Red pill me on why UBI is a bad thing. >Muh bread lines >muh rations You rednecks pay taxes into the fucking government every year for them to send you to war, and you want nothing in return. You clearly dont love your freedom. You'll get raped like the Germans did the moment you lose. Instead of putting a UBI toward your kids college fund, you choose desperate poverty in the same government that literally creates the job that pays you next to nothing. They brag about how many jobs they give you every year, you're nothing but a slave. You literally deny payment, because slaves dont deserve money, they don't deserve a UBI.
They’ll just argue against you and act like being enslaved is a good thing.
Luke Ward
It literally is not arithmetically possible to give every american 1k per month and expect to recoup costs by cutting all other social services, beause it would cost more than the entire federal buget.
328 million americans at 1k monthly ubi = 3.9 trillion. Total overnment expenditure = 3.8T
The same relative numbers and argument applies to canada, and probably every other country.
And this is before accounting for the purchasing power collapse of any currency this is attempted with.
The idea that you can create prosperity by giving away free shit is nonsense. Prosperity is created via investment and work. >grug we can all be rich if everone gets a free deer >ok ug, who go hunt everyone get deer? And if anyone go hunt anyway, why anybody need free deer? Sound like you lazy
Adam Cox
>id t-bux
Matthew Barnes
>Takes money from guy who builds something >Gives it to a guy who builds nothing in exchange for vote >Something something slavery enslaved
Xavier King
This. >one guy builds 2 houses, other guy builds none >everyone deserves house, take the spare and give it to the one with none >next pair of guys, guy 1 builds 1 house because he knows if he builds 2 its wasted effort, guy 2 builds none, guy 2 demands half a house. >continue until guy one snaps, decides that building stuff is not worth it at all
Carson King
What are you going to buy with your money if noone produces anything?
Bentley Thompson
Because the weak need to die, not be propped up by the strong.
Isaiah Adams
It isn’t bad boomers only want handouts when they are in on the action.
Asher Reyes
>props up the weak with his cuck bux like a paypig Woah such honor much integrity
Charles Scott
You are all fucking retarded and during the Yang shilling people argued about this a lot. There is no point in discussing with retards, reality doesn't matter to them, neither causes or consequences of problems. You want to repeat whatever the jews are pushing at the moment (UBI, in this case) and replying to this crap will only fall in a infinite loop.
Zachary Hall
(1/2) Reduced Ubi for children drops it to about 3.2 trillion. VAT introduced everywhere means no tax free bullshit. Taxation throughout the distribution system, not just the end sale. This makes Amazon and other distributors actually contribute to taxes.
Will there be some inflation? Sure. Will it outpace the increased income for anyone earning 100k single or 200k as a couple? No. UBI increases the amount of money changing hands, the number of hands touching it, and the speed at which it does. Those are all traits of a healthy economy. In fact, whenever we face a depression a form of ubi is prescribed as the solution and lauded for its effectiveness.
We all know the real inflation comes from the 15/16 of the 4 trillion going to wall street bailouts instead of the 1/16 for trump bucks. No VAT to recoup some of the cost with bailouts.
It will also raise taxes, but again you need to be earning more than 100k single or 200k joint to even be close to having the extra 12k or 24k eaten by a combo of taxes and inflation. Literally only a positive for 93%+ of the nation.
Daniel Ross
(2/2) UBI+VAT is primarily a tax on businesses to redistribute profits to consumers. Businesses eat a marginal amount of the tax rather than passthrough the full amount to the consumer (not inflation, tax increase). They eat this because of competition. They can afford to slim their margins because 250+ million consumers have a guaranteed increased 1k to spend. Selling a higher volume is all but guaranteed in this scenario.
The opposition is because:
1. The inflation is actually healthy for the little guys. It devalues the extreme wealth of the elite. 1 billion usd undergoing 5% inflation is a 50 million loss offset with a 12k pittance. 100k usd at 5% inflation is a 5k loss with 12k increase to offset.
2. It will shake up wall street. Establishing a new game that rewards higher volume and slimmer margins will create a scramble for many old business models to reinvent the wheel
3. It will gateway to further socialized government programs like universal healthcare and kill for profit middlemen in the insurance industry
Tyler Davis
Find me the 3.2 trillion combined in cuts and tax increases (and dont forget to account for capital flight)
Lincoln Walker
UBI is fine if it is linked to educational programs/ new forms of work based on learning how to become more integrated into society.
