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He needs to tell Jim Accosta to “dilate” then he will be a confirmed Yas Forumstard

How is this a confirmation of his posting activity?


ok schizo

lol wut?

Como makes me think of Skeletor.

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he's that aids ridden lefty faggot responsible for the corona explosion in NY, right? why does he think he has any right to whine

Didn't this faggot threaten to go to the war when Trump wanted to put NY into lockdown?

Wrong word choice by Como

Isn't he the one with nipple rings protruding?

Doesnt want Trumps team knowing the kind of fake numbers his state been pumping out

Very disrespectful.

Next time he will advise him to take his meds.

today i read in the News that the states can make their own rules about how the lockdown is managed and what's to happen.
is this correct?

it's funny cause NY is democratic but you still can blame trump then if shtf even if democrats choose to do what, when and how.
was just a thought.

Yeah that's the while thing.. if the federal government does more than recommend, theres a potential constitutional crisis

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>Skeletor 2 Rings thinks he can call me a schizo! Sad!

>not calling him a glownigger

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but federal law is above state law, no?
i don't really know how it works in the US. In Switzerland we have it similar (only smaller) and the Feds say "we do this" and the little states can deal with their own rules but some might be reconsidered later by some judges.

Imagine someone walking in and catching the POTUS browsing this schizo website. Enough to get him impeached

what VPN do you think he uses?

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yes every state has different stay at home orders.


I see it.

Every state is it’s own country with its own constitution. We just loosely agree to be united. It’s complicated.

It's not. JIDF is back from holiday.

>but federal law is above state law, no?
It kind of depends. States still have a bunch of Power (as they should) and are in charge of their individual responses. The Feds can attempt to come in if they fuck it up bad or just feel like being asses but if the state objects they can sue and there is a good chance win. That is why there were guidelines given instead of orders. Some listened, some didn't.

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One of the funniest shops ever

nipple rings at a time like this, shameful really

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Why do discord trannies think anyone else but them constantly doubts their own sanity?

never left leafy leaf

Memes control reality.
Why do you think so many powerful entities send their shills here?
The meme war is no joke.

his brother is going to die soon
Trump curse

In a federally declared emergency, Federal government supercedes state and local governments. So if the federal government calls for the states to open up they must, however it's up to eh governors to manage the opening. This is power they must trade for the federal aide they received under the declaration.

1 titty piercing is straight. 2 titty piercings is queen tier.

i thought that was when Maryland started hunting NY escapee's and sending them back

Most of them live in a separate world, tended to by the GOP, Fox News, talk radio, Sinclair broadcasting, etc (with a good chunk of them--about half of the Republican base--being evangelicals as well). They have been trained over the last forty years or so to automatically distrust anything they are told that doesn't come from figures of authority they recognize, and have also been told that everything they hold dear will be ruined if they compromise even a little. Their patriotism has been used to control them still further, and has also been turned against other Americans, who are at best (to them) fools, and at worse malevolent enemies. It's super sad, but America has always been two countries writhing within one border, and the conservative attempt to deal with modernity has just exacerbated this problem - and turned their adherents, many of whom are already in creepy religious groups, into one massive cult.


Trump said his authority is absolute in the context of ever state and territory claiming a disaster status from the feds. The media is reporting his words without the context. "My power is absolute" instead "my power is absolute since we have granted disaster status to every state and territory"

In this situation hes right.

If you were a good governor and were prepared you wouldnt need disaster status from the feds and have to suck the fed tity. Since no one was prepared it has given trump that juicy disaster power. Trump has repeatedly said he wants to leave it up to the states to open up but if he feels they are being political and not practical he will force it. It's not hard to listen to these yourself.

I get that a foreigner wouldnt.

I love how devoted to this retard people are. He said first that state are on their own; fucking retarded but fine. Cuomo is handling it and he's working well with other governors. Now Trump says the Feds need to take charge and the states need to shut up? This fucking retarded faggot wants to have his cake and eat it too; typical kike move.

It’s a manufactured crisis. Technically under federal law, during declared emergencies, the federal government (Not Trump personally) has significant powers. Trump has repeatedly stated that he doesn’t want to use those powers and that he wants buy in more than dictates.

Media is a drama instigator, no better than people in high school who spread rumors to get people to fight.

Trump had been hands off from the beginning, so if Trump attempts to put American lives at risk by trying to force economies to open then of course governors are going to push back.

>president has power over states
schizo Trump is off his meds again
Ivanka make him take his meds

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I think you've misinterpreted the beginning words. If you're basing this off of "schizo" then Cuomo would be the poltard

if he does that I will vote for him

typical leftist projection

Thats how it was supposed to work the Civil War pretty much ended actual state rights.

Dems push for more federal power and for the Supreme Court to supercede state elections.

They're just crying because they aren't in control of the fed currently

>handling it
>195,031 confirmed infected

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you kids are distracted by soundbites & ignorant.
that missing presidential seal/flag where he gives his pressers...guess what kiddies.
with the declaration of ALL 50 states a disaster, orange julius is no longer in charge.
it's fema. mil equipment is moving across the country.
see 12148...thanks jimmeh.

evangelicals and maga cultists literally feed off oligarch semen

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hahaha. does Cuomo have a past career as a Yas Forums shill?

This is how they will kick off a civil war.

>Passionate issue (livelihoods)
>Conflict between Centre and perifery
>Conflict between Authorities and People
>Conflict between Red team and Blue team
>Conlflict with intense ideological pumps
>Stoked by media hysteria
>Inevitable Civil Violence Confrontation
>Potential Ethnic divergence into Statist versus individual

Bet they have it all Strategically mapped out, goyim. You just have to fill in the game as the pawns.

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Americans are having anudda civil wart.

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It’s not. OP is being a faggot, again.

Why not Maddow?

You can't even vote in German elections, turk

No, shills are the ones who call the redpilled 'schizos' is what he means, thus confirming Trump's true Yas Forums.