How can the United States end the two-party system?
How can the United States end the two-party system?
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vote for the third.
it's a tool of the oligarchy to give no alternative to the voters.
First Past the Post makes that impossible. Plus, our third parties are all fucking shit.
>post about two party system when a Sven asks why we don’t have Id laws
>this thread pops up in my feed
The entire western world is completely run and operated by the oligopolies of oil tycoons and industrial titans who use "liberal democracy" as a means to an end which boils down to raising their profit margins. you're delusional if you think any nation on earth is truly democratic.
But some are more democratic than others.
don't believe it, this planet is a spookocracy.
2 party systems force the extremes back into the centre since socialists are forced to vote for liberals and the fascists forced to vote for conservatives. Thus, FPTP has a moderating influence on democracy.
Limit voting to people with extremely high requirements so retards, immigrants, teenagers, welfare queens and kangz, government employees, contractors and every other easily manipulable imbecile can't vote.
Doesn't this reinforce the point that conservativism and liberalism are the two dominant forces and that socialism and fascism are almost non-existent?
Why should they? As troublesome as a two party system is, blowing the doors off for many parties leads to shit like Trudeau where the votes are divided out over 5-6 parties and they guy that got 22% support wins.
Yes, they are the dominant forces. But that doesn't mean the parties represent those forces well.
This, and ban all women from voting.
The stupid masses are self-interested ergo they'll try to follow their interests to the best of their ability. The intelligent elite is self-interested and thus they'll try to follow their self-interest. Ergo If the stupid masses give power to the intelligent elite then the elite will follow their self-interest and the detriment of the masses. Ergo, the masses are better off looking out for their own interests even with their limited ability.
But we can easily do run-off elections to prevent that.
So it doesn't deny my earlier argument that fptp is a moderating influence. Since it takes power away from the fringes of the overtone window.
How do you represent them? Set up a deal where 10% of minorities will be made insta millionaires on government dole, but as compromise 10% of minorities get gassed?
What should be done in the case of Condorcet paradox? Where The people prefer candidate A to B, B to C and C to A?
Fuck you and your commie rhetoric, kike. Millions of middle and upper class adults with regular jobs and, at least, a high school diploma would vote.
>How can the United States end the two-party system?
It's almost impossible to get rid of tics that are dug in deep on a dog.
And then the run off gets cancelled because some party like the Greens agree to toss their 5% to the first guy and call it a coalition.
Unironically this
Funny way of speeling 'kikes'
Abolish the republic
But is that really representative of the beliefs of the people?
Mixed-Member Proportional
Fuck if I know.
like who? Gary Johnson? Nader? the turd party is never competent though I would say they are a leg up from the democrats.
That wasn't "rhetoric" it was logic. I made an argument which you've failed to address. These "millions of middle and upper-class adults with regular jobs and, at least, a high school diploma" are self-interested ergo they'll pursue their self-interest even if it conflicts with the interests of those you deprived of the right to vote of. Ergo my earlier conclusion still stands the people you want to deprive of their vote are better off trying to vote in their best interest than letting their "betters" rule over them.
expel the Jew
This is during elections, that's not how that works. Plus, in our case, coalition government probably wouldn't be an issue. The House focuses on the House, the Senate focuses on the Senate, and the Presidency mainly focuses on the Presidency, it's up to the three to work together so it doesn't really matter who's Speaker of the House and Senate Majority leader in this scenario.