Say "thank you brother Xi."
Thank China
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Thank you brother Xi
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kinda cring
So this is your new brothers...
Remind me how many chink volunteers were fightring for Serbia during the crisis? Or how they were saving you from Turks?
Huge disappointment.
Ni hao Chang
I'm not from Serbia.
I'm not Chinese.
Bruh that copypasta is cringe.
Well show your flag then, and how did you get that flag btw?
I'm from the UK.
don't trust you china flag or stay a liar
What's your ethnicity, kunt?
Why is every China related thread identical? I'm bored. Yas Forums is a hivemind
I hate the UK and refuse to post under it's flag.
That shouldn't matter.
How did you get that flag then?
>Literally every pro Trump thread is identical
>Claims China related threads are identical
What flag?
fuck yuo, fuck shit, now I cannot post and have to hide
Are you blind? *Tree Hugger*
Ni hao
he looks like a Bognadoff there
China is a green tea bitch that is currently collapsing in on itself.
CCP will be in the dustbin just like the CCCP.
I will kill xi
What do you mean "how did I get it?" It's one of the flag you can select, retard.
someone should plaster these all over the US complete with Chinese writing and see how it reacts.
what help did Serbia get from Russia, besides 1804 and even then you betrayed them?
Nihao ma ching bing ling long. Fuck Xi, cunt needs the Hussein treatment
>Claims China is collapsing
>Even though China is the strongest economy in Asia
>And even though China is the only country that has beaten the Corona Virus
Amerimutt cope is unreal xD
No you won't.
Imagine if the CCP was setup by the Freemasons via proxy through their Russian Branch, and Xi Jinping was actually a special-handshake homosexual boy-raper who knowingly green-lights the human trafficking trade?
Chinese detected, gtfo this board
Oh, hahahahahahaha now I see I dont use memefag so I dont know
>thank you brother Xi
repeat after me thank you brother Xi
fuck you fag pooh. china will burn
Stop being so racist. Xi Jinping has personally gone out of his way to send medical aid to the rest of the world in this time of crisis.
We beat coronavirus we rov china
move there if its so good ling chi how
I'm not Chinese.
So many chinks in here omg...
>Only just realised how to use memeflags
Found the newfag.
>Winnie the Pooh meme
Are you a CHAI NA man?
>"Everyone I don't like is a chink!"
Yeah you got me thank you chang
Wong. Winnie the Flu giving a couple masks does nothing only damage control his image when he silenced scientists and media because CCP is incompetent. China virus started in Wuhan. Lab workers stupidly infected themselves, then others and it spread. Fuck chinese dogs, they're lower than the dirt a dog shits on.
jesam, jebem ti mater dok ri-zui jedem stapicima
Absolute State lmao
better to stand with chinks then with jews
Nice now show flag CHAI NA man I want to see that red flag
You're wrong. The virus was created by America and dropped on Wuhan by the US military. China has been dealing with the virus before it was globally recognised. They've been investing the most into scientific research and have been working closely with the World Health Organisation.