Especially on Internet.
Stop criticising what you are yourself : wasteful.
Engage yourself in local politics, try do make your neighbourhood better, learn useful things and and help eveyone on your path, so your racism can finally be justified.
Especially on Internet.
Stop criticising what you are yourself : wasteful.
Engage yourself in local politics, try do make your neighbourhood better, learn useful things and and help eveyone on your path, so your racism can finally be justified.
Other urls found in this thread:
Most people just want to baby rage on the internet these days though, no one has an actual policy about how to enact these changes slowly that can pass in todays society until u puh the boundaries for something more extreme.
All white people are racist according to (((sjws))). The best way to deal with it is just to embrace and roll with it
First order of business would be to send all Albanians in western Europe and North America back to their caves.
You "people" did not invent anything and did not contribute anything to humanity. You were brought into the modern age out of your caves and your first response was to build concrete bunkers so u feel at home.
>Especially on the internet
Takes 10 seconds to call you a nigger
Nigger kike faggot hahahaha
sjw is a epiphenomenon, they don't represent the majority of the population, you shouldn't mind what they have to say.
Racism against white people is the single tool that has led to our open genocide.
Racism is a code word for 'everyone except white people hate other races, but white people are not allowed to'. This has set us up for a genocide with nary a peep.
>Being racist is just a waste of time
you're not wrong, anyone that says otherwise in this thread is a bot
And ? that doesn't mean you should be racist on the Internet, you're just wasting time to make things move the way you want.
Being "racist" requires no effort because everyone is born with an in-group preference. Fighting your natural instincts is the true waste of time.
>try do make your neighbourhood better
first step: dont let sandniggers in
Being racist is something most of us never would have considered before being made aware of how much the entire rest of the world hates us, and each other.
Sorry man. Without racism, you have no history or future. 'Racism' - are you aware of where this word came from?
Also, most of what people call racist when white people do it is considered 'pride' when anyone else does it. So whatever race you are, fuck you, and your mother.
Why? Because you are not what I am. And you clearly hate me in return - so let it all out. Then we can get a beer afterward and talk shit about each other and everyone else. Oh wait, I am white. Nevermind. I am uniquely so much better than everyone else, I am not allowed any ethnocentrism.
Fuck off schlomo.
Retards like that leaf you replied to base their whole identity around being anti-sjw. It's even more pathetic than actual SJWs because at least SJWs manage to be productive with their agenda in some capacity. Anti-sjws literally just circlejerk about like political hacks such as Ben Shapiro about "owning" people in cherry picked video compilations. As if random college kids traveling in between classes at some hyper liberal campus represents a majority of anyones views.
Liking your peers and helping them have nothing to do with whinning about other races doing shit. Racism should be centered around enabling opportunities for the ones that share your blood and not minding what the others do. Exactly what the jews do actually.
SJW rhetoric has become a large part of the new legal regime of globalization though. And you are right, it does not represent, key word there, the majority of the population. However, SJW rhetoric is very useful to authoritarians.
Let me say this: just imagine SJWs allowed to formulate their own heirarchy of victims. They would go after Islam and Judaism for infant genital mutilation, then focus solely on the modern slaver countries like africa, india, china, israel, etc.
So in short: SJW is simply authoritarian globalist ideology, it has nothing to do with justice unless you accept intersectional critical theory, which is an anti-intellectual, corrupt form of academics - solely forced on false narratives and propaganda aimed at contolling and harnessing non-white communities political voices.
Nice strawman mutt.
Good execution too.
>whinning about other races doing shit.
Tell that to the intersectionalists who have created a false dichotomy of white(evil) and brown(good).
You people are so racist, you focus on 1 million or so slaves from 300 years ago, who's descendants ahve the highest standard of living of africans anywhere on the planet. Meanwhile there is 20-30 million slaves right now, today, in India and Africa alone.
The SJW movement is entirely based around hating white people, while simultanously demanding to live among them.
Its not even a strawman. Nothing you said so far has any substance or seems to be in good faith in any capacity. I made an observation about anti-sjws which was accurate.
You strawmanned me into an anti leftist who only cares about spewing anti sjw speech.
Its a strawman.
Here is an observation about you: you don't know what SJWs are or represent.
>Make your neighborhood better
Kind of hard to do when blacks are the ones robbing us and they have total legal immunity. Hatred and violence is the only solution
>the sjw movement
The what? Where is that exactly? Who's leading the "movement"? Also I notice you anti-sjws tend to circlejerk about memes, and you make a lot of claims then add descriptions on top of them but never seem to substantiate them in any capacity in the first place.
Based and checked
Being racist keeps me alive in Nigmerica.
>Who's leading the "movement"?
Mostly Jewish people funded by globalist jewish bankers. They also have tokens they allow some limited power, but the leadership is very obvious.
>You strawmanned me into an anti leftist who only cares about spewing anti sjw speech.
Where did I even say the word "leftist"? I think you're very confused. I said that you're a retard and compared you to anti-sjws. Is reading comprehension too hard for a leaf?
Here is a meme for you. Study it.
Red pilled. Who cares about nigger? Yas Forums it seems cares a lot about niggers.
In a society where no one is grateful and you're over shadowed by attention whores with a nice smile
Go fuck yourself dude, your self gratifying behavior is what every normal fag feels because they feel like they're making a positive impact, reality behind it is you just want to feel a bit of dopamine for being a good person.
Meanwhile all over africa black men are enslaved by other black men, and instead of trying to help them, SJWs are attacking the only people who have completely turnedtheir backs on slavery: white europeans.
