He killed 6 million Jews and has gone down in history as one of the wickedest men to ever live. Nothing you do will ever change this indisputable fact of reality.
He killed 6 million Jews and has gone down in history as one of the wickedest men to ever live...
Other urls found in this thread:
>6 million
>indisputable fact
Rollin for French kike to do damage control
thats right goys never forget the 10 million jews that were turned into lampshades and oven mittens
pro or neutral hitler sentiment has been steadily rising since the 60s.
keep living in your comfy selfmade reality
72 million people died in that war. The correct answer to the jewish death tally is: who cares?
>72 million people died in that war.
Because Hitler started it.
Fuck off PC-Sectist
6 jews, sure
60 jews, sure
600 jews, now were talking
6,000 jews, starting to get somewhere
60,000 jews, starting to question MSM
600,000 jews, really questioning MSM
6,000,000 jews, didn't happen
Except he didn't. Nice try, shlomo.
Lurk more.
Get a load of this newfag
>I read some things on the internet written by rabid anti-semites with no grasp of reality so it's true
Yet every reputable historian does not agree with you
>inb4 those historians are controlled by DA JOOOOOS
Perfect right? You can never be wrong, even though there is no evidence or support for your beliefs, you can just claim anything contrary is put forth by the Jews to discredit you.
does it really matter how many jews he killed?
.t seething kike
>He killed 6 million Jews
Another proof that antisemitism is alive and well. He killed 60 million you lying basterd bong.
What a great joke op
gee, I wonder why..
plus 5,000,000 "others". Just think of the logistics involved in murdering 11,000,000 people and disposing of their remains. Those damned krauts and their efficiency at doing this with 1930s technology just baffles the mind.
Bolshevik Jews killed at least 30 million white Russians. Explain why i should cry about Hitler.
ok and?
Israel itself has reduced the official "dead jew" records by SO MUCH its pretty crazy.
Just look at this, the plaque when entering the Majdanek death camp.
At the beginning the number was 2 million.
Now its... 78,000, lol.
And its getting smaller every year.
Your parents?
Your school?
Who told you this?
Dont forget about the
6 million to stop hate and the
6 feet to stop the spread and how
6 inches is as long as it gets cus we cut you to protect you from phimosis
Imagine unironically believing in the 6 gazillion myth even tho there's virtually NOTHING to prove it, and mountains and mountains of evidence to disprove it. You're an absolute fucking retard and that's about it. Reasoning with you is like reciting Sheakspeare to a bull and expecting him to understand.
But nkvd yagoda did it
We could burn all the history books and rewrite them that should get the ball rolling
>indisputable fact of reality.
>He killed 6 million Jews
top kek.
>Hitler started
That's debatable.
Then there's the thing that the war could've been finished earlier if not for some British shenanigans.