages.


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That's what I say too. It's not even meant as any form of hate or shilling. We more or less share the same ethnic and linguistic background. To sperg out over these minot differences is irrelevant compared to the benefits a more powerful countries brings.
Just don't let us join in on the German cucked holohoax reparation gibs if we fuse with their Germans.

>germans more parasitic than belgians
user why :(

>Just don't let us join in on the German cucked holohoax reparation gibs if we fuse with their Germans.
Perhaps you can keep German cuckery on a leash if you all fuse.

What does it feel like having the same gdp as a failure of a country like greece?

They are worse than jews.

Dutch imperialism was one big failure when you think about it

Based and white. Also sends us money.

statistically, you're probably shitskins

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You are just as bad you fucking leaf.

epic meme nation almost like finland
dude weed lmfao
effeminate baldcels

maybe greece now that it's a fucking chinese trojan horse.

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I want to ask them why they love jews and Israel so much. Every single Dutch person I meet and know, will viciously defend Israel and jews in a discussion.

They pay Aquafresh a licence fee of 5 million Euros a year for the use of the Aquafresh flag.

damn you hurt my feelings now i gonna cry why u so mean?

A look another salty beggar thread.

Nederland is so flat. Sooo flat. Polders here polders there, and its so samy.

Don't call it Germany then. Maybe a United Hanseatic Confederation, or a misnomer like the Holy Roman Empire.

When the political entity of Germany is dissolved, so too is the burden of guilt. The blood debt is inherited by the succeeding nation-state.

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show your pathetic country you fucking meme flag. how dare you to bother our stealth germans neighbors

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Not again. Fucking butthurt. And with a memeflag too.

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>biggest contribution per capita to EU
>somehow biggest parasites
This is why we should leave the EU and let the southerns rot in their shit.

fucking jewish shithole

LOL. I wonder how he's doing.

I dont consider Belgium real so you were the next best thing, also dont blame yourself, blame your constant supply of retarded governments.

jew articles created by jews to propagate their jew propaganda.

only jews post frogs kys moshe

Germans are just the manlet versions of Dutch

That’s are Barcalona flag. The gayest city in the Middle East.

Catalonia is full of sand niggers

The USA gene pool is what I leave in my toilet.

You're a chink. Leave.

Catalonia is a memeflag

It's the Catalonian flag.

Imagine that you expect ppl to give a fuck because some random internet incel virgin doesn’t consider their country “real”

Nobody actually gives a shit what that dump is called.

Enough talk, time to pay for bonds.

jo wtf did we do wrong all of the sudden so many toothpase hate threats

Catawhatta? fuck of moor.

I love being Dutch.

I also like the attention the Dutch people get on /pol.
Everyday there is a Dutch it.

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And at the end of the day Italy and Spain are still third world countries.

and the coronakills is proof they have a shitty healthcare system. Fuck those half arab niggers anyway.

We didn’t GIB the GIBZ to the roma kangz down south.

You will bow down eventually.

meds are mad because of no gibs

Reminder that we literally created the modern world