Anyone else think Jews are actually kinda based?

Anyone else think Jews are actually kinda based?

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niggers tongue my anus

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Jews are aliens from another galaxy who want to eat you raw.

jews are faggots

Parasites have never been and never will be based. They lead to their own destruction.

i will admit the Jews resilience is impressive. They are a worthy enemy of the white race.

>They lead to their own destruction.

They are still alive and kicking. They're more powerful than ever before.

I don't know, is being subversive and amoral based now?

Not really, they're driving themselves into extinction by marrying with whites, and we all know Israeli jews aren't of the same calibre as Ashkenazi (European) jews.

Penny Fitzgerald: Gumball! Niggers are licking my Anus!

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>weak and pathetic beings leeching off and surviving on the backs of powerful beings who perish
that's quintessentially based

Not based, but very succesful and smart, problem that we have is that we have way too many dumb people whom are easy to manipulate


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God's choosen people

Nope. Jews are utter slime. The worst of humanity and barely human with their inbred diseased neanderthal DNA.

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Whites function as middle management under the Jews. When whites are gone the Jews will be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of muds and won't have the patience or humility to keep them from lopping their heads off.


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>They are still alive
IT'S A MIRACLE! And truly it is. Because with all the bullshit you mother fuckers did it's a wonder we didn't Native American genocide your asses and put you on mandatory enclosed prison reservations. Hitler did nothing wrong.
And niggers are still alive and kicking.
That's not saying much. Nigger Jew.

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I don't get why you guys always say neanderthal bad when it's the only thing that separates every light skinned race from literal niggers.

Jews aren't white.
And white's don't have neandrithal DNA.

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you guys have internet wtf

Yeah we do and no, semites aren't white. But we all have some fraction of neanderthal dna, while the dumber races bred with different archaic humans. How that dna recombines and population bottlenecks better explain the gulf in humanity between the rest of the world and kikes.


The secret is that all the oppression is a lie. They write the books and laws. They used to say the Romans killed 6 million of them too. There’s “Never again” shit from the 1100’s

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well they do control everything

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>unbroken Davidic line
tell me more about how you descend from the tribe of Levi you fucking loxmongrel

Fuck off kike

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>How that dna recombines and population bottlenecks better explain the gulf in humanity between the rest of the world and kikes.
If you're getting super technical then yea everyone including non whites probably has a tiny fraction of neanderthal DNA. Jews have an overwhelming amount of it. They are neanderthals often. Outright. Or they're mutt human/neandrethal hybrids.
And neanderthals are violent, aggressive, sociopathic, pretty stupid, and jealous.
Such is the Jew.

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>Anyone else think cockroaches are actually kinda based?
I know right? They've been unfairly persecuted and genocided so many times and it has never had anything to do with them it is always just evil white people's irrational hatred of cockroaches.

if you know it's little then you don't get to claim it, it's like black person who's 5% white but claims to be white because of his miniscule white dna.

It's not impressive once you understand that it's the lack of morals which led to their resilience.

Other races have a self-reflective moment whenever they go too far in something. They think; "should I be doing this", or "is it within my right?". Often the answer is no, as the measures become too extreme, violent and causes too much collateral damage. If they don't, other members of their race will intervene.

This is not the case with the jews. They will never have such a moment. No lie or atrocity is big enough; the only thing they are concerned with is hiding their misdeeds and playing the victim.

>turkic ancestors convert to talmudism 1000 years ago
>muh unbroken line from Israelites!111

You must add "loves to see his wife gang banged in the ass by black dudes" under the white photo.

most jews today are judeans, and david was a judean, so kys.

They're alright and ironically more moral than the goyim. Goy morality consists of being a dumbfuck, Jews developed a moral system over thousands of years, that is still being actively worked on, debated etc. Just look at how they raise their children to be scientists and lawyers, while your proverbial mama just bought you an iPad. In reality you only have your parents to be angry at.

fuck off wh*te

> Unbroken Davidic line
Pic related
> Direct descendants of the Israelites
Okay this is not an accomplishment?
> .2% of the world's population
Fuck each other more? Again not an accomplishment.
> Went from impoverished Ghetto-Dwellers
How long did that last? Like 2000 years? And then
>richest minority in one generation
Once white people pulled down their pants and offered you their asses? And you used trickery, sociopathy, and vice to accomplish your goals?
> Has been relevant for thousands of years
> impoverished Ghetto-Dwellers
Also your brilliant Jew meme spelled " impoverished " wrong.

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>kike thinks making an unfunny meme is going to get people to like kikes

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>You must add "loves to see his wife gang banged in the ass by black dudes" under the white photo.
Um, that sounds like pure Jewish propaganda to me and if you watch cuckold porn all the girls are Jewish while their husbands film it.
So shove it up your ass bullshitter.
Cuckolding is Jew.

It's just cope in this thread.

>look at these unflattering pictures of Jewish people


They've always been the cause of there persecution.
If it wasn't ever justified then it would be based.
But the reality is they deliberately make things worse for other and then get attacked for that.

There sucess exists at the expense of others, not based on any inate talent to thrive, like all the civilizations they destoryed.

>neanderthals are violent and sociopathic
i will bite but:
>pretty stupid
this is where you ruined your post
>and jealous
jealousy is a gentile trait.
as opposed to being a weak beta faggot (aka white)?

>look at these unflattering pictures of Jewish people
Those are mostly movie stars. You want unflattering pictures of Jews? Because those were the best looking ones pictured. Here's an unflattering picture of Jews since you asked.
You want more?

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keep seething gentile lmao

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Neanderthals are stupid. You were barely let into the US originally because of your low IQ scores.
You're modern cave men. Oogga booga mother fucker.

A system of mortality that is against anyone who isn't a jew.

And cannot see the friction is causes.
Much wow very impress how is it a kid with an ipad needed to point that out to you.

I like Jewish girls more than any other race's women, even the goofy caricatures like Abigail Shapiro. They occupy a unique niche of cuteness that I really like.

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Lolll xDD

Guys guys guys, now about we stop hating jews and actually start learning from them.

They honestlly deserve what they enjoy today concidering what they've had to go through.
They're just a tribe firghing for itself like rest of us.

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this post is the epitome of cope

Yes, they are somewhat based. Although, if you spend time with jews, you begin to see how stupid their social pressure between jews can become. I know a few who are right wing, but they would never admit it among themselves because "muh nadsees".
So to they outside they are based, but among themselves they can be quite the NPCs.

>if you watch cuckold porn all the girls are Jewish while their husbands film it.

Um, that sounds like a projection to me.

>jewish genetic diseases
at least we don't go bald in our early 20's lmao

i could give zero fucks about filthy gentiles not liking jews.

In cuckold porn almost every girl has the nose. If not she has the hips that meet the back built like a fridge. Yea they're Jews. Once you spot their thin lips and wide ass mouths you got it.

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The real enemy in this world are male pussies, emasculated men who want to believe they deserve to be our fathers

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>jealousy is a gentile trait.

Kikes are avirice made flesh.
Cry moar meme faggot you cannot attribute anything high minded to yourself when you power relies on undermineing what elevates the races that are better than you in there natural environment.

Even with the handicap they most goy are still more wholesome than you'll ever hope to be, that why you work tirelessly to destory them.

>at least we don't go bald in our early 20's lmao
You know that's caused by testosterone right?