Canada's GDP is minus 15

It's real unemployment is now 35 percent.

This is what $160 Canadian gets you in the country's capital. Notice there isn't even any meat.

Attached: canada food2.jpg (1280x960, 249.31K)

>Notice there isn't even any meat.
good, vegan is the best diet

Nigga you buy shitty pre ground coffee????

Attached: 1586521499757.png (1152x915, 673.35K)

i buy what i can afford.

Just post the in store prices

That pic is terrifying. How do those grocery items cost that much??

Pathetic. Two exceptions to grocery budget are meat and good quality coffee. You're obvious a mega virgin who doesn't know how to prepare for disaster. Veg spoils m8. Get multivit, meat, coffee, and good tea. Don't be a pussy.

Attached: 1586525418098.jpg (1242x1394, 258.51K)

supply management. AND people can no longer cross the border to the USA to shop so they can charge whatever they want now

i cant imagine being trapped in your head with you like you are.

>10 lb onions

at least he can cry a lot for being a leaf

8 liters of milk? Is this groceries for the month? And why are you buying so much sugar?

$3 for ketchup scares you? That seems pretty good to me

Canadians deserve only death.

We burnt down your Whitehouse before, we'll do it again

My cousins up there say the opossums and squirrels are almost gone now.

What else can you do? Not everyone has 15$ for a combo big mac

people do eat squirrels but they haven't runout of em

Are these prices even real or are people just shilling a meme?

I could get all that for 4x cheaper here in the UK.

I read an article from the Canadian state media that said that Canadian children's growth is being stunted due to malnutrition. Is it true?

Attached: 1586130537299.png (500x749, 408.96K)

>Notice there isn't even any meat.

Read the fucking receipt, "XLEAN GRND BEEF"

You faggots will believe anything.

>zirgo galvas actually believe this

the immigration from the third world also brings down the average height.

it is very real and the shills are the ones denying it while not posting prices, receipts or any proof that 'things are fine'

Attached: canada food.jpg (1280x960, 209.72K)

At least I can buy a butter knife without a license

what a homosexual


>no meat
>receipt includes $13 worth of 'ground beef'

this. almost 10% of the whole bill too

Exchange rates. 160 CAD is 115 USD.

in reality this is what you pay for butter

but there is no sassy bitch discount

Attached: $7 butter.jpg (3024x4032, 3.59M)

>notice there isn't even any meat
>literally meat in the picture
what did this faggot mean by this?

Attached: Big_Mac.webm (889x500, 2.5M)

>no meat
>1kg ground beef

$13 for 354 grams

That's a good point. But, why wouldn't the Trudeau government just admit to flooding the place with chinks instead of saying that they are starving? Chinese money's one hell of a drug.
How much does food cost up there?

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