HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I've never seen the kike media so angry. Trump used the press conference as a trojan horse HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I've never seen the kike media so angry...
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How is this “objective” reporting?
Hope he manages to get us through this and gets the economy booming again in time for reelection
I'm so tired of their whinging. They need to explicitly call for revolution/rebellion (not in Minecraft) or they need to shut the fuck up.
>they're STILL mad about the video
He should do more.
Wait 10 hrs for the biggest btfo of the media ever
The fucking retard has his ass so entrenched into his diamond encrusted ivory tower that hes completely incapable of acting presidential for once during a time of crisis. Thats what you get when you elect an inheritance plutocrat who lives in a completely different world and doesnt give two fucks about the people.
"Oh... but le funney memes kek". Meanwhile there are literally mass graves in NY.
The absolute state.
Alright, I'm setting an alarm and I'm going to be pissed if you're wrong.
I think he's setting them up. He's baiting them for something. Curious to see what he says today or tomorrow.
cnn is butt hurt he put them in their place, at this point is just sad
>Meanwhile there are literally mass graves in NY.
Fuck, we need more.
Holy glownigger thread blow your brains out you faggot Israeli dogs
the media is lucky it isnt charlie hebdo every single day. that peace may not last forever
more like pissing yourself with laughter
cant wait till you are dead and rotting like the fsggot corpse npc you already are.
>it's propaganda when you play our own clips against us
lmao get fucked lugenpresse
I sure hope so, my antipodean friend.
>I think he's setting them up. He's baiting them for something.
Absolutely shocking.
>I hope he ass rapes them.
you sound so stupid, you really dont understand free will and state, he is the president, he cant force people to state at home, people are dying because they dont care and spread the virus, theres not enough graves as too many people are dying too fast
this jewlover trump kept attacking Biden in a political ad during his presser
wth was that all about?
schizo fake orange, take your meds
Europe has x3 times the death rate of US. Fuck off kike. You dont see korea send masks to the EU. Trump won over Kim and South Korea will suck Trumps dick for years.
They do that because outrightingly calling for rebellion can get you arrested in some states.
Shareblue shills are here, Lads.
Fuck off VPN fag.
Thats a nice meme flsg there kike. Remember the war With Iran and Syria. Oh right never happened. Jews will never forgive Trump for that.
Set up snail mail correspondence- all digital comms are compromised
Get back to dead drops and EE espionage technique for comms
What video?
Don’t talk with your fucking meme flag. Your probably a chink plant
He literally said at the early stages that everyone should continue as normal in order to stop stocks from falling too low in short order.
Seems a good thing under normal circumstances but in this case it was an act of pure greed so he and his favored lobbyists could have more time and return value to dump them. All this at the price of lives ofc (like they care).
There you have it. Yas Forums's beloved kikes in power.
It isn't. Reporting has been nothing but opinion pieces since ABC's embedded themselves within them.
*higher return value to dump their securities
Wow such "journalism"
These retards need to look up what "journalism" means, it's not just spout an opinion.
Fuck off DNC operative.
>Meanwhile there are literally mass graves in NY
they have 110,000 beds and the max they had 18,279 hospitalized. plus, in NY, more than 62% of all fatalities are of people over 60.
Learn to internet seach Bjorn
Start at 1hr:10m or there abouts
Everybody wants to be gangsta until it's time to do gangsta shit.
I've heard strong and open calls for sabotage since before the 2016 inauguration.
America is in the middle of history's greatest anti-government bender going back to the 2010 midterms yet our government is functioning stronger than ever. This is despite the media completely dropping the ball, failing to criticize any of the things that actually deserve criticism because they're too distracted (under Trump) or too enamored (under Obama).
Things have been weird but I'm so proud of my countrymen.
>there are literally mass graves in NY
That's normal you twit, there are over 1 million unclaimed bodies buried on Hart Island. You prey on people's ignorance of basic municipal management which is a lot less persuasive than what you usually prey on, I suggest taking a few days off to work on some better talking points.
how is Fox?
why do you even assume there is objective journalism, ever heard of source comparison / analysis? fucking braindead muttfags
Stay mad Abdul. The media is dangerously trying to discredit everything he says so it is perfectly reasonable for him to spend a few minutes to blow them the fuck out and out them as liars.
1. Italians seem to be unable to keep themselves indoors (for whatever fucking reason) and 2. the EU doesnt act on a federal level.
They know if an actual Boogaloo happened it'd be them swinging from lampposts
Anyone have a link to that press conference? YouTube or otherwise?
Shut your punk ass up faggot. Trump tried to do a lot of great things but he kept meeting a lot of resistance from fuck heads like you. He tried to close the borders sooner and control them but then libtards accused him of hurr durr xenophobia and hurrr durr racism. I still remember the ugly white libtard women on Twitter showing photos of that illegal and his son floating dead in the water and saying stupid shit like the blood is on Trump's hands.
Then with the sickness start to spread libtards wanted to accuse him of being incompetent--it's always something with you people. It's always a catch-22 with you people.
I mean, they need Cuomo or whoever to get on CNN and say some shit like "PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES; WE NEED YOU TO TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THIS ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. WE HAVE FULL SUPPORT OF MILITARIZES AROUND THE WORLD. THE TIME IS NOW TO TAKE ACTION." Otherwise they're a bunch of subversive faggot jews.
They are so mad because he used their own words against them
What's the website though?
It might just be some nobodies.
>muh fox
>NY is run by liberals
How is what happen in NY Trumps fault? I just heard MorningSchmo claiming the President can’t control the states.
Spill the beans or the dropbears will get you! What do you know? -And WHY do you know it?!
I am confuse. What did Trump do here?
Also Uk and France alone have the same death toll of what is basically a continent of 330 million.
Seperated by fucking islands and the EU still has 3 times the death rate
>I just heard MorningSchmo claiming the President can’t control the states.
and there's the 4D chess
> I just heard MorningSchmo claiming the President can’t control the states.
But its still Trumps responsibility Goyim
Trump even sent NY masks but they didn't even pass them out, they were still in storage and they were dragging their feet last I heard. Trump did what he could.
But Trump is/was right we should not have shut down the entire economy.
There are always mass graves in NYC. That's what they do with all the unclaimed dead bodies.
Libs are constantly on a high horse about their principles, though. You can tell whoever came up with these headlines has a nosering, plastic rim glasses, and dyed hair.
kys faggot
This guy..
What does analyzing a pile of lies get you? At best, you can reduce them to some logical hypotheses, and try to run with it, but why? Most people in the states just ignore all news media, aside from the wretched few who believe it.
>Germany complaining about objective reporting in the US
>Germany forgetting that it's own censorship laws and government collaboration keep real news from being verified or reported
>Germany thinks we forgot about how much they fucked up Europe with the migrant crisis.
Shut the fuck up, Germany. You're literally China tier authoritarian cancer.
you chillren are distracted by soundbites & ignorant.
that missing presidential seal/flag where he gives his pressers...guess what kiddies.
with the declaration of ALL 50 states a disaster, orange julius is no longer in charge.
it's fema. mil equipment is moving across the country.
see 12148...thanks jimmeh.
Oooh, so the ol "San Juan Special" play?