He makes a good point. Why do you think there has been so few political assassinations?
He makes a good point. Why do you think there has been so few political assassinations?
because almost all gun owners are law abiding citizens
Because the radical left are wimps and are unarmed.
>Why do you think there has been so few political assassinations?
Because, despite what people think, people are generally well behaved. If more nigs owned guns, it'd be a bigger problem.
It's almost as if gun ownership doesn't positively correlate with murder.
it's because literally nobody with a gun, not a single person, has imagined enough upside in taking such an action when compared with the costs to their personal situation. it's that simple.
let's say someone had a mind to assassinate a public figure. Do you think gun laws would prevent that man from acquiring a weapon and trying? it's mostly cowardice and a reluctance to give up the physical comfort of being alive and free which prevents most people from trying something like that.
It's almost like having guns does not correlate to violence
Americans have no balls
Security. I remember when I was 20, Obama came to my small town to congratulate some factory workers or some shit. Anyway, I was working at a retail store and Secret Service came in and scoped things out an hour before he even came in. And all we saw was 2 minutes of the motorcade anyway.
as cuhraaazy as twitter likes to act, people don't actually care about politics that much
All our politicians are fucking puppets.
Anyone with the balls to do it realizes it’s wasted ammo.
Fpbp /thread
Unironically this, fpbp, and based and thruthpilled
Cause the schizo machine hasnt been turning you think sirhan sirhan would have admitted to a CIA killing without getting Mak ultrad by the CIA???
The glowniggers havent activayed yet, they tried soft radicalization with the softball shooting but will escalate in 10 years
There is no personal gain in such action.
Is this a Seth Rich thread?
Jews own all the politicians. Jews are doing school shootings.
It's because trying anything like that would get you shot by the sane people with guns
>own guns to stop oppressive government
>government locks you in your house
>thanks government we love the boys in blue
Lmao you republican bootlickers are hilarious
but they have balls for schol-shootings.
What a retard nation.
Digits and I’ll snipe JFK
the 1776 crowd are fucking pussies. the cops could go to their house, take all their guns, fuck their daughter, and they wouldn't do shit.
They still can't do shit if someone wants him dead.
Fpbp, gun violence is greatly exaggerated as a problem for partisan political use.
You got it senpai, stay away from the clock tower y’all
I shook hands with hilary clinton while she was on campaign in 2008, and the secret service made us all line up and briefed us, "take your hands out of your pockets no sudden movements keep comments amd contact to a minimum dont walk forward, ms Clinton will come to you if she wants"
I imagine if i were quick draw mcgraw i might get a shot off (zero chance if ur a spastic autist) but there were like 4 agents watching a crowd of 9 people i figure my odds woulda been 50/50 at best
i doubt most politicians have the type of security the president does. what about the stinky capitalists people like to complain about.
Most people don't want to spend the rest of their lives in jail, because of their political affiliations. Leftoids talk a big game but very few punch "nazis", let alone assassinate people who hurt their feelings on a political spectrum. Who was the last president that someone attempted an assassination on, Reagan in 82 right?
the elites have a time machine. they just go back in time and stop anything they want to stop. we lost, forever
>who is Scalia, Seth Rich, prosecutor working on Seth's case, memeflag..
Instigating murder. Wow op you really know how to show your FBI/CIA nametag
That's why you take measures to ensure that you are neither seen nor heard. Which is admittedly harder nowadays because politicians tend to stay on the move except in very rare circumstances.
People aren't inherently murderers and want/believe things will work out for the best.
Optimism really
Meme flag.
JFK, RFK, Lincoln, attempts on Jackson, Regan and others.
What the faggot is asking is why not 45? And it’s a stupid fucking question because there is a large and capable secret service now. Lincoln had not one single guard as far as I know the night he was killed by a Knight of Malta Rothschild assassin
Your only real chance is to snipe from a car like the DC snipers of the mid 2000s. They almost got away too
Because normal people are not violent. Guns don't make people violent. You stupid commie piece of shit. Of course, if you look at places like chicago where less people live and more niggers, then you have shootings there every day.
seems different than those. at least recent ones like jfk and regan. how many politicians aren't garbage? so some guy kills one of them. what does that do other than bring about gun control? one nigger-tier politician not being in office doesn't solve anything.
>I remember when I was 20, Obama came to my small town to congratulate some factory workers or some shit. Anyway, I was working at a retail store and Secret Service came in and scoped things out an hour before he even came in
10th post, best post.
Because it's really hard and the types of people who'd be prepared to die doing it are either on a watch list, profiled as soon as they try to buy a gun or visit a presidential event, or they're too schizoid to pull it off.
Secret Service are really, really good at their job and they get better at it every time somebody finds a flaw in their protection.
>political assassinations
dont need guns to assassinate.
they have been trying to take down POTUS for 4 years
I’ve had the thought a few times of if you’re taking yourself out May as well attempt to take out some demonic pedophiles first. Then the thought comes if that were to happen, right now, I would foresee most guns being taken away after that. If the politician was high up enough and big enough of media shit storm.
Although... that may be the trigger for the biggaloo
People have been working themselves up to it, both rhetorically and behaviorally, with the trend of stalking influential people in their private space. If Coronachan does not bring about a new American synthesis I think we will see such things soon.
political doesn't mean the president who will have 100 x the security as any of the others. not the same thing. remember the asshole who shot up the fucking baseball game? how many politicians were at that game?
Because all of the political hit jobs are being done by people already in government lmao
Yeah I think that might be why those guys never got a Hollywood adaptation, it's a really good idea and if you're not a bloodthirsty serial killer there's not much anyone can do to catch you.
Time machines were invented by Tesla and John Trump. It appears you are a braindead reddit user who has done 0 research on anything.
so judging by your response, i'd wager i'm exactly right. you glow, nigger