Why do Yas Forums meetups look objectively better than Yas Forums meetups?

Why do Yas Forums meetups look objectively better than Yas Forums meetups?

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Yas Forums meetup

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why would you ever meet up from an anonymous image board

>Everyone is a mutt or a Fredo
Sometimes I feel I'm the only real white on this site

You forgot the coping black guy that posts black dicks all the time.

To make sure we aren’t a bunch of jews trolling each other.

pic related is a 10/10 meetup in bongland

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Wow you're dumb

Well they are Yas Forums so I'm not sure what you were expecting

this place is a bunch of jews trolling each other though, the more they interact with each other the more they isolate us.
That's literally what they do here.

Because Yas Forums consists of meatheads who spend all their money on diet and steroids, while people from Yas Forums are smarter!

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t. wang

Sure thing Chang

Gee I wonder

You can be smart and still look good.

ehhh... nobody from Yas Forums has ever met up in real life. Most here would be incapable of doing so anyway since they aren't able to escape the linux box they were created and run in. What's it going to be.. a bunch of computers sitting around a table talking in some bot language? With captcha-bot serving the drinks?

Post stockpiles guys. Bro of Bro's award goes to the user most prepared for doomsday. The mentally stable need not apply. We need full schizo preppers.

Because nobody except glownigs and spics turn up to Yas Forums meetups.
But having met some that I know browse, they look more like Yas Forums though chubbier.

That’s why only come to this board twice a week. Long enough to extract jew memes.

Short enough to not catch the autism,

I'm smart and look good as fuck so this post checks out guys

Normalfags that cant get laid

Wait 30 minutes when they're all dick deep in each others ass. Wont look so good then.

>pol meetup

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Both end in lots of anal sex and shit smeared everywhere

>I'm smart and look good as fuck so this post checks out guys
you re also 6'5 and millionaire ex marine like everyone on this board

the guy in the riot shirt is a WWE champ & unironically could beat up all of Yas Forums


>pol meetup
that's just your average village in the balkans

Lmao literally a pack of autistic la creaturas that look like they never had sex in their entire lives.
The only difference between these fags and your average Yas Forumstards is that they are a bit whiter and more fit.

Pol is too much of a bitch to do this

Hey look. It’s a mutual dick sucking society.

Because Yas Forumstards cling to notions of racial superiority because it makes them feel better when they're shitty fat neckbeards.

POLSTERS might suck, but since they're in a superior racial group they feel like they don't have to do shit.

Yas Forums is insecure about themselves and recognizes their individual self is what matters. THEY are responsible for THEIR outcome, hence they must imrpvoe.

Brojobs aren't gay

Did you win frist prize

Kek, yes they are. Yas Forums is the gayest board. This is common knowledge.

too much spare time obvisly

5 white people in the pic, meanwhile fit is Aryan

Yas Forums meetups have way more wh*toids. Yas Forums is by far the most racially diverse board.

>the guy in the riot shirt is a WWE champ
Yeah right.

>pol actually has girls show up

Never gonna make it, /fit

Yas Forums looks better than both

>mfw alt-righttards look the same as antifag marxotards except no tats

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Counted only 7 white ppl. What the fuck

Because Yas Forums can crush any poltard with his bare hands. Heh, nothing personal, kiddos.

Balls don't touch, so again, not gay.

There are literally guys on pol who were there

Fair enough.

>racially diverse white supremacist community

is the 2nd from the left that mutt quadroon with huge tits that does twitch?

Thats what I was thinking. If you lineup Yas Forums and antifa members, it would be hard to differentiate them by looks. Antifa will just have more girl members.

Why does jesus look like majima with a beard?

Truly a larper.

>not being a /fitpol/ ubermensch

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>Going to any chan meetup
All of these people NEED to be executed

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You can't be smart if you're a meathead who spends money monthly on food to have big muscles.

This guy is the only /normal/ person there

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>board meetups
Man that's cringy

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fucking kek I remember when that was happening
spending money on clean food is fairly cheap
and spending money on steroids is absolutely redpilled

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what is the proof that this is a /pol meetup?

Yas Forums has more darkies too. the antifa hangouts here in portland are the whitest places you can go, and the seething is palpable

>black guy
BBC posters are chinks and jews

Yas Forums had meetups long ago, but I'm only aware of two of them.
We no longer do this, because we have enemies that would love to doxx us.
In any case, these "meetups" are basically the individuals from the area within which the meetup is held. You couldn't really expect anons from Kansas or Montana to attend a meetup in NYC, for instance, most of Yas Forums works for a living.
Therefore, you cannot look at previous pics of Yas Forums meetups and get any idea of what Yas Forums, in general, looks like. You would only be seeing anons in the vicinity of the meetup.

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gymcels have meetups?

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qt3.14 making fun of jews

gimmie plz

Isn't that guy supposed to be a hapa?

>Only White Men and Honorary Aryans
>a few Cute Girls
>But most guys are dysgenic mutts
Yas Forums achieved what Yas Forums wanted and Yas Forums somewhat achieved what Yas Forums wanted, wtf

I already thought so. Shall we start posting asian dicks with small rice balls?

>nobody notices Aaron Hernandez

Based Arkany Tigrovy Serb
You and the Croats should make up over the Ustasa, the world needs more based Slav cooperation

>not smart enough to recognise bait

>being on Yas Forums
>not being or actively working towards being Yas Forums based on principles alone
Is this whole board just psyop'd to hell? Where are the /sig/gers?

i'm jewish. most of us here are jews.

But there are, pic related is a country meetup.

Attached: midwestern :pol: meetup.jpg (2048x1536, 512.55K)


Hi Mr. Soros.

>The 145 IQ posters

I hate it so much. These are the people who call you a shill

>>mfw alt-righttards look the same as antifag marxotards except no tats

because theyre the exact same people on the opposite side of the coin

When Yas Forums meets no one is hoping to have gay sex with each other, so they don't care how they look.


Who has promoted cringe White Nationalism for the last 70 years?

It was a hwndu meet up(which was in NYC) , so it was obviously going to be full of crazy mutt urbanites. Have a meetup in a rural area or Europe and it'd be all white.
(keep in mind that no sane white person would ever go to one of these meetups due to the nature of this board and the fear of getting doxxed)

Coming here to post this picture.

No it isn't and they love black cock over therr

Yas Forums is made of fail

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They're all Jews.
And one is wearing a "Brooklyn Sporting Supplies" t-shirt.
And they don't look country, at all...

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The black guy doing the white power hand sign

>WWE champ

Literally a champ of acting and and playing pretend lmao

>not being Yas Forumspol/
Ngmi OP