

>poisoned food
GMOs, additives, preservatives, onions, HFCS, trans fat, Aspartame, MSG, BPA, 2% of meat has human DNA in it, etc.
>poisoned water
Fluoride, chlorine, birth control, anti-psychotics, all forms of medication, pathogens, etc.
>poisoned air
Chemtrails (Barium salts, silver iodide, aluminum, cadmium, bacteria, viruses, etc.)
>Poisoned propaganda
Trannies, fags, blacks, promotion of degeneracy, etc.
>poisoned living spaces
OSB, Chromated Copper Arsenic (CCA), formaldehyde, pthalates, PBDEs, SCCPs, asbestos, etc etc. All known to cause cancer. Houses fall apart in 50 years, permanent debt-mortgage slavery, etc.
>poisoned medicine
Medication to treat symptoms, endless side effects, need medication to treat medication symptoms, murder and bribery, cancer and disease naturally cured with frequencies and diet.
>poisoned government
Ran by kikes and freemasons. Open bribery via special interest groups, rigged 2 party elections, distract, intent goal to enslave and destroy you (Toronto protocols, Elder Zion).
>poisoned religion
Christian churches infiltrated in 70s. Turn the cheek and spread the cheeks, worship Israel "God's chosen people!", accept gays, tolerate degeneracy, ignore the Old Testament, etc.
>poisoned technology
Cell phone mind enslavement, electronic addiction, causes cancer, mental disorders via blue light and EMFs, 5G mind enslavement, etc.

America isn't the land of the free. Nazi Germany was, and America destroyed it. Hope you're prepared for FEMA camps maggots.

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based OP
all that is terrible. How stupid to accept some made up shit called "water fluoridation" claiming its for the poor while forcing it on the poor

so whats the solution for someone who is 100% european? i'm thinking of moving to a northern state, maybe alaska

>2% of meat has human DNA in it

Oh mine has much, much more than that.

Show me some proof user

The USA. the shittest country to exist in all human history
bunch of literal sub-humans so biologically altered from normal humans through countless generations pump fed corn syrup and s o y, chemicals in their food, chemicals in their water, 5G radio waves rotting their brain, processed food, mac and cheese, fast food with s o y, fast food chemicals made from plastics, estrogen in their water supply, consumerist, materialist culture,

Very good post user. I'd add something about the CIA running the cartels though


Okay goymany. Anyways, why are there so many d/c threads all of a sudden, pitting countries against each other? What is being slid today?

oh god oh fuck

Unironically a schizo post. No I am not a bot either.

They havin sex wiht teh poo poo

The United States of America is modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, an abhorrent abomination infecting every nation and every culture of the world with its Satanic degeneracy. A nation of disgusting mystery meat mutts who claim to be Christian while simultaneously devoting themselves to all 7 of the deadly sins.
The sooner the land of the ZOG, home of the Mutt is cleansed of life, the sooner we can progress as a species


Nobody is stopping you. Step away from the keyboard and go do what you want you daft inbred.


You forgot poisonous Mercury Fillings.

Lol look at this poor mutt seethe and cope, he wants to refute me but knows everything I say is true. You “people” are slaves to Satan and his abominations, your ”country” is a crime against God, your “Culture” is blasphemy incarnate.

Can't upload that image here for some reason.
US & Canada shipping only btw.

Because profits. Fuck people. They're just cattle to create economic value for (((us))).

Based and muttpilled.

Amerimutt here, honestly can't wait to join the military and be a slave to the Jews and possibly die just to be tossed to the side and immediately replaced :)

Attached: opiskindofafaggot.gif (266x150, 381.76K)

>America isn't the land of the free. Nazi Germany was, and America destroyed it.
Oh look another boot licking retard who thinks the vegan pussy was his last hope
>put fluoride in their water
>attempted to replace real food with pills
>planned on ultimately removing Christianity from their empire
>Ran by faggots who tried to contact aliens and use witchcraft
Is America perfect? No. Do we have problems? Yeah. But you are a literal faggot if you think Nazi rule was our best hope. Leave the US if you hate it so and go find some German to suck off to try to get entry there. You faggots are as bad as the commie larpers who think the Soviet Union was right. You are not an American

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Jewish fingers typed this post

No. American fingers typed this post. Believe it or not some Nationalists don't consider foreign rule to be a good thing, even if its MUH HORTLER

To call amerimutts subhuman would be a misnomer, you are another species entirely after all. The term "Human" is absolutely incorrect in this instance. "Golem", "Slave" and "Abomination" would all be more apt descriptors.

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Jewish fingers typed this post

Settle down Moshe

What about Israel?

Seethe harder, your utopian ethnostate, a nation of "superhumans", was BTFO in a decade by Slavs, Bongs, and Mutts

Lol Australia is a former British settler state too, your country was just too shitty by comparison to attract hordes of immigrants until relatively recently.