>its the [vague description of Jewish people] leading the [nonspecific, vague and no citation] ""movement""
This is getting really old. Are these mental gymnastics supposed to convince me of something or impress me in any capacity?
They won't rob your crops for example. Share some of what you grow to your neigbhours. Get a good dogs also, pets bring people together.
Hey dickhead. What the actual fuck is an "Anti SJW", you fucking moron?
I am a National Socialist.
If you continue to demoralize my people with lies, and destroy my Nations with a foreign horde invasion, I am going to defend Blood and Soil.
I am going to hang you, commie.
>Retards like that leaf you replied to base their whole identity around being anti-sjw
Nigger, shut the fuck up. If thats not a strawman dress me up and call me sally. But youre fucking stupid
This Albanian speaks truth
>This is getting really old. Are these mental gymnastics supposed to convince me of something or impress me in any capacity?
They are to warn you that the goyim know.
>comparing somebody with something and calling them that thing explicitly is the exact same thing!
I guess reading comprehension really is too difficult for a leaf.
No one gives a shit what brainwashed commie lemmings like you choose to believe, you fucking idiot.
It should be obvious by now that you are irrelevant, and we have won.
You can continue down this path of minor annoyances, and social distractions, but it will only get you killed in the end.
Which, I'm totally for. So, by all means, just keep acting stupid, and pissing everyone off, you dumb commie bitch.
>I'm a nationalist socialist
Lmao blood and soil hail hortlor XD
We have not won at all. You are delusional. Look at what happened in virginia. Look at our numbers
By 2050 USA will be 75% or more immigrants, mostly hispanics. We are not winning anything. It is time to stridently shout these people down as the racist, genocidal globalists that they are.
>Lmao blood and soil hail hortlor XD
Fuck NAZIS, but when will you address:
>Meanwhile all over africa black men are enslaved by other black men, and instead of trying to help them, SJWs are attacking the only people who have completely turnedtheir backs on slavery: white europeans.
Again, little nigger brain, what the actual fuck is an "Anti SJW"?!
You're making up terms to force your pathetic strawman to make sense only after getting called out for it.
You're a fucking moron. Stop while you're behind, faggot.
>reeeeeeeee anybody who doesn't agree with me is a commie reeeeeeeee
Ahahahahahahaha look at this dude oh no no no no
Nigger, my reading comprehension is fine, your communication skills arent. You are unable to convey what want to while acting smug. Youre the reason for pic related
>It is time to stridently shout these people down as the racist, genocidal globalists that they are.
>shout these people down
>call them racist
Sounds like some "SJW" shit to me.
Fuck making things better, it's just dicking around until the inevitable collapse. We are on a collapsecoaster whether or not you like it.
You such a faggot. Dude makes a bant about Albanians and you bring up anti - sjw(whatever that is) and decide to be insufferable. Kys.
And you are the other side of that coin 'anyone who does not accept replacement via 3rd world mass immigration is a nazi!'.
Bringing these people here taints our waters, while effectively removing the only decent water from the other pond. Stop the brain drain. USA or Germany's GDP is not more important than allowing developing countries to retain their most talented sons and daughters. You SJWs are causing horrible things to happen, and pretending otherwise.
i'll do it when you stop surrendering in wars
Oh, stop being such a whiner. Look ahead to the future. With this momentum, and the utter self destruction of the Democrats, and their Commie handlers, including what's going to be an awesome collapse of the Communist Chinese, coupled with the Rising Fire of Aryan Blood all across Europe, we have the momentum to crush our enemies.
Once the blood begins to flow, these soft, frightened faggots will crumble before us.
Stop being so frightened, and keep marching, lad.
Racism makes no sense since your own race can be much more dangerous than other race. I dont blind myself I judge people individually not as a collective
Silence, frog.
Or, listen to me, or you realize that yet most people are morons that will do what the establishment bids and if you try even little things, stupid people will come after you and whatever sophist will make all that you change did make puff
Then you will isolate yourself because you would not bear to see those NPCs that are shooting themselves in the foot with the help of the government and corporations
Do you actually still believe "shame" and "guilt" work on an anonymous board, you fucking retard?
You are a commie.
Commie shit stains are overly, irrationally emotional, and so you project this shit onto others as your only "weapon".
You're fucking pathetic, commie shit smear.
Keep screeching for me, you triggered little faggot.
This is all you have left.
>Sounds like some "SJW" shit to me.
Listen carefully: I was raised as an SJW. I was hardcore left wing for my whole earlier life (about 25 yers) - before I realized that the SJW rhetoric is part of the plan for globalist domination which involves genocide. I became very impatient with SJWs (which I was at the time) because they were actively harming people based on race, while stringing along the DREAMERs. I have a few DACA friends, and my true last straw with the dems was when Obama refused to give them amnesty finally, and CLOSE THE FUCKING BORDERS, which was always supposed to be the plan.
You people are a political football for globalists. Being anti-sjw is being anti-racist. Your dissonance wont allow you to understand it, but destroying white people by flooding them with cultures that have billions of people is a terrible crime. It is race based. It is racist as fuck.
This stuff breaks my heart more than your black coal of a soul can apparently comprehend. Pic related was me right before I left the globalist warmongering white-colonialists, also known as SJWs. I used to do stuff like occupy the Madison state house to oppose scott walker's attacks on public unions. My signs I made always said stuff like 'collective bargaining is capitalism for workers'.
But the SJWs dont want collective bargaining or worker rights. No. That would help 'white people'. All SJWs want is what globalist bankers and genocidal social engineers demand of them and pay them for.
>once the blood begins to flow
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA aaaaany day now amirite fellow migapede?
>we have the momentum to crush our enemies