
How do you guys feel about Libertarians?

Are they cool or just selfish jerks who have that “fuck everyone else but me” mindset?

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I'm a libertarian, but most are clueless "dude weed lmao" types, or ancaps who think "muh NAP, muh Free market" or "muh constitution" is an argument that can be shoehorned into every issue.

The few principled libertarians that can actually argue for issues (not just robotically use the Non aggression principle or "dude free market") are the absolute bane of leftists.

Most libertarians I know sum up their ideology as

“I want my gay friend to protect his weed farm with guns from the government.”

Which sounds gay and lame as fuck

No, Libertarianism is an anti-state for of classical liberalism.

We strongly believe in private property, decentralized free markets, federalism, civil liberties, the rule of law, due process, and low taxes. Government, even at it's best is a mafia, and at it's worst a living nightmare.

If you're interested, Milton Friedman and Murray Rothbard are the best thinkers to start with, since their lectures and books are everywhere on the internet.

Libertarians are typically leftist kikes that promote some centrist belief that just so happens to disintegrate society

Most of the actual Yas Forumsacks here are ex-libertarians. The NAP and hyper individualism falls apart when you factor in real world variables.
>are they selfish jerks
I'm sure a few of them are but most libertarians just think freedom is a more efficient way of doing things. Charities are better than welfare programs etc.

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Basically this, sure the meme are fun but in all honesty it requires, at minimum, a working government; say like the early US time around 1776.



Let me fix this thread

How do you guys feel about Libertarians?

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Coffee is good for them.

Propertarianism is better.

Attached: propertarian.jpg (900x900, 110.54K)

I like the idea of libertarianism and have considered myself one for a long time, but it's more of a filter I wish people would put on their beliefs. Like we should be aiming towards libertarianism while knowing that it wouldn't and couldn't work in our society, but taking some of the core beliefs and alter how things are done a little. I just wish as a country we were a little more isolationist, we had less laws, smaller government, and less taxes

The Second Continental Congress? I think you're off by a few years there, but good point.

I agree with this user. I think libertarianism should be applied to people as a value and basis, but companies and corporations should be regulated fairly heavily.

Veritas ex Libertas
Libertas ex Bella

There is much power in reciprocity.

Can any libertarians explain how libertarian ism keeps mega corps from having enough capital to not simply buy or force out (or in the event of IP being abolished), copying of everything to control any and all emerging products or markets?

This is the true redpill. I maintain that the libertarian party is a sham promoted by the CIA(or some other organization) to smear the image of libertarianism and third party voting.

That's for autistic boomers who've never heard of Objectivism.

>The answer can be obtained by referring to chapter 9, pp. 612ff above, where we saw that the free market placed definite limits on the size of the firm, i.e., the limits of calculability on the market. In order to calculate the profits and losses of each branch, a firm must be able to refer its internal operations to external markets for each of the various factors and intermediate products. When any of these external markets disappears, because all are absorbed within the province of a single firm, calculability disappears, and there is no way for the firm rationally to allocate factors to that specific area. The more these limits are encroached upon, the greater and greater will be the sphere of irrationality, and the more difficult it will be to avoid losses. One big cartel would not be able rationally to allocate producers’ goods at all and hence could not avoid severe losses. Consequently, it could never really be established, and, if tried, would quickly break asunder.

So what the fuck does that say about you? Thanks for sharing with the class, now go sit down.

I know user, but I was literally thinking some retard user would say some dumb shit like >"hur hur America was made in 1776 you Amerimutt retard."
Though I am glad we are on the same page.

If you're consistent then libertarians should be against the existence of corporations. They're government entities. The owners are protected from liability because the company is treated as a legal person.

I found myself drifting towards more of a libertarian ideology. Once I started finding out what our government was spending money on and plus all the bailouts. I register and vote Republican but when I talk to people I will usually take a "Devil's Advocate" centrist kind of stance. I also tell everyone if they have a problem with the federal government they should support a Convention of the States.

How is that anti-libertarian?

>I maintain that the libertarian party is a sham promoted by the CIA(or some other organization)
The LP was unironically a Koch brothers pet project. Now it's a meme party for disenfranchised Bernoids and Ancaps who want toddler prostitutes to work in their opium production facilities.

While I am far from an alt right person and am Libertarian, I have thought recently about European settlements in South America and how tranquil most them seem compared to their host country. Makes ya think.

If you're still a libertarian at this point I just assume you're a pedophile.

>I just wish as a country we were a little more isolationist, we had less laws, smaller government, and less taxes
Why? So multi-national corporations can continue to push globo-homo?

A favorable alternative to the current layout, but not final by any means.

Corporate limited liability only applies to contracts. For one it's a convenience to have a shorthand way to name all the owners if there's more than 1. 2) It doesn't take the State to have a contract with a vendor that collateral for debts is strictly the "corporate" assets defined in the contract. This also applies to stocks, shares, or bonds. All a "corporation" proper really is various contract stipulations and outside of the parties in the contract should be irrelevant.
Legal "personhood" is just a way for the government to tax business owners more. A corporation isn't a "person" anymore than a rock band is a "person".
Liability for torts and crimes should be on the tortfeaser and crime committer. Suppose you have a car washing business out of a van and incorporate it. If you blow past a red light, drunk, and crash into a minivan killing all but the father, the van being a company van doesn't really matter for the crime. The father should be able to sue you for everything you own and will ever own, period. Maybe today's courts have bought into the myth of a corporation being a separate being, but that's on them. Leave it to state courts to muddle shit up and make law worse.

What do you think of Jacob Hornberger?

Second that. Also IP keeps 50% of corporations propped up by the government.


Yeah, okay bud. Go take your meds and come back when you can have a rational conversation.

Libertarians and libertarianism in general are ultimately useless ideologies. They do nothing, they achieve nothing the last time they were useful was during when Ron Paul was still relevant, now he's a shadow of his former self. Just another talking head on the internet.

The libertarians are done , kaput. this crisis whether you take it seriously or not has proven they are useless in everything do and spend all just bitching and whining how things aren't going they way. Sorry fuck you. I'm done listening to you assholes all you care about is money or weed.

If your a libertarian reading this, sorry buddy, you're wasting your time.

If IP was non existant then what is to stop large companies with massive capital from just copying anything that appears to be able to turn a long term profit? Copy it to the T, change just enough o not commit fraud, then out market for a while. This kills the smaller business or individual, and then once they are out of the way the company can scale back its blitz to make money off the invention or idea.

All it would need is enough media presence or ability to force other companies to carry their copy.