Bong refuses to open door for cops over covid-19 fear... cops break door down

So this is why mutts insist we all own guns, I get it now.

>Oi, you got a loicense for that door mate?

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hideous Police State

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Its not even shocking anymore how fucking bad the UK has gotten.
Can only laugh for so long, matter of time before its that bad here and 10 times as bad in the UK.

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Did Americans use their arms when this happened?

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The female is the enforcer because she's biologically inclined to enforce state shenanigans. And simps are assigned to accompany her because they can't resist white knighting anything she does.

Did a single burger pick up a gun when this happened?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-14 Lawyer Man killed by officer was asleep when police fired.png (991x787, 663.27K)

majority of uk cops are just glorified security guards. Don't even have a gun

How about all the people killed in no knock raids?
Americans don't have guns to secure their rights or fight tyranny or the government or anything like it. They have guns to talk tough online.

Attached: no knock.jpg (534x515, 78.41K)

go necklace someone chimp

No and not a single one will bear arms now. They're full of fucking shit. Oh you will get threads saying "gee willaka I sure reckon that our guys will start shootin an tootin at cops but just not today"

If Americans do nothing but accept being imprisoned then they are the biggest cucks on the planet. Maybe then can eat their gun when food runs out

Remember when that housing project burned down and cops firefighters made the blacks go back into the burning building to die?

The virus is a dream come true for bong police. Lots of twitter posts, fines, catchphrases, and warnings about racism.

I regularly use examples from the UK to scare pinko peers and relatives. It's highly effective.

>pussy amerishit calls other countries "police states"
>when provided with information of his own cucked country he turns to insults
Lmao reddit spacing pussy your fucking toy isn't gonna protect you from a group of officers coming from all sides before your fat ass even goes to raise that little gun you'll be shot dead before you even know it and yes tell me how you'll "fight da gubmint" when they know everything about you

I don't but it sounds based.

It enrages me that despite a legitimate crisis on our hands petty non-issues like muh online racism continue to be shilled by police and others online.

hate this shithole
just want UKIP to go back to being nationalist libertarians again and somehow take power

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TV Licensing videos are always kino.
Jesus christ that guy's accent though.

>Get badge numbers

you have a childish meme understanding of why we have guns. we have guns to protect ourselves from criminals. almost no one thinks they can fight the government with our guns.

you are just jealous you can't even own a fucking knife LMFAO

go sharpen your spoon Trevor

That won't do anything.

Just like soviet Russian!

Answer the fucking question. Did a single American "fight tyranny" when an innocent white man was gunned down in his bed and his pregnant wife wounded by police?

Just a single one?

Americans shoot over 100 cops to death a year

>Touch a bunch of surfaces
>Talk smack for a bit
>Tell old m8 you're observing social distance
>...then get up in his face
>Put on to gloves when leaving
Fucking braindead pigs m8

Yes, several times officers have been shot doing these things. Cops are shot at with surprising regularity by normal Americans

It's a black, I can tell.

Too bad Farage left and Sargoy used what was left of Ukip as toilet paper.

show flag

>none of the cops are even wearing masks


Holy fuck the delusional Americans are back to tell us that we live in a police state.

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Good luck doing that to our apartment doors, they are laminated steel doors.

Sounds of the Nigerian variety, I figured.
If you're a white South African man I feel sorry.

>be american
>get shot
>post about UK police incidents to cope

yep the party died by the time Nige left and those eceleb faggots joining added insult to injury
BXP is just centre-right populist vaguery which I can see dying within a year and then we'll have nothing

>If you're a white South African man I feel sorry.
lmao, please don't, you're worse off, believe me.

That story got buried quick

>meme understanding of why we have guns
Apparently so do most Americans and the people that wrote the constitution and the Americans that post on here about how every country should have guns like they do but then never do a fucking thing with them

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Notice how they put gloves on only after they already entered the house and touched every surface they could, its like they were trying to spread it.


Sure hope he reports them all.
>Destroys his door
>Starts searching without a warrant
>Touches surfaces
>Four of them within 2m of each other while talking about social distancing
Bellends the lot of them.

libertarianism is a meme faggot.

Oh look the real story here

KYS faggot

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-14 Police Shooting Fatal shooting by officer in Potomac MD.png (937x247, 30.7K)

Why would they. Nobody knew him, nobody was around. When that retard drunk live streamed that he was gonna get redflagged a hundred people showed up in his neighborhood armed, and hundreds others crashed the police phone lines for hours. Turned out the dude was full of shit, but the effort was there. Or the Bundy boys who got a few hundred armed guys and forced the federal government to back off over the BLM issue. No one's going to die for someone who's already dead though

Am I going to have to look up that stat just to get the confirmation bias that it's basketball Americans doing most of it?

it's legal to set up deadly spike traps in your house btw, it's also legal to to mix bleach and alcohol when the door opens

No date

yes libertine libertarianism that you see allover plebbit and that Gary Johnson shills is a meme
but tell me how the fuck anything else is meant to fix this garbage police state of a country?

I'll take our freedoms over yours any day Davey

Our ancestors left your authoritarian shithole for a reason.


is that a picture from when the police were searching the neighborhoods for the two shitskins who bombed the boston marathon and found them hiding in someone's boat?

He's white, so it's ok

lucky bastard. early escape from clown world.

They require that because we have a habit of shooting cops. If they were doing the same thing in the UK they'd just send two female cops in a squad car and not be nearly as nervous as those ole boys are

And to think my mother wants to move us back there, when its this bad.

Good chunk of my family moved there in the 40s. Grandparents take every chance they get to go on about how great it was in the 70s to early 90s, now to my understanding you can't even own the flag from that era.
I mean given our population compared to SA plus the rate of immigration here we probably have triple the niggers you have at this point.

Yes, many cops have been shot to death trying to enforce this nonsense, and a few of the shooters have won their court cases.

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