Ethnic Diversity in Russia

Why does ethnic diversity in Russia seem so much more effective than ethnic diversity in the West?

Is it because the "diversity" in Russia is that of closely related ethnic groups who are all native to the Russian Federation's land and have largely grown up together?

Bonus question: What is the best ethnic group in Russia other than Russians?

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When Will americans learn that segregation being bad is meaningless outside usa. If chinese want chinese only restaurants in china then it is their right and priveledge since it is their country.

That in usa they decided that it was bad for euro americans to preserve their culture and people. Which you do by separering different people from eachother. Does not mean the rest of the world should be like that. Infact such a practice is deliterious for the main group. So whilst some argue blacks were victims for being segregated from Whites in usa. Mostly due to the fact that they were never supposed to be there and especially never supposed to be citizens. And that it somehow was evil if they went back and lived in africa. No one can deny that having blacks there was damaging for euro americans as a group both ethnically and culturally. Same as it would be for mexicans to be flooded by chinese or whatever. That they Call it enriched instead of damaged to have an undermined and mixed culture, doesn’t change that. Thats just a positive spin.

There is an issue with americans in that they want to transplant their understandings and model on top of everyone else. For instance saying that all nations should have a certain amount of blacks in them just cause America has. And people are getting fed up with this Elephant in a china shop thing.

I think you misunderstand what I am asking.

Russia has many different ethnic groups in one country. USA had nothing to do with that.

I am asking: why are inter-ethnic relations seemingly so good there? Or to put another way: why is their model better then the West's model when it comes to multiple ethnic groups living in one country?

I agree with almost everything you said in your post but I don't think it relates to what I am asking.

Russia is a shithole. Theyre still probably better off in the long run because they arent suicidally cucked but dont romanticize them

Op you answered your own question. Russian federation consist of ethnically very similar people. Would be similar to making a germanic federation. Which nobody asked for cause the germanic groups are still different. But what the nazis Sought to do.

I have been to Russia, but only Moscow, which I have heard is like visiting Manhattan and saying that you "saw the USA."

Regardless, it was refreshing to see such a big city like Moscow 90%+ ethnic Russian and the remaining 10% was similar ethnic groups like Ukrainian, Belorussian, Tatar, etc.

Do Russians assimilate the other ethnic groups into ethnic-Russian culture?

I know i typed it out to another thread that got archived so i crammed it in. But let me answer it In another way. It was same reason usa Worked Well prior to end of segregation and mass immigration.

Because it was indeed not a united States of every group in the world. But was very much a united States of western Europe. Since those are distinkt But at same time more similar to eachother than to others. It Worked out. Cause even if they mixed slightly, who they are as a people would still be preserved. But they also knew that if they mix too much with africans that would not be the case. So they had in usa White americans and blacks could not be candidate for in group so they had to be seperate.

Drama and outrage aside it really is so simple logical reasonable and pragmatic why that happened. It makes sense!

Because those other ethnicities were there to begin with, as opposed to ethnicities in the US which were brought in, especially if it was done violently.
Russia also doesn't have an issue with cultivating ethnic pride and there's places where minorities live in their own autonomous republics, as part of the Russian federation.
In America, you're an American no matter who you are or where you come from. This is unnatural and chafes against the human brain. On top of that, no ethnic organization has power over anything, states are controlled by a soup of money fueled nothing. This emphasis on treating everyone the same can only ironically cause division because normal people are going to struggle against it, even if they don't quite get why it pisses them off.

because it isn't forced down their throats by oligarchs

Well, ethnic groups like Ukrainians and Belarusians are extremely similar.
Tatars, Bashkirs and half asians are not too large and mostly stay in their own regions.
Chechens are literally aryans, although brainwashed with islam and that's a problem.
The biggest problem so far are Tajiks and the likes of them, who are the Russian version of Mexicans. They undermine jobs, they are dumb and they don't assimilate.
Russia don't have niggers and that's a big big plus.

