Putbull Hate Thread

Do something horrible to these fucks

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seriously though if this nigger starts biting I'll kill his owner first then I'll kill the mutt and eat him in proper chink tradition

Can't wait til the day a pitbull goes after me so I can crush his skull with my brassknuckles.

Imagine exploding his skull with a fucking sledgehammer

Honestly the world would be better off if every pit bull died in hellfire and their species was permanently extinct. Anyone who owns one is either a malicious dickwaffle or a fucking dumb, overly-sympathetic lobotomite

lotta chinese in here, need to double check my region.

you're aware that this nigger can kill a child in 5 seconds?

and yet retards still want to have them because it's hip and trendy

Seriously screw you guys for hating on pit bulls so much. You'll never know the joy you get from turning a dog's life around because you can't even turn your own lives around.

And the thing is you're just scared of pit bulls because they're stronger than you so you pretend they're sub dogs just like your racist sub human stuff which is nonsense too but it's one thing to be racist against a human and another to be racist against a fucking dog. Get over it losers these dogs never did anything to you. You'll never know the love of being a pitbull mom and you'll probably never know love at all because you're hateful dog racists.

A nigger moved in next door to me about 2 years ago and had this ridiculous Pitbull mix that was aggressive as fuck. It would constantly come over to my yard and shit all over. I have a young son so obviously I didn’t want the dog over on my property. One day I go to the neighbor and politely ask him to please keep his dog on his property. Naturally, this nigger gets uppity and tells me to fuck off. I smile and say “okay Chris, have a good day.” Thinking he won, he slinks back into his home. Over the next several days, I befriend his dog, giving it treats and petting it. It comes to trust me. One day, I feed it hamburgers that I laced with engine coolant. I never saw the dog again and a short while later, Chris moved out.

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Tigers are stronger than me but I don't hate them

Put 2 female shitbull together and they would rip each other apart

An actual nigger can too, but it doesn't stop humans from importing them for some reason.

The true problem and the final solution.

the queen of England tried and failed, do your worst

The only redpill you need about these monsters. It explains you exactly why they are dangerous by nature.

Attached: Honkler-Censored.jpg (600x300, 132.68K)

the complementary of getbull?

People are hesitant to accept pitbulls are aggressive by nature, as in extend that would also translate to blacks being aggressive by nature.

Everyone knows deep inside it's true. Pit nutters are usually race mixers.

Some of the nicest dogs i have ever owned. You have to act responsibly though as they love to rip apart wild animals and cats. Very loyal and loving some of the best memories i have are with good pitties. Have fun with the hate,sounds like an loser made this post...

If we combine this with a China Hate Thread, we could have a Pitbull Ate Thread.

Fuckin based user!


Why stop at wild animals and cats? They iike to rip apart other dogs as well

Pigs show something similar by the way just in reverse. If you send a common pigs into the wild ithey will develop into big boars in a short amount of time.

this. /thread

>if you send common pigs into the wild they*

wait wait, gotta get my pits in here so we can all lol again

I was bit in the face by a pitbull when I was two. Still have the scars. Fuck you.

This. All shitbulls have been gamebred.

the put needs to be put

I've noticed this too.

Love those pit bulls! I can't ever find an ounce of respect for the kind of beta faggots that are afraid of a dog. You seriously should be rounded up and gassed. Pussies.

things that never happened for 600, alex

Is this copypasta? I remember reading something like this before, only with "single moms" and "african child" instead

You will be killed by a nigger first, you sweden cuck

That’s because she can’t outsmart the pit bull.

If you fucks are are using your lame as shit zoology references for humans, the shit is old. You fucking pussies probably kevetch at the site of physical activity. Fucking Euro trash should all be nuked.

stop lying
a pit bull would have torn you to shreds, eaten the pieces, and shit you out, then pissed on the shit

This breed is a problem because it's owned by niggers. Give a nigger any breed and it will turn into a stupid death machine.

With audio:


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Not really. Even pitbull white mommies have died to them despite being avid supporters of them

Attached: https _blogs-images.forbes.com_niallmccarthy_files_2018_09_20180914_Deadly_Dogs_Forbes.jpg (960x684, 52.38K)

>the tiger is backing down
You see why these fucks are beasts? Every common sense has been bred out of them.

Probably gonna get hate for this, but whatever.

>be me
>have e-boyfriend
>fly out to see him
>dumps me at airport
>I'm stuck there for two weeks
>turns out he's a tranny
>his annoying SJW landwhale "lesbian" friend apparently told him to dump me
>we all hang out
>she's a bit dorky, and I'm obviously upset about the breakup and tranny shit, but we have an okay time
>I fly home
>write a letter to my ex saying that I don't think he's evil but it was super selfish to get me to fly out just to dump me and then call me transphobic
>he blocks me on everything
>SJW chick messages me on Discord
>proceeds to tell me in a super long, drawn out way that my ex won't be speaking to me again, that I'm not abusive but should "probably see a therapist and try to be objective", makes fun of me for being raped as a child (something I never told her, but told my ex when I told him I wanted to wait to have sex)
>"and besides, I was really disappointed by all the bigotted comments you made when we were getting to know each other"
>"okay first off don't lecture me when you just snooped through m- bigoted? What?"
>"Yes. Bigotted. You said all pitbull owners are cunts."
>when we were hanging out she mentioned that she considered calling children's aid on her cousin or something
>apparently the cousin never watched the kids and they owned a pitbull that nipped the kid's cheek
>I said, "yeah well, whaf do you expect, pitbull owners are cunts."
>she starts breathing really heavy
>she said she was a bulimia survivor
>bitch is so dumb she picks the one eating disorder that doesn't make you skinny
>"Personally, I think that's super racis-"
>"You're white."


Says the italian cuck under totalitarian lockdown, to the Swede who can live life normally under Covid, with no lockdowns. Yet Sweden's infection rate and mortality is on par with UK.