Post the typical American soldiers and their chad European counterparts

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This is just too good to be true:
The nigger's name is White
The German's name is a Slavic name often adopted by Jews when they converted to Christanity.

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lmao is that a real person? He looks EXACTLY like the amerimutt meme. sauce pls

The Amerimutt meme was created from this pic, how hard is that to understand.

So Europeans don't eat meat? No wonder they are so weak.

Smile for Israel!

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>EU flag
Europe doesn't have a flag retard

Ok so the other soilder isn't German either.

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Yeah that's the point of the amerimutt meme, its a meme based on this guy.

Maybe poisoning your soldiers for all their lives wasn't a good idea.

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When will they learn?

Face it amerishart, you’re a Manlet all those burgers and pizzas stump your growth. It’s almost like you’re being controlled

Why does merica have sand camo suits anyway? Does the us have lots of sand ?

Now that one is unfair.

MPs have to be meat Giants.

They’re still manlets unedited

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The better question would be... Why are they wearing Forest camo over sand.

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They only wear them when they’re defending Israel


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Chad wins again

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cute dog

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Because our Government is Enslaved to israel and turning more non white by the day due to the 1965 immigration act.

American Forces wear sand camo not because there is a lot of sand in America (There's some) but because we fight in sand for israel.

I'm 6ft

European, negroid leaf

Per Nettuno, just look how much brain the Italian has

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why do europeans larp as if they had an army lol? the only relevant military in europe is france and so far I haven't seen a single french flag in your larping pics

Pick one. All the real European men died in 2 world wars.

>They have women on frontlines

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C'est plus européen que les américains, sa va.

Based. Anything outside France and Bongland is utterly irrelevant and glorified police larping as military.

"Muh ww2" it was 80 years ago just in case.

>Europoors actually believe large body size is good in guerrilla warfare.

The absolute state of eurofags. Still believing in ancient warfare tactics in a nation that literally warred itself out of existence.

Enjoy going extinct by shitskins in 30 years.

> the only relevant military in europe is france
A large army makes a more impressive surrender

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This is what comping with midgetry looks like.