Why do children have no respect anymore?

Okay listen, I ain't a boomer saying "Those darn kids and their compootor games!", but seriously, what is going wrong with the children in this world? Nowadays they have no respect against elderly and adults, they play FPS Shooters at the age of 12 and shout "I fucked your mom" at the school's playground. What went so horribly wrong?

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Parents who do not know what there child does online.

what's there to respect?

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The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

the representation of the fag nation has entered the thread

I know right, but I am really wondering what the cause of this could be. I am having a hard time blaming the internet or the TV all on their one, there has to be some better explanation.

You're not allowed to discipline your child anymore.

Because adults treat them like mini-adults, and let computers and phones toast their dopamine systems.

The second you start “bargaining” with kids, is the second they start to loose respect. “Do the dishes and you can play with your iPad” is bullshit. “Do the dishes or get the belt” is the correct method.

“Eat your vegetable and then get ice cream” What is that? “Eat your vegetables or starve” usually sorts it’s self out in about 12 hours. “Hey little fucker, still hungry? How about the vegetables now?” Works every time. After a few temper tantrum shot fits do not work, the kids learn to stop. Give in once and you have failed.

This egalitarianism for kids shit is the problem.

>Those darn kids and their compootor games!
Yes respect for elders is important and it needs to be reinstilled, but a kid yelling "I fucked your mom last night!" is not at all that new, only the medium of saying it because of a video game is new. They just used to hide it better.

lack of regular beating

I would be fine when children wouldn't let out their inner piece of shit, to be honest.

little to no adversity, they live in relative abundance compared to even recent history.
That and the state has reinforced parents to be soft, otherwise they lose their kids

Says who? Discipline does not always mean heavy beatings.

Discipline is much more than punishment. Discipline is learning that you have to work hard and not fuck around to get what you want. Want a new bike? OK, sure... but it takes discipline to get what you want. An undisciplined kid spends his allowance money on candy and video games... then mom and dad bale the little fucker out and buy him the bike anyway. Discipline comes from learning that actions have consequences.

Mine tried to act like that.
>they learned what a smack in the mouth is
Only one application needed

You never said a dirty word as a kid to your friends?
I mean, I didn't but everybody else did.

There are no men and women in society anymore. The modern adult has been reduced to a faggot and a whore.

The children inherently know something is seriously wrong with the older people. They don't realize the levels of sexual depravity their elders lust after, but they know, deep down on a fundamental level they are in a better decision making position. They are lashing out because their elders are a pathetic excuse for adults.

they aren't taught it.
the parent wants to be their bff not their parent.

Did a 12 year old bully you in a bideo gamey? :(( poor germany

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Well alright but that's bad parenting, not bad video games

When I was a kid I did exactly the same

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Not really, but it's interesting that you assume that.

you stole the world from under us before we were even born and have the audacity to tell us we have it easy because we can buy iphones and cheap chinese shit.

sorry granpa most "boomers" are not actually that wize and had the world served to them on a silver platter.

I dont see why i should give extra respect for being part of the generation that ruined my entire world.

underrated post.


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Good one.

>The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room.


Where have I heard that before?

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Get over it little bitch, if you're playing vidya with children thats a sign you're doing something wrong in life
Ignore the little cunts
Seems to me like you're bothered and bitchmade honestly

Too many issues with that approach. Also it's still bargaining. What do you do if the kid picks the belt? Do you go through with it and risk arrest for child abuse? The same with the vegetable one. Especially in this day and age with people having so many allergies and food sensitivities, you can't get away with starving a child like that.

And really there is nothing wrong with the kids. Society as a whole just has just become more lenient. At one point in time it was acceptable to whip a child to the point of bleeding if they lied to you or were caught "abusing" themselves. My grandfather considered a belt "spanking" over underwear to be a "light" punishment. Things change over time.

Not really bothered, I am just wondering what is the cause of more children not showing respect anymore.

Beatings with la chancla are still common in hispanic households.

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>some potato is also mad at boomers so therefore your argument is incorecct.

Sorry but she also has a valid point.
she is a kike puppet saying things for the wrong reasons

but all of out industry was sold to the Chinese and other third worlders so boomers pocket books could grow, while the blue collar workers in the US have shrunk to near nothing.

>the whole generation is bad
>Imma good wise zoomer
The problem with you faggots is that most of you think in templates, everything is either white or black. Literal drones, manufactured for consuption.

I get your point, however the fact that a lot of boomers done shit very falsely too doesn't have anything to do with my main question, does it?

Excactly, parenting today is absolute shit, you now normies look at me when I told them the only way I will ever had kids is when:
>I have my own real state in the countryside.
>I will no longer be living in a city.
>I will be retired with savings and income from renting my apparment.
>I wil have to grow my own food, buld my own home and have a self reliant lifestyle.
>I will have either a young trad wife or a surrogate mother.
>I will educate y own children myself.
>I will teach them on the practical and abstract fields.
>They will have no access to the Internet, to Social Media or Television.
>I will curate the books they read, the movies they watch and the music as well.

If I'm going to be your father I will love you, care for you and feed you. But I will not be cucked by my own family, you have to build a contained environment because out here in this society, men are completely fucked.

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