How can hospitals be simultaneously on the brink of collapse due to too many patients and also have with enough free time to make stupid videos like this? Are the nothingburgerers actually right?
How can hospitals be simultaneously on the brink of collapse due to too many patients and also have with enough free...
This is how nurses have mental breakdowns in the degenerate west.
I honestly have no clue and at this point I'm so confused I feel like a retard.
you are asking too many questions
just shut up and take the tracking devic... i mean the vaccine
this I feel like a huge fucking retard
different shifts
Don't know what video this is but I figure some places have it worse than others. Some hospitals definitely overburdened but some might be in the middle of nowhere in places that haven't been hit hard.
Or I mean you can also believe the entire medical industry is in on some big conspiracy I guess.
It's so boring in my hospital lately I'm in the extra staff `surge` team waiting for shit to happen to have something to do. Otherwise I'm at my desk playing wow... At the hospital
The men are busy.
No elective surgeries. Boomer can't get his knee replaced because the surgery was postponed. You think the personnel dedicated to urology are on the COVID floors of every hospital in America? They will have their hours cut or be furloughed.
it's crazy but theres actually more than one hospital in the world
>look these nurses at one hospital made a funny video imitating Kim Kardashians ridiculous ass implant to keep morale and spirits high, therefore, they are doing no work and it's not serious
You've never worked around sick and dying people, have you?
hello fellow third worlder.
Cause you don't want your foot doctor messing around in your lungs?
Seriously Yas Forums gotta be the lowest IQ board on here.
Holy SHIT, are americans really this fucking fat?
Nurse are flat out condescending attention whores.
What more do you need to be told?
the hasthag is #frontline. there are fucking hundreds if not thousands of clips from all over the world.
>0.01 mortality rate
waaa waaaa teh frontlines
I hope they were dancing to "Everybody was Kung-flu fighting".
....Is it cool to start making Corona jokes yet?
>Are the nothingburgerers actually right?
Ive been a nothing burger fag for awhile. I went to the store again yesterday no mask. Meanwhile everyone else has masks on and veered their carts away from me like I had it.
People have hysteria. There is so much mixed bs out there about the virus that I don't even care anymore
>Its dangerous
>well dangerous for some
>more than we thought
>but that means fatties too
>Hospitals are going to get hit hard
>some time after the hospital staff make more stupid videos
Its only really bad in a few spots, at least in the US. I think they blew this thing up excessively
God she’s gorgeous
Load them up on cattle cars and ship them to jew york.
>sexual deviant retards partaking in degenerate behaviors is keeping the moral high
why do i get a sense that you are a degenrate thot yourself and probably single parenting a niglet
god damnit user
in the US, look no further than nurses for people with a perverted definition of “hard work”. I haven’t found a group of people who inflate their worth more than them. You wipe asses and follow orders, you don’t need a fucking cape to do that
>be american
>dying in the hospital bed due to gook virus
>Karen and Shebon nurses start dancing and moving their obese hips for TikTok views as your ventilator stops working
I am cringing so hard, I just might pull the trigger.
Imagine being dehydrated and waiting on a nurse to bring you water but you have to wait until they finish this bullshit.
Does anyone even know what field they are involved in or is this another case of mob mentality How dare they
If the media hadn't spent so much time lying we'd be able to trust them but they sold out so long ago that it's impossible to know who is really telling the truth about anything
Not all nurses are ones in the emergency room, or in the hospitals treating it. The ones actually working are too busy sleeping or working to post shit like this.
To avoid spread they literally designate certain hospitals as ones that deal with it. The rest are barren and empty. Nobody's going to the doctor or hospital unless it's an absolute emergency. So lots of them have 'spare time'. and larp like they're on 'the frontline' like the actual nurses in places treating covid.
No way nurses seeing 10's of people waste away would have energy or moral to get upvotes.
Like there's a big new war in the middle east, and reservists are back home making harlem shake videos since they're 'on the front line'.
>white people
It's not hard to understand man, not every hospital is in the same condition, plus nurses are not working 24/7, they have and need free time and breaks to still working properly. You also have to consider that not every nurse work with covid because other kind of medical problems still occur! There are nurses that are working 12 hors a day with covid and see death every day, other are still working 12 but maybe wit less contagious covid ( no deaths ) and other ar working with totally different kind of patients.
It's not difficult to understand that doing this kind of silly things could be a way to fight with stress, fear and aseity.
Its mostly just the women doing this shit. The men are actually working while the nurses be useless.
>Boomer twitter,Facebook and pol: PEOPLE ARE DYING!!! How dare they!!
Because it IS just the fucking flu and possibly already was here last year. Because when you take all the covid deaths and adjust for the raw inflation of them- Along with the elimination of all flu numbers because they're counting any and all flu numbers as covid... Exactly the same figure as the new adjusted downward projection as last years flu season.
And the "MY RE-INFECTION! IT DESTROYS YOUR NUTSHACK IT'S THE NUTSHACK!" bullshit was bad science or the most niche fucking garbage amidst a time where our "tests" have a 30+ percent false positive rate, accounting for this fabled re-infection rate.
God, I fucking hate nurses so much. I would rather die at home at this point.
The hospitals are slower than they e ever been in their life. Nurses are trash. There is no virus. Or rather, it's just the common cold.
I just want society to end.....this can't be adults...please..god..just....plz.....we are all surrounded by grown children aren't we?..
Seriously though...Look at this shit! You think these people are capable of reason? Of confronting injustice? Of anything great?
God we deserve to be ruled by the jew. Fuck society.
US had the best propaganda in the world. That won WW2, and the cold war. Now they target domestic population with military grade disinfo. And the scary part is that this pandemic is either a nothing burger or a total disaster and there is no way to determine anything except that the government turned on the propaganda blitz that changes story every day. Truth is they don't know shit and they panicked, and maybe there was a reason to panic or they are just idiots. Or probably both.
They're concentrating all of the 'rona patients in as few hospitals as possible. A lot of them are on standby, waiting for things to get worse where all of them will be at full capacity.
That's where these thots are making these videos.
nurses in australia are being laid off because there is not enough work
fucking lol