Jared Kushner had more plastic surgery than Ivanka lmao

Jared Kushner had more plastic surgery than Ivanka lmao.

Why do Americans let these freaks give all your money to Jews?

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Attached: C2cZKhqWQAAUZFU.jpg (1124x723, 80.79K)

poor guy

u can tell being president is really wearing him down

He looked fine before? What gives.

wow he was christian bale tier when he was young

He looks like he’s secretly transitioning

He looks worse.

She used to look like a kike. Interesting...

this is a weird dude

this weirdo is creepy AF. probably a psychopath/sociopath. should be in a maximum security prison already.



wtf he looked better on the left

>fat lips
>big nose
That's a kike alright Chaim. Show your Israeli flag.

Amazing that there have been no border wall updates since zion don handed the project to Kushner

>plastic surgery

fuck off leaf

>fat lips
not an argument since anyone can have them, and alot of jews have pretty thin lips
also shape >>> size
>big nose
retard cope
alot of whites have weak chins, and jewish women tend to have strong chins
also jewish chin shaped differently and ivanka's chin is not receded because she's fat in that pic.
you're a brainlet, your understanding of genetics and phenotype doesn't go beyond 1+1=2

your inferiority complex is palpable, goy

What the fuck happened to his eyelids? This is creepy as hell.


He's probably going to get taken off the Coronavirus task force soon. He doesn't poll well at all and there's no reason to have him there.

Some weak men, not all, when they marry a beautiful woman, you secretly want to become her. It's what happened to Bruce Jenner. Kush is looking more and more like Ivana. She likely advises him on beauty regimen and he feels she is expert on this topic. Here, try my lip plumper, go see my dermatologist, here dad, try my tanning creme, you look pale. Overly femanine women turn men gay and into trannies. Marry a bitch who knows how to hunt and ring a chickens neck, or you'll be a fag trannies like kush. He looked way better before.

>Overly femanine women turn men gay and into trannies.
nice, i need me one like that, not some hog bitch who wrings chickens necks

Where did his chin go?

Looks Russian in left

they cut it off. the tip of his nose too

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It's called ageing.

jew has the same look/psychology as tenda spencer but because of the phenomenon of material determinism, one is a jew dictator of the us and the other is an unsuccessful internet based illustrator.

it's called psychopathy/psychopathic narcissism, moreover.

Where’s the plastic surgery? He’s just getting uglier with age

>Jared Kushner had more plastic surgery than Ivanka lmao.
Kushner's going for a Patrick Bateman look

Attached: intro-1502818850.jpg (780x439, 28.39K)


He is the real president.


>I voted for trump so Jews could run the country

>He looked fine before? What gives.
Maybe he has a conscience and it's eating at him?
Or maybe dealing with demons is eating at his soul.
Who knows.

>wow he was christian bale tier when he was young
Now he's Ben Shapiro tier.

Attached: kushner mass immigration plan approved.png (1017x885, 546.89K)

Voting for Hillary was the same.


Brainlet spotted

>oh muh gawd muh Hillary muh ww3
I’d welcome an apocalypse to your faggy pede cum guzzling.


Fucking hideous creatures