Diversity in Russia is natural, diversity in the US is forced.

I mean in a way it sort of's not like Russia would ever let the minority groups leave (ex. Chechnya)

If Tatarstan was like "we want to be independent now" Russia would be like ummm no lol

just wildly inaccurate
tatars, bashkirs, finns, ugrics, literal mongols all beg to differ

Russia is a shithole

I get this, but it's not really a full answer because ethnic groups often grow up next to each other but don't want to be in the same country.

That's not what it means to force diversity. Natural diversity is Tatars living in Tatarstan, Chechens living in Chechnya, Mongolians living in Mongolia and so on. Forced diversity is smashing them all together in one place, taking a picture and then saying "Now fuck!¨".

don't ever forget chechens, avars, cherkess, etc, rusnya

yeah I only saw 1 or 2 black people in Moscow when I was there for a week and that made a huge difference

Sure, read up about the Urdmurts. There's some resistance, but slowly and surely they are being "Slavved"

There is actually a lot of racism in Russia, it's just accepted as being normal. People recognise the differences between peoples and cultures, both the good and the bad. We know the gypsies lie and steal. We know jews are greedy. We know muslims are prone to violence, sexism and homophobia more than others. And we live with that. Acknowledging differences instead of pretending they don't exist is the only way to get along.

It's like if Syria was part of Germany and almost all Syrians live in German Syria, not Germany

Russian ethnic groups live in their native areas they are forced to coexist everywhere.

Exactly. Contiguous groups that live territorially close to eachother for thousands of years and them putting them in same country. Even if they mix they are overall preserved as a people.

Now contrast that to putting people from way different places in same country then neither of them are.

For instance danes are not same as swedes. But if danes and swedes mix they are still each preserved as people.

This is why till mass immigration there was a logical term of compatible immigration. In case of usa they wanted White immigrants. Aka they wanted West europeans. For the reasons i just said. It’s logical and makes sense.

They didn’t want more different groups cause if they would mic with them they would lose who they are as a people and lose ethnic unity. So it all makes sense.

And it is a Disaster for various people that this is dramatized and po pooed as Extreme.

Yes they are different and distinkt same as us germanics are. But same time more similar to eachother than others. I am not saying they are identical!

>Yes they are different and distinkt same as us germanics are.
That's retarded. Nordcucks are all basically the same. Slavs and Turks are completely unrelated genetically aside from a few rape genes.

Of course we do. Just look at this sweet russian child:

Wtf are you talking about. Russia can't even handle Chechnya without throwing money at them.

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Not at all only from your perspective. This is why sometimes it gets aggravating to discuss this with americans who operate under this false Notion which you describe. Infact being similar to eachother than to others is Miles away from being identical group.

Reminder that America is a nation-wrecking cancer, and who knows, maybe a new deal with the Chinese is the answer.

It's extremely minor differences. You look the same, sound the same and act like total cucks. Swedes will be the first to take the microchip and other Nordcucks will follow

You're like a mainland Chink telling me he's actually Taiwanese.


I'm American and I like America (the land and white Americans) but I hate "Americanism"

Russia is an "Empire" in a sense close to what that word should entail, a super state acting as a force of harmonization(not homogenization) over different separate groups, it's not a "nation" in the etymological sense. It's in essence the most traditional form of state, though on a massive continental scale and not without shortcomings. Europeans are so far from this understanding that they can't even conceive it anymore, they either understand a mutt nation state or want to go back to micro city-states.

No. Again that is only from your uninformed perspektive that we are identical group. You are example of why sometimes American notions about this can get really frustrating when talking about this. And whilst i respect and like americans sometimes i feel like saying could you please stay out of it if you insist on being so obtuse about it.

>Why does ethnic diversity in Russia seem so much more effective than ethnic diversity in the West?
Because Mongoloids and Caucasoids can coexist together, Negroid and Caucasoids cannot.