White Nationalist Catholic Theocrat reveals its final form

White Nationalist Catholic Theocrat reveals its final form...

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Real politics is done by rallying behind a leader, not by abstract things such as rules.


Reminder pol was ahead of the "normie" on prepping for doomsday. Turns out it was flu season.

Pol is always r-rig...


>nu/pol/ thinks "we" have a leader and that leader would be a jewrat

> Leader
> Slave to Israel

Bootlickers once nearly got rid of the World's problem 80 years ago

>this is how the non-white see the world

typical bolsonaro voter

>thinking brown mutts ever held allegiance to the Constitution
You were warned. Loving and upholding the Constitution is a strictly white person thing.

Nick is such a fucking retard.

Thats pushing it but im sure hes not alone

>nonwhite doesn't care about the Constitution
Not surprising.
It's MY useless piece of paper, you goddamn foreigner

What’s wrong with this? The constitution is a one way street. The left uses it against us and we don’t use it against them with the sole exception being the second amendment. Screw the rules. I want less immigrants.

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Just because it isnt used doesnt mean it cant or shouldnt be used

>frog pic
literally unironically cringing so hard right now baka wignat

The more you spam this shit the more I support him.

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It’s currently a just tool for Jewish judges. The only people who even care about the constitution are right wingers, so if we stop caring it loses its power. That would be a good thing for us in this current political climate.

Wignat? No that’s you.

LOLing at the absolute state of this seething wignat.


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This guy was a psyop all along..

from his faggot videos to tranny videos to LARPing as a CivNat to NatSoc and now this..

MSM and kikes will point to him and
>Oi Vey! Look at how fashy this goy is!

Fuck Nick Fuenteberg and fuck juice


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your ID literally ends in Berg (Bg)

fuck off kike

Cults of personality are disgusting. Here in Ireland we have dozens of heroes from our successful revolutionary period to honour rather than one wimp in a flashy suit.

Fuentes being a faggot psyop makes me a wignat?

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Thinking Fuentes is a psyop is like by definition Wignat

And Trump’s allegiance is to...

It explains why Fuentes is a retard I guess.

>mexican manlet

How could fuck up so bad is beyond me

Trump obviously doesn't have complete control over the states, it's just funny to see democrats pretend they care about the constitution all of a sudden

The left doesn’t use the constitution at all. They regularly break its rules and rely on the convoluted corrupt appellate court systems to keep there rule breaking from ever reaching the Supreme Court.

are you seriously trying to say it's not fucking based to cuck for an e-celeb? Are you even on the right, faggot?

Name one thing in the Constitution that anyone gives a shit about anymore.


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You guys are dumb and lost. You fucked up and your bullshit about "wignats" is just a cope to deal with the fact that you lost. You tried to take over the republican party by out jewing the jews. You lost. You're very cringe now.


Heroes that have inspired Ireland to elect a gay Indian to the highest office. Heroes are fine, but maybe we need a strong leader right now, rather than historical figures that people will just lie about to pretend they would support their politics.

Chop Nicks faggot head off. And anyone who disagrees gets black bagged.

They do more than you, irrelevant wignat.

It's a flu season, but they caged us anyways, so point for preppers stupid leaf.


The constitution is a piece of paper. Kikes have been pushing the idea that America can be wherever the constitution is, and that it does not depend on the native people to be America. This is not true, America has been shit ever since we began to demographically compromise ourselves, and the constitution is falling apart and becoming more meaningless every day.

He made that tweet to trigger Charlie Kirk niggers and stupid lolbertarian boomers who drink the egalitarian hemlock and psyop that everything great about America is due to a bunch of parchment and not the people who founded it. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.

Thanks for making two of these threads already this morning. You guys are really desperate. Bring back the catboy threads.

you're fitting right in fellow zoomer

ok sweetie, but Nick is the highest earner on Dlive, so I'd say he's more relavant than any of you?

lol he gay

I'm not a zoomer. 100% of zoomers are literal faggots. Why do you guys suck so much dick?

I like Nick but what total nonsense. He has framed America First cleverly as Trumpian, as per his campaign promises but surely he knows that really Trump is a neocon interchangeable with any previously. You can have allegiance to his campaign platform but that's very different to allegiance to Trump himself.

At this late stage of the game I'm tempted to false flag as a Vandal posing as an Anarchist but really I'm going into banditry (makes more money than vandalism.)

Time to fly the black flag and take what one can!

This guy is retarded. But Trump can make "suggestions" and if they dont comply, pull all federal funding. What state has the balls?

>He made that tweet to trigger Charlie Kirk niggers and stupid lolbertarian boomers
This, wigats are too stupid to understand Nick's 4d chess.

Zoomers was a mistake

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He is a paleocon with maybe slightly identitarian wiews, not a white nationalist

Cant tell if serious, or weak bait.

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I'm increasingly convinced legal systems in general are superfluous, they never change behaviour. Really they just codify the natural behavioural inclinations of different human groups. People don't really amend their behaviour based on whether something is legal or not, people break all sorts of laws all the time, we're not so smart a species as to really override our drives based on laws we hear about.

White americans would live somewhat in line with the constitution even if it had never been written.

Tide pods make you say shit like that BTW

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and how is that working out for you over there leprechaun?

Oh hey it's catboyfucker

>no link
either fake and gay or you're a no-effort nigger; which is it?


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