2 shitlib academics executed by daughters nigger boyfriend

It's all so tiresome. heavy.com/news/2020/04/dr-beth-potter-robin-carre/

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God they have the most punchable faces I've ever encountered.

>no one takes anyone's name
>adopted daughter
>let her run off with a nigger

it's all so tiresome

okay based getting rid of them though.

>Anyone who constantly wears a scarf as a fucking fashion accessory.
Jesus Gaylord Christ.

>Adopt Mexican teen, tell mexican teen she can't date nigger due to social distancing, nigger kills parents, mexican teen gives head to conquistador before police put him in juvi for two years.
Tale as old as time.

>A criminal complaint has now been filed alleging that Potter and Carre had kicked Sanford, their daughter’s boyfriend, out of their house and into an Airbnb because they were allegedly concerned the pair was refusing to social distance due to COVID-19.

Well, if you act like a racist POS don't be surprised when it comes back to bite you in the ass.

toll paid in full yet again

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Or..... and hear me out.... just spitballn here.... orrr.... they were fucking.

Sounds like a cuck got his fast pass to hell.

Florida strikes again. I still don't get it, even for Florida, if it was Brazil, of the republic of Congo, or Iraq or.... nope, FLORIDA.

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Jewess adopts shitskin daughter, names her Miriam (Hebrew: sea of sorrow). Mom encourages and facilitates coal burning daughter. Miriam sets up mom and dad to get murdered and robbed by a couple of niggers.

Exactly. Rich social climbing bitch parents lost their cool because daddy's little princess was "defiled" by a black man. So instead of acting like mature adults about the situation they blew up and kicked the poor kid out of the house and left him high and fucking dry in the middle of an epidemic.


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a true smile is only possible through the eyes

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They paid for his airBnB what more do you want. Guess that's not enough when you get fucking killed for it. EVERY GOOD DEED!

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the swamp gas makes people crazy


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> academics

No real loss

This is a good thing
>exposes womens self centered behavior
>exposes niggers for what they are
>kills off retarded genepools of people

Everything about this screams based

But the studies! the papers! the lessons!

They offered to put them up in rental house. They were gonna pay for them to live on their own because they wouldn't follow social distancing rules. And these niggers killed them for it.

>They paid for his airBnB what more do you want.

And what is he supposed to do for food? Hygiene? Transportation? Entertainment?

I mean how would you feel if your landlord just kicked you out suddenly on some b.s. pretext? Would you just take it meekly like a cuck?

She may have beaner blood, but I'm getting that nig vibe as well.

Nah, Imma keel a mu'fugga. Fugg'n raciss.

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uh, hello, is this the BASED DEPARTMENT?

Yeah, and if my landlord stopped paying my rent for me? Boy then I’d be PISSED

Sanford and Gun

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I looked at pic and thought they were lesbians.

Russians are force-meming this story hard mode. Dozens of threads ever fucking day, same shitfilled slavs.

>Parents put you up in an Airbnb so you can suck dick all day
>Somehow need money for ????
>Could just ask them for money since they're clearly pushovers
>Carlton Banks with Down's Syndrome has already had them kidnapped and shot before you can even finish a thought

genepools? They academic women was undoubtedly barren and the assailants won't be getting life in prison (tragically!)

LOL they look like they deserved it.

>dying words of her father

He probably called him a nigger and cursed himself for being a liberal.

When I saw the name this is immediately what I thought of lmao

Nah, here's what he whispered before he expired
>at least I wasn't racist

There bios don't read like they were very bad people, but who really knows.

>If your daughter dates a black man you'd better be willing to pay for that man's food, living, hygiene, transportation (to break the social distancing, not work), and entertainment!

Yes. The only reasonable solution to being thrown out of a house you arent paying for is to rob and execute your girlfriend's parents and become someones ripe 18yr old fuck hole in prison; only to remain there, fully housed and fed (no need for transportation, lol) until we have a permanent base on Mars.

>adopted nigger daughter
>thought they could outrun nature
>we'll raise her to be a good girl
>didn't account for her genetic tendencies
>she plots your death with her retard nigger homies
The trash taking itself out. 5 pieces of shit off the streets.