Republics don't last, factions emerge and slit the country into pieces. There is no unity in this, the US must change to survive.
Should the US become Fascist?
Other urls found in this thread:
The U.S. is one of the oldest governments in the world right now.
We need to return to a state where libertarianism could work, as our founding fathers wanted. However, yes, this can only be achieved through fascism
What do you think of this?
Go ahead and unpack that.
Libertarianism says "I can be a gay meth-smoking straight-banging tiger-owning cowboy and its all good because its my freedom and autonomy"
How does fascism feel about gay meth-smoking cowboys?
Libertarianism where the citizens just shoot faggots
Unsustainable desu
Yeah, why don't you go ahead and get it started right away? Establish the "American Fascist Party", start campaigning and see how much power you hold or change you manage to institute in four-five years time in the current political paradigm and cultural climate. Also memeflag = kike, so get gassed Moshe
Read the ones on the lower part.
Fascism clears out the garbage, then there's a popular libertarian minded revolution
Isn't that 5 arrows originally a Rothschild symbol, Moshe?
How can it be truly libertarian if you murdered all the wrong-think?
It's the Spanish fascist party back in WWII
Yes. A fascist, militaristic economy with strong moral discipline, especially for adults and children would be beneficial for everyone. It would deal with degenerates, and it would also be beneficial even for the lesser races such as the negroes, if they stayed for some reason.
The people who remain don’t need the government to tell them what’s wrong or right
Also, you don’t need to kill anyone. Deportation of nonwhites, therapy for faggots
Ok I guess you would need to execute a decent bit of people for treason, but hardly any citizens
Purism is better, it helps to correct bad behavior and it does not discriminate.
>Republics don't last
Fascist countries never last as well you fucking retard
Define purism
It rewards good behavior and punishes bad, there will be less need of prisons, based on a point system, high score and you get rewarded, low score and you are punished.
ex : higher taxes, less pay, less items you can buy.
Check out Rothschild coat of arms (from 1822). There's 5 arrows.
Conclusion: Spanish fascists were working for jewish bankers.
Can you not be this brain-dead?
We would always give people a chance to earn back their points by the way.
One coat of arms is from 1940's. One is from 1820's, and it's said to symbolize the 5 sons of Rothschild, who went to various countries, opening up banks.
What can I say? The symbol may be of even older origin. But why exactly 5 arrows?
Exactly what I said in that thread.
Wut? To build an entire relationship between two opposing groups based on a number is retarded at best.
>this can only be achieved through fascism
You fundamentally misunderstand fascism then. It's not just a system of government, and its system of government is not just a militaristic dictatorship.
You are a retard
Welcome to not taking your meds
>Republics don't last
They last longer than any form of fascism did.
what a shit thread.
I mean, whatever. My point was you can't really call it libertarianism.
All right, that seems to settle it.
>don't need the government to tell them what's wrong or right
>government mandated therapy
I guess you are technically right, in that if the government eliminates all things it considers "wrong" and terrifies the remain pop into staying within that box of behavior, you wouldn't need the government to continually tell people what is right and wrong, because all the wrong is gone.
But that's not really how humans work, and that is not really libertarianism.
Nor is a government changing a contract unilaterally and ending its "citizenship deal" that it made with living residents.
You could set policy for the future, but the above is very very very anti-libertarian.
Get the fuck off my lawn
White ethnostate for starters. Then a fascist government. Economically fascist, the in between of socialism and capitalism. Culturally American. Religious freedom for all respected (ie a secular government that pushes no religion on the people or favors no one religion). Strong military.
Did I leave anything out?
No U.