why are you not joining this lawsuit ?
Why are you not joining this lawsuit ?
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please tell me this is a gofundme thing
virus is a jew mutt project meant to gaslight a reason to invade china
fuck off jew
i wonna cum in ur mouth
Not a good picture to post when you're the pig part of the chimera.
What is it with Americans and lawsuits?
t. gook
Not a single dime will be given to the Mutts.
If you want something, come and try to take some.
Chinks must pay with their blood, not money
Why don’t we just nuke them into oblivion for fun?
>6 gorillion infected
>fat paycheck from brother Xi
Oh, I see...
its clear as day if you arent a zionist drone
That's a funny way to say war
Just glass the gobi desert.
Too cowardly to physically go up to others and say they were wronged, duel them over it, and let the survivor's story be the truth
It's jews. This is why businesses ran away to China. Now that America is bankrupt, Israel sues globally.
I totally would if I could. And if yet another pandemy happens in China because dirty wet markets, we would already have a legal base of how to deal with it.
It’s pointless. The only people who will profit are lawyers. If they win, everybody will get $8. The lawyers, $8 million.
>no u white piggu
Oh that's right mexico doesn't believe in the virus at all because thier leaders would rsther say that than state the fact that they can't do anything about it even if they cared about the people.
>file a lawsuit in some lower court of your shithole city against superpowr with nukes
Are they retarded? There is no international epidemics court, there are no precendents for that.
retard opinion.
China sat back and allowed the infection of thousands of our people when they could've prevented it.
All of the ecnomomic halts are their doing and their negligence malfeasance is the sole cause.
They will pay one way or another, look forward to the state forcibly appropriating chinese owned assets in our countries, as well as sanctions going forward.
China really shot themselves in the foot with this one.
>virus is a jew mutt project meant to gaslight a reason to invade china
>fuck off jew
Why does every CCP shill try to spin anything against the CCP as a jewish scheme? It's painfully obvious what they're doing. They're trying to co-op fringe left and right groups to do their bidding. They try to get the lefty Soc-jus types to cry racism when anyone complains about the CCP, on the right they try to push it as some sort of jewish or zionist scheme.
>allowed the infection of thousands of our people
China allowed Boris to fool around with herd immunity bullshit wasting time, instead of starting testing and stopping mass events like South Korea and Vietnam did? China should have ordered Boris to close the country, why China didn't command Boris to be more serious?
>ethnic muslims defending jews
nice. muammud would be proud, thats why he started your religion for after all
just because you are willingly selling your land to chinks and it bothers you (rightly), that doesnt mean this fake pandemic wasnt the easy way to have an excuse to heighten the "economic" war israels puppets are waging them them
The UK government relied upon China's claims that there were no human to human transmission, which is what enabled this to happen.
The initial Herd Immunity strategy is literally what is going to happen anyway, since all we hear about is "flattening the curve".
Bottom line is that China lied and people died. China is gonna get financially gutted, at least from countries that aren't cucked enough to sit back and let China leak a bioweapon with no consequences.
When china shit down all domestic travel to and from Hubei they still allowed international flights in and out(even wuhan) effectively spreading it to the rest of the world.
ok zhang
FFS America. Bomb the bastards already.
why flee to mexishit then? raughable aseans
anybody else thinks this is mean? China already had some shit to deal with.
Sure, we'll be expecting the British fleet to lock down the Yellow Sea just as we get the first confirmation of nuke strikes. Ready?
Probably illegal mining or selling Fentanyl
Top 3 countries I have wanted to glass for decades.
Go eat some beans, horchata nigger.
>The UK government relied upon China's claims that there were no human to human transmission
No, China closed Wuhan in late January and it was already known by that time that it transmits by air, you don't know the real timeline
>Are they retarded? There is no international epidemics court, there are no precendents for that.
Their assets in Western markets and their properties can be seized like we did with Iran you fucking gooksect.
just impose global embargo on china
havent you seen the 9/11 comparisons the normie burge rmedia has been making?
"this is worse than many 9/11s"
they are priming their population to support an invasion like they did in 9/11. your gunmint is playing victim to justify their participation in it, as per zog's orders
i pity you gringo. once the military draft starts you are probably not surviving your 1st tour
No joke, if you nigger folk wanna start pissing off whites, start making more photos like this
>they are priming their population to support an invasion
hope so, here's too killing every single gook man women and child
>they still allowed international flights in and out(even wuhan)
China allowed foreign citizens to leave China by plane and your country evacuated its own citizens, China had no right to quarantine and halt American citizens against their will and right. If China would do this, you would be screaming that China is kidnapping Americans and holding them hostage in the infected city. Stop fucking lying you bitch.
China and the WHO denied it was airborne untill February. Also china was still allowing international travel out y virus hotspots even while they shut down domestic travel from thise same hotspots domestically.
>Their assets in Western markets and their properties can be seized like we did with Iran
And China could do the same with American factories in China, there are more American assets in China, than the other way around, you retard. And no one will invest in USA if you do something retarded like that.
How Britain's policymakers were hampered by Chinese misinformation about coronavirus throughout January…
January 13: First official Whitehall response to Covid-19 – a meeting of the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG). WHO reports, based on Chinese data, claim no evidence of medics contracting the disease, only 41 cases and no 'significant' human-to-human transmission. All of this was untrue. But NERVTAG concludes 'based on current available information' that 'risk to the UK population is considered: Very Low' and does not recommend shutting borders.
January 21: WHO decides it is not possible to say if disease came from animals and had 'some' human-to-human transmission, or had 'self-sustaining human transmission'. The latter is true and – by this stage – well known in China. NERVTAG moves threat to 'low' but notes that it was concluded by the WHO that the 'currently available data' did not make it possible to distinguish between the two scenarios.
January 28: NERVTAG recognises, based on a WHO Emergency Committee meeting of January 22, that human-to-human transmission is occurring and says that in a 'large amount of the data' from China, provincial information is not given.
January 30: NERVTAG warns that 'China may not be diagnosing milder cases'. The following day coronavirus reaches the UK.
You can't just say patently false things and get away with it in the real world, might work in China but not over here Li.
China did not restrict who could fly out.
Which lawsuit is this?
The $20t one going on in Texas:
This one you screenshoted using mobile:
The English lawsuit:
There are a lot of lawsuits moving forward against China not including all the pending litigation against them in the WTO.
People forget that China was in a lot of trouble before the CoronaVirus was even released.
Now that researchers in a peer-reviewed journal have proven it was not linked to a wet market (thelancet.com
>the military draft
Much like your 13 year old sister in your mongrel degenerate prostitution and drug based economy, I'm too old.
I will definitely enjoy removing your imported taconigger human refuse defiling my Anglo society while the zoomers drone what's left of the chink armed forces to death after the initial nuclear strikes. You fucking indio manlet abomination.
China already did it to multiple western forms. They've overplayed their hand.
If China does that then they will face sanctions.
You do realise the whole world is against you right now Chang?
>China and the WHO denied it was airborne untill February.
No, fake news. Even American media were telling it was spreading airborne in january. Why you lie?
Man, at least he died quick and painless
and off you go to >>/hm/
It ordered Chinese citizens to stay in Wuhan, that was the point of quarantine. Only foreigners could leave, otherwise the infected would just flee in tens of thousands and you can't prove it happened.
its funny how if you jew golems were to try and gaslight the world into letting you invade china, a natural step to take would be use the WHO to spread disinfo and try to implicate china, which is exactly what is happening
we all know what happens the moment ww3 starts, Tyrone
You mean China announced a Lockdown but didn't enforce it.