This world system isn't really run by old guys in suits, or ZOG or that matter.
The behavior of the elites makes sense when you realize who is in charge of this planet
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I know who's running the show, just curious, who do you think run it?
Satan, whom Jesus called the Prince of this world and the Apostle Paul called the god of this world.
close enough
les bogdanoffs
Revelation 20:10 ESV
And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
>unirinocally believing in bronze age fairytales written by primitive screwheads
Referring to Lucifer there, leaf?
Just look at what's happening and what the endgame is user. A one world government, universal microchipping, a one world currency, cashless society. Read the Book of Revelation.
You are right, but here is my big question- why would these people choose to follow Satan? If all this is real, who would knowingly choose the side which inevitably receives eternal damnation? These people are patient and think long term. What could possibly be in it for them? Do they think they can actually beat God? I really want to know, if theres any Christian's or theorists out there who can answer this, I'm all ears.
Yep. It's Satan.
>2 hours long
Give us the Cliff notes, user.
They're deceived by Satan and are given positions of authority on this planet.
Because Satan is a magician. Humans are easily lead astray in the face of spellcraft. All man craves to be like a god and what is more tempting than magic?
How come none of you mentioned Lilith?
Satan is the puppet master behind our world leaders. It's worth a watch when you have time.
Welp, that's it boys, I'm convinced
All I have on Christianity
And here all of my stuff on satanism in one posts sorted by subject.
Thread that just ran through
Their believes and philosophical framework
True Tinfoil stuff
I'm glad people on Yas Forums are talking about this. I have been saying this for the past few weeks but my posts get hidden by Satan. He is very real he has changed reality around me. But there is also God and he is helping me.
Understand what satanism is about
Satanism is about the rejection of God and his values, embracement of his teachings.
>19The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20idolatry and sorcery; hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
>22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Also all the stuff God forbids throughout the bible, from faggotry to racemixing, and general degeneracy, is what satanism is all about, complete egoism, materialism and hedonism So Satanism is embracement of all the degeneracy that God forbids and which the kikes push and and enduldge in.
By allying with Satan you ally in any way you ally with the kikes.
At the foundation of all satanism there are a bunch of ultra retarded SJW whose entire philosophical basis is that God is a tyrannical fascist and a bigot for not allowing them to stick their dick where ever they want. God demands selfmoderation and aspiration to become something great. (((they))) believe these laws, instead of guidelines and advices for prosperity and a good life, are chains and limitations holding them back from doing what they want, from their self fulfillment, from basically sticking their dick into every hole they can find. That is the foundation of Satanism, forsaking Morals and laws so you can be a degenerate piece of shit, living like an animal according to the flesh, living as the BEAST
So in the end its mostly about "muh dick"
Maybe those "people" aren't like you and I? Nothing they do has ever made sense to me.
It's even more than that. People don't actually want to be sexual deviants the pineal gland is used to trap love in sexual desires and pervert it. Love is the most powerful feature of consciousness so it is perverted in order to weaken it's power.
This has been Satan's plan since Genesis when Nimrod tried to build the tower of Babel. It wasn't God's timing yet so He confused the languages and derailed Satan's plan by millennia. Now Satan has his universal language again (English) and his world government is nearly complete. If you don't believe me, just keep track of world affairs and see them develop just as God predicted in Revelation.
corrupted masons,it is not so complicated.for money they will do what you arabs+bankers pay.if you give them money they will make racial laws for you and they will deport islamists.what ever you want.
>Maybe those "people" aren't like you and I
Exactly. They aren't people, at most they have people-like shells.
Generally the satanic agenda is all about liberty/freedom, mainly freedom to be a piece of shit, but this last part they always ommit.
I would say there are 3 basic variations of satanism.
1. Atheistic: objective morals have no foundations in nature thus the moral law/law of God is meaningless and should be ignored for the sake of "more valuable" rules based on arbitary foundations we decide ourselves being ultimately about being allowed to be degenerate faggots
b) Luciferian: The Religious law are just means to hold the people back and not discover the secret knowledge that turns us into gods and enable us to rule over the others, mainly by making up wild philosophical pilpul on how good and evil does not exist and thus justifying things like deception, lies, blackmail and murder to advance ones goals. Very much like the Atheistic ones thinking that they are intellectually above things like religion, the believe in God and morals through the "secret/forbidden" knowledge III: Clasical Satanist: God does exist but he is an oppressive tyrant for not allowing me to do what i want (mainly, again being a degenerate piece of shit) and as such rebellion against him is the just cause to free humanity from this bigoted and oppressive rule
The whole push about personal liberty and self empowerment is only a thinly veiled effort to portray being a piece of shit as a legit lifestyle
Yeah ive been wondering about this, what makes you all think its not God? Why is it satan doing everything? God clearly exists if satan does.
Whats the BFD? Pic tangentially related ("God" in another setting)
Liberation of humanity is the goal for God it is the right path. The problem is we are not free even in our own minds. There is an evil serpent whispering in our ears. You think your thoughts are your own but they are not all your own. The Evil being of this world feeds you Sinful thoughts. This is why when people become "liberated" you see all of this degeneracy. Because THAT is his final trick. Make humans think their own liberation is Evil. What a fucking joke. We aren't going to fall for it Satan you fucking retard.
Thank you for an answer that goes beyond "satan's magic" although that is the basic summation I guess. I suppose I've just found it hard to believe that people could be so short sighted and out of control that they could KNOW beyond doubt (by communing with demons and seeing things first hand) that it's all real, and know that "the punishment for sin is death" but be willing to do it anyway. I'm still not fully convinced to be honest, but that was the only conclusion I had come to, unless they believe it's possible Satan might actually have a chance to win, and that they'd rather suffer eternally than follow God's rules if there is a chance to escape them.
The Hibernians, the damned world is run by a Druidic Cult!
I think Satan can win. What evidence do we have of God's omnipotence? Because last time I checked, that faggot won't even show up directly to let everyone know he exists.