Hydroxychloroquine trial in NYC

It's been a few weeks now, any news on its effectiveness? Something tells me it must have been wildly successful or else we would've heard about how people are dropping dead because of it or how it isn't working at all by now.

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Why dont you make that comment in an existing thread. That a sorry way to begin.

does it works on fattys too?

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Brazil study was canceled because the patients were showing irregular heartbeat

it's literally an aquarium cleaner lol
what effectiveness?

Fuck off nigger.

Super effective with zinc and some other medicine, anzi something but media shilling against it because it's literally the cure for Corona chan and they're holding out as long as they can do Bill sama rolls out his ID2020 "vaccine" Also super cheap, been around for 50 years and it's unpatented aka the pharmacy can't make big bucks outta from it. Everyone can make the drug.

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I know that. I'm asking specifically about reports on how the NYC trial has gone.

Fuck off.

the data is showing that fat black and old is not profitable rn


Open-source trial by one of the world's best. There was a double-blind study done as well that confirmed his findings. Fuck off shills. It is a generic drug, like Ivermectin also effective, and they wanted to push a vaccine which was patented, included a microchip, and pushed their agenda. Trump ruined that by making HCQ known early on publicly.

Be silent shill.

>Cinchonahas been historically sought after for its medicinal value, as the bark of several species yieldsquinineand otheralkaloidsthat were the only effective treatments againstmalariaduring the height of European colonialism, which made them of great economic and political importance.

It literally grows on trees.

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Doesn’t work. Trump wrong again.

you're kidding right? that's like saying all wuhanchan patients entering New York hospitals are human

has trump told people to lose weight during one of his news conferences? that seems to be the #1 risk factor besides age and gender.
he should lose 100 pounds too.

According to rumors it would seem Raoult is such a fraud he didn’t realize he was bragging about only killing twice as many people as the US CFR with NO aquarium cleaner. Which is why no one has posted a “link” to any of his work here.


That's literally one of the known side effects of the drug.

Thousand of people take it regularly for arthritis and at much bigger does than for COVID-19 for malaria.

no because the other big demo is nigger

They were not using hydroxi, just regular cloroquine, which has way more side effects

Somebody has been on this board for a solid week pointing out that even if it did work it would end up killing as many people as it saved. Now, if Raoult’s “1000 treated only 7 died” is accurate. That “somebody” was correct. In fact, that somebody was being kind.

The latest figures I saw were showing over 1000 patients and a 98% recovery rate. Of course the (((media))) isn't talking about this because orange man bad.

The latest figures I see are a US CFR indicates we have over a 99% recovery rate WITHOUT aquarium cleaner.

you didn't see shit brainlet, you are quoting statistics from the original frog frauds study.

But I bet you think you understand “Science”, right?

the death rate is so high because once you go on a ventilator your body forgets how to breath.
Insurance pays 13k a week to hospitalize a corona case, 39k a week if you need to be intubated. just a coincidence?

Malpractice has killed more people than corona last month.

If Raoult had a fucking brain he would have kept his goddam mouth shut unless and until he actually HAD something to crow about. But he’s a fraud. It was never about “Science”.

As an aside, is there anyone fuming at remdesivir as a risky unproven drug?

Another self proclaimed “genius” who “understands Science.”

Not that I’ve heard. It may kill as many people or even more than aquarium cleaner but at least at this point no one knows that. So there’s that.

coffee causes irregular heartbeats too, and south american healthcare is only advanced in sex changes

fuck off idiot, truth hurts?

HCQ failed so /ptg/ is pretending Trump hasn't endorsed it as the cure for the past month

> aquarium cleaner

You are aware now that chemical compounds can have more than one use.

Holly shit that study is retarded, I just RTFA.

Researchers were giving 1200 mg a day.

Maximum allowed daily dose of this thing is 1000mg/day.

Maximum safe dose is 800mg/day given in two doses.


Amazing, isn't it? The expensive, name brand drug is the one no one can really find any issues with. What a (((coincidence))).

Fasting weakens immune system. Had to lose weight before now.

Anybody who knew how to run a damn calculator knew that aquarium cleaner was going to kill about 0.3% or maybe more of the people who took it. What were the excess deaths in Raoult’s study (if the rumor is true)? 0.3%. Imagine that.

malpractice kills 20k+ a month in the USA. prove me wrong faggot

Which of your delusional “Truths” are you pushing? Can you be a little more specific?

21 babies in incubators were accidentally gassed with the stuff and suffocated in aerosolized aquarium cleaner. sad.

Unfortunately it has yet to kill you, faggot.

Doctors are also the #1 cause of hepatitis.
shitty tattoos are #4 or 5

I saw in the news it doesn't work and Trump just promoted it because he owns stock in the company that makes it.

Yeah, Trump must have been desperate for that $400, right?

If the studies come back and show it’s effective, you are morally obligated to kill yourself.

so you are saying you dont belive once you are intubated you are not given drugs to knock you out for weeks at a time and many people never are able to breath on thier own again?

It works. Trump right as always. Kill yourself leftist NPC. You have no future.no reason to even be alive. end it now.

Dumbass. Raoult is already claiming a “treated” CFR of 0.7% retard. The USA has an UNTREATED CFR of 0.357%. But you claim you “understand Science”, right?

11 posts and not one intelligent comment. congrats

Ok we get it you have stock in pharma companies

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>aquarium cleaner
faggot leftist. you are.

ask me how I know.

kek. nice bait.

>because he owns stock in the company

Trump owns mutual funds that include the company, comes out to about a $500-$1,500 stake lol

Well it's simple. They wanted it to fail and they made sure to get that result.

What I am saying is what the people DOING the intubating are saying. Some 90% die.

Dr Raoult didn’t make that better, in fact he made it worse. Which was entirely predictable.

They didn't mention the amounts.

You have no fucking idea “what I am”. Make a point. Refute ONE GODDAM THING I have posted. I DARE you.

>11 posts by this ID
>non-stop shilling against hydroxychloroquine
Kikes mