Our nations have declined greatly over the decades. Our popular culture is hypersexualized...

Our nations have declined greatly over the decades. Our popular culture is hypersexualized, the natural family structure has been destroyed, abortion is allowed and encouraged, and participation in religion is at an all time low.

Do you conservatives really believe you can bring back the past? Sorry, but you can't. Once a culture loses its traditions, it will never revive them. You have failed to see that technological progress inevitably results in drastic social change. You have shot yourself in the foot. Christianity and other western values are dying in the West and it will not come back.

ISLAM, whether you like it or not, is your only hope. It strictly opposes degeneracy in all it's forms, it provided a legal system that upholds tradition and opposes leftist attempts at subversion. Will you be apart of the Muslim future, or will you perish like a dog?

Attached: mosque-615415_1280.jpg (600x400, 118.66K)

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Yas Forums is afraid of the truth. People here unironically believe there will be a Christian resurgence.

Mashalah brother islam is the last front against leftist degeneracy and the only way for white men to reclaim their manhood and their traditional values

Extremely based

No, I will stay in the mountains of other fellow whites, worshiping our own version of Christianity, fuck our cousins, and cum while doing it.

You can keep your kiddy fiddling new yorker religion cuck boy.

Allah hu akbar brother. Based Islam is the way and the truth.

Sandniggers cannot into the classic American way of life, not that modern Americans can either, but still - it's a no from me. The original government of the USA was the best to have ever been established. As time went on and the population grew both larger and foreign parties started coming to America for their own opportunity to "make it", that changed drastically and American policies were forever altered to be suitable to the tastes of immigrants, with the government steadily gaining more and more authority as authority figures themselves were called upon more and more to resolve petty domestic altercations, the likes of which the citizenry itself should have been capable of resolving.

The people did the exact opposite of empowering themselves, empowering instead middlemen - government agencies, law enforcers, and the court system. The negligence of the people has eroded everything that was once good about our country and has led to alternatives, such as the alien culture of Muslim's Islam having the appearance of being a superior alternative, but even that can be eroded with time, the same way American society has depreciated over the last 2 centuries. The only convincing answer to the woes and worries those who wish to retain national identity may come up with is to go to war with all conflicting cultures, but this is made difficult through the "diversified" culture every country in the world is presently experiencing - there will now always be someone among your own people who will cry out and protest that, in declaring war upon another culture, you are declaring way against the homeland of your fellow countryman. This is outrageous in itself, of course, when those who protest this stateside are in fact supposed to be your countrymen and no longer the allies of foreign powers. This logic is lost upon those who will fall for tearful screams and pleas though, and will lead to others rallying around these traitors under the guise of free speech.
Fuck Islam.

Fuck off with your desert dweller death cults.

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But Islam is false.
The prophet a scam.
West went through a war against Christianity as you wrote it was scientifically planned to subvert and attack society with things contrary to Christian teaching.
And they succeeded.

yes, Islam is so based

Attached: Haram.webm (1280x720, 2.06M)

>Once a culture loses its traditions, it will never revive them.
Laughs in russian orthodox

If you weren't born into a Russian family then you're just larping as a Russian Orthodox

And Islam will replace it.

t. muhmad

Mudshits probably give Islam a bad look but I dont really want the West to adopt it

What is your problem with it?

Secularism is the one thing that leftoids are right about. The big three religions all come from the same Old Worlders who drag us into their conflicts to satiate their power fantasy from thousands of years ago.

>technological progress
you misspelled jews

how about the fact that we have no history with it? if historically islam had spread into europe you'd have a point but it didn't, we have no european figures in islam

>ISLAM, whether you like it or not, is your only hope.
Bait or shill.
Either way, fuck off with your fake god and pedophile 'prophet' on his flying donkey that he likely fucked...
Mohammed can eat the corn out of my shit.

Attached: InfidelArabic_OD__85646.1378486615.1280.1280.jpg (1280x853, 235.9K)

No, it isn't

Stop LARPing Warhammer 40k...

>Christianity and other western values are dying in the West and it will not come back.
That's been the Kremlin drumbeat for the past 70 years, comrade. People who actually live in the West laugh at you because you're full of shit.

Based effort-post.

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Islam is also dying so your point is moot.

>Inb4 muh population
Anyone living in the first world is moving further and further away from religion. Every 2nd gen Muslim I've seen in the past ten years does not comport themselves like a true muslim. The younger ones are even apostates.

those are called invasions with muslim ruling classes, not a religious spread of islam into europe. the only place where islam really spread was in albania, mostly the result of rape and the blood tax

The age of Islamic conversion has yet to happen, right now there is a native Western European here or there that converts, but the real mass conversions won't start for another twenty, thirty or so years.

You anglos should stop your goyim LARP (aka worshipping a semite rabbi), EMBRACE WHITE METAPHYSICS

This is Aristotlean politics at its core, which is flawed. Most people cannot reason for themselves and most of you implicitly understand this. You need the philosopher king to guide people, because otherwise the mass reason of everyone leads you to believe in western degeneracy. If that’s not abundantly clear to you, simply ask yourself what is taught in the universities. Secular reasoning has been monopolized, irreversibly, by the degenerate left. Christianity is a non-ideology from this point and cannot be resurrected (no pun intended).
Islam is the only way to go to save the West.

False religion. Quran is not perfect