It has zero benefit if it is just free money - that is silly and will only cause harm.
Jackson Hill
it isn't
The faggots in charge want you to believe: a) "we can't afford it" b) "it would make people lazy" both are bullshit The top 1% in each country can singlehandedly feed the entire world Current money distribution is fucking ridiculous, we have celebrities, athletes and politicians who enjoy ridiculous pay, meanwhile a person who works their ass off doing 2 low-tier jobs can just barely make ends meet (especially if they're in debt) As for the laziness part, it can easily be dismissed by having restrictions.
UBI is an ideal for a nationalistic system It would keep countless people happy, and would boost the economy as
The only thing you need to have a working UBI is restrictions, for example: No money for lawbreakers, alcoholics or drug addicts No money for people with too much money No money for illegal immigrants
Basically, as long as UBI isn't abusable, it can't go wrong. You only need to enforce the restrictions.
Good reasons for UBI: >boosted health of citizens more money and time means people can afford to eat better and spend on gyms and healthcare. Less stress and more choice will also directly affect the amount of mental illnesses and suicide rates.
>happier citizens more free time and wealth is a better situation no matter how you look at it, people can afford to do more recreational activity and exercise, meaning their motivation and work efficiency should also be increased
>improved economy more people can afford to buy and invest, meaning that as people have more to spend, the money will be circulating instead of sitting in some multibillionaires bank account.
>less overloaded medical staff healthier people don't need as much care, and increased income allows more people access to private medical services
Jeremiah Jenkins
>reddit spacing You've told me you're lying and I don't even have to waste the effort of reading your post! Thanks!
Parker Morgan
If you have to be told then you should be thrown in the shallow grave with the rest of the garbage.
You stupid fuck, relying on some nanny government for your food and housing makes you a slave.
Dylan Torres
>reddit spacing
No such fucking think you group think drone child.
Mason Reyes
MMT you collosal faggot.
Brayden Cruz
is subsidizing laziness and lack of ambition a good thing, specifically at the expense of the productive? we basically do it now with blacks. how is it working? every way you can measure behavior patterns to judge the health of a society, blacks are on the bad side of. surely some of it is genetic, but some is environmental. are you aware that previous to LBJ's great society blacks had lower divorce rates, lower illegitimacy rates, higher small business ownership, and lower unemployment than their white counterparts? surely some of this was a result of basically living in their own sub-society, but i would argue that most of the switch since is not due to social integration, but to the handouts that were not present before in that sub-society that removed the father from the home as the disciplinarian and breadwinner, replaced only by a handout.
a lot is recouped through the VAT (Whole supply chain, not just end sale. The good does not have to be sold in the U.S. to generate tax revenue. If an American Corp is involved in the exchange of a good money is raised) , some is absorbing the money already spent on welfare (administrative waste) some comes from reduction in spending for jails and crime in general (12k a year makes prison seem less appealing as guaranteed bnb), some comes from little guys opening up small businesses (we all know the bulk of taxes are shouldered by the little guys. Create the incentive for more of them to exist and you recoup more in taxes than you get from giant distributors like Amazon and Wal-Mart). In the short term it would surely be short of 3.2 trillion because the gains from these changes take time to manifest. It's an investment, not an instantaneous fix.
Brody Long
How much is the handout and how much is incarcerating dads over several generations?
Kayden Foster
Honestly it's really not. We all buy into the fiction of common property (such as when the federal government auctions off leases for oil drilling, mining, lumber, etc) and so rather than letting such go cheap we should value it more appropriately and the funds should go to the people, sort of like what is done in Alaska. Also if we implemented a UBI then the pointless people can just go fuck off and quite being in the way. Most progress comes from just a handful of people making breakthroughs and innovations, not the mindless grinding of millions of incompetents. By allowing such idiots to just go pointlessly exist, we then free up the education system and industry from such bullshit as "no child left behind", affirmative action, and so on. Without having to proper up retards and "minorities" imagine how much more efficient and effective pretty much everything would become. A perfect example is absolutely any interaction with the government, since it's basically just a massive jobs program for niggers and such. Imagine if we got rid of all that, and simply paid such detritus to stay out of the way. Then if I have to go pay a ticket I could simply do it online or through an automated kiosk rather than having to interact with illiterate sheboons. Similarly at the post office, since anyone who worked would do so because they wish to and to get ahead. UBI is the answer to the lie of equality. Most people are dead weight. Most people add nothing to academia/industry/art/etc. Treating niggers as equally capable as whites makes everything worse. In the end it will probably save us billions or even trillions of dollars. Probably decrease the population of undesirables even, since they'll no longer be incentivized to reproduce for income. Under the current system, useless niggers and trash get more money for every niglet they spawn, imagine instead they get a set amount of money, and so (as is correct) every nig they spawn becomes an expense to them personally.
Oliver Williams
>1 post by this ID
OP is not interested in learning, he's doing drive-by thread spamming to normalize his commie bullshit. They do the same thing with the constant >hey guys let's go kill landlords and twitter screencap shit.
There's no point debating UBI in the first place because literally LITERALLY the only people who want it are loser pieces of shit who want to leech off others. There is not a productive, competent, red-blooded man on the whole planet who wakes up and goes >you know what would be really great, having my paycheck raped with quadrupled taxes to fund immigrants, single mothers, and an army of tubby incels who are too lazy to sweep floors or flip burgers and want someone to pay them to play video games all day The economics don't even matter, because the only people who want advocate for UBI here aren't benevolent philospher kings pontificating on the best way to organize society, they're simply the class of leeches who calculate that they personally would have the most to gain by seeing this implemented.
It's like how single mothers vote Democrat by 90% margins. Do you think the single mothers are overwhelmingly supporting the Clintons, Bidens, etc. of the world because after selfless policy analysis they determined that is the greater good for society? or are they doing that for entirely self-serving reasons because they predict that it will give them the most gibs?
it's not the welfare that ruined blacks, it's the jews that popularized crime, rap and degeneracy, while essentially destroying any civility and class they had, even for the rich.
Now, it's all about looking rich and having gold shit everywhere, smoking weed and talking about status and "respect" that was neither earned or deserved
Henry Reyes
>Red pill me on why UBI is a bad thing. because America isn't a communist nation, in a capitalist nation a public dividend is provided to the citizen for corporate use of the commons,
David Martinez
>Good reasons for UBI: you refusal to abandon the use of this term paints you as a collaborator
Brandon Wood
>it's the jews that popularized crime, rap and degeneracy, while essentially destroying any civility and class they had, even for the rich. it began with the way they handled the legal cases, Chinese people hired lawyers who worked for them, blacks got free lawyers who never acted on the best interests of their clients, the results speak for themselves
Jordan Morris
bad faith strawman bait post. sage
Grayson Cruz
Getting what you pay as taxes back as services (free-to-use healthcare, education, transport etc.) Will turn you into a Scandinavian hellhole.
Better that most of your healthcare costs go to insurance companies and to fund gender queer research and so on.
Here 100% of the healthcare cost goes straight to doctors, medicine and equipment. Nobody profits other than healthcare worker wages. Even drug companies get less money to R&D from Norway. Medicine that costs $500 per bottle in America costs $0.5 for the Norwegian government to buy because the government buys in bulk and discusses down the price because they know all alternatives and so on. And many make equivalent medicine.
There would not have been as much medicinal research if your government paid as little as possible and had drug companies compete in price to be the standard. And almost all your healthcare cost goes to insurance companies, very little of it goes to doctors, medicine and medical equipment. Just imagine all the lost jobs in the insurance industry, it works here because we never had health insurance (or like Germany where insurance companies are not allowed to have any profit. Germans manage to keep some insurance workers with a job, but if there is just a tax making it run as a free service like the library or fire department then it would be a total disaster.)
Remember, America, you used to have private fire departments where they used to refuse service unless you had the correct kind of insurance from the correct company or unless you agreed to pay for letting them try to rescue your children from the fire. Then American communist politicians nationalised it. Do you want to turn healthcare into a service like the fire department? I think not.
Jace Reed
I mean if you cannot see the correlation, it may be an ideological blinding. it should be very obvious that just as the civil rights movement happened and the great society was passed that the black family began to break down resulting in men not staying home with any sort of responsibility to their children, resulting in a criminality spike.
you are an obvious idiot that doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about. while i would not argue that jewish influence enhanced degeneracy and a movement away from God for black folks, the primary problem with blacks is that the government is taking advantage of their laziness and lack of responsibility by offering the men a way out of their families. to understand this, maybe you need to be american and actually have lived around blacks and understand black history previous to the civil rights movement. every other reason provided by the kikes and nogs is an excuse or justification. the core causality is very obviously government leveraging against their bad traits.