We often talk about things women must give up in order to be proper wives

We often talk about things women must give up in order to be proper wives.

but what things do modern men need to give up of in order to truly grow and be proper husbands and proper men.

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I will start

Video Games

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Give up being immature?

Displaying any hapinness or sadness

self reflection and self improvement is as white as it gets

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liberalism and statism, and both reds and blues are guilty of a little of each and a lot of the other.

Even natsocs aren't statists for state's sake, they yield to a strong and moral state once it has been qualified as such and only insomuch as it is for the people. Freedom is therefore inherent to this trust, but unlike degenerates, good citizens in turn do not abuse that freedom with degeneracy

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Every man I know with a wife and White children is a normal guy who plays some video games, works a boring job, and has a little belly from his comfy life.

The Hardcore NatSoc Iron Pill enthusiasts I know who are all REVOLT AGAINST THE MODERN WORLD REJECT MODERNITY EMBRACE TRAD LARPING are childless, womanless and critically depressed.

To be fair, they also disproportionately came from broken homes. I want genetic and social success for all White men like that, but don't pretend like the self-perfection autism is anything besides a cope for your unfortunate situation.

>but what things do modern men need to give up of in order to truly grow and be proper husbands and proper men

this site for one

Videogames are fine. Most hobbies, if they don't consist of substance abuse, are fine.

What modern men need to give up is that they understand themselves as individuals. When they become husbands, their own self interests need to be superceded by familiar interests. Their vote should go to where it does the most good for the family, their money needs to go where it helps the family the most, etc.
Men need to understand that as patriarch, their top priority needs to be serving the family.
Self serving behaviour like :"keep em mean, keep em keen" needs to stop. Men need to understand that their commitment must be lifelong. No upgrading to a younger wife, no mistress, no affairs.

Everything I said can also be applied to women.

>Every man I know with a wife and White children is a normal guy who plays some video games, works a boring job, and has a little belly from his comfy life.

and yet look at the state of the modern world

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Nothing, no men will ever give up what is truly necissary to grow into an adult (as a group, not counting exceptions to the rule here)

Men today scarecely even remember why we "revolted" from being powerless non political actors in the first place, they idolize a period in history only 70 years in the past, and scarecely remember what came before it. they lack the dedication towards learning history and seeing other perspectives, and most of them are ram roughshod into their own vices, all to eager to indulge in them and excuse away every problem.

The reason men get away with this shit and women don't is we don't have any useful skills while men do. but Over time when it comes to believing their own bullshit hype I have not encountered a single man woman or child who is any different from one another regardless of their IQ. It's all I can do to hold myself back even a little, though It's never eas when I am constantly surrounded by niggers here that demonstrate guilt free hubris of this nature.

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>Men need to understand that as patriarch, their top priority needs to be serving the family.
this doesnt exist for men. Its fishermans dilemma the whole way down. they be kind, then the juden takes what they left for the good of the community or family.

There is no making women happy. They only thing that kept them in line was the stigma surrounding divorce and the fact that she was entirely dependent on the man to provide. Since all that shit has long since gone out the window, the odds of you two staying together till death do you part is slim to none, so fuck it, enjoy what you have while you have it even if it's nintedo or frisbee golf or whatever the fuck.

Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) is worth 100 billion dollars, gave his wife four children and the life she always dreamed of .... then she left him and took 30 billion dollars with her. She's now the fourth richest woman in the world for doing absolutely nothing.

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Yes, I can be your bf.

>what things do modern men have to give up
The notion that women are equal or even superior to men.

Could start by bathing and cleaning up after yourselves

The idea of the ideal woman. They don't exist. Instead you must be an independent island upon the storm and reject leeches trying to make you their primary welfare state. Learn how to tell woman not just "no", but gtfo, and make sure no state can invade and steal from you and your kingdom.

Women have to give up their political rights first, then we'll talk. Also, if you've been in any tradcuck thread, it's full of people telling men to man up so I don't know where you get the notion that men aren't called upon to be better.

Technological society as a whole

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redit spacing

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All your money and freedom

Consoooming. It's more of an ideal, realistically wife shouldn't be a vapid whore and man shouldn't be an overweight manchild. That's about as much as you can ask in current enviroment.
He cheated on her so he deserved it. He would've been shunned and physically punished in better times

Candid Amerifat copeposting for being a lazy undisciplined gluttonous pile of shit fucking lardass

Reddit spacing is not a thing.

No, you need to display happiness as much as possible as an example to women and children. They look to you for their cues, and if they see you smiling through hard times they will learn to emulate you. And you do need to show sadness, but in a measured and restrained manner, that way they know you are unhappy but you continue strongly despite it, and again they take the cue and emulate you.

Video games are not hobbies, you coping faggot. A hobby is something that develops a skill which can be of some use in the real world. Gardening, woodworking, sewing, car repair, art, etc -- not fucking twiddling your thumbs and staring at 3D models.

I grew up working ona farm we were poor fags so i never got the first person shooter on xbox live with my bros experiance- so i bought an xbox1 and overwatch and got a group of irl and online people to play with. I played for a couple of months and had to quit. Everyday i would listen to fully grown men ignore their wives and children and play games. They were literally ALWAYS ON. It was a real wake up call to me who had always loved vidya. These grown ass men literally lived on xbox live. I sold my xbox shortly after that.

That's true for setting an example but as far as I can tell, young girls seem to want "le serious face" all the time and always.

So what skill are you learning from sticking your tiny pecker in your pugs mouth faggot?

>video games
>TV shows
>books (never actually read one past high school)
You have to go back

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>He cheated on her

Oh for god's sake, with his wealth and status, he could have fucked just about every woman on this planet, but he didn't. He obviously has some self-control, but we're men, and when pussy is thrown at us, we're going to take it. That's like lacing a steak with arsenic and sitting it in front of a starving Somali boy and he dies from the poison. You can say "Well, I just sat it in front of him, I never made him eat it". True, but in that context, what the fuck did you think would happen?


I am both of these. I have a nice family im starting but i am obsessed with hating modernity and am totally anti pornography. Im also an alcoholic tv addict though so. But im unessential so its tough not being comfy. I guess the golden middle is good.

> Wahhhh! How dare you offend me and my vidyas!?

Cope harder. Go waste your life you intolerable spic, I could care less.

>what things do modern men need to give up of in order to truly grow and be proper husbands and proper men
Attention to women

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Based and steve harvey pilled

They want that because their dads are either emotionless and distant or were unstable maniacs flying off the handle. Men must strike the balance between a strong unmoving rock and an approachable understanding comforter.

I'll dispose of all my dildos and trap clothes as soon as I get married.

>reeeeeeeee I want traditional society were women are put in their places
>what do you mean a men would be dragged behind the horse for cheating
Gas yourself nu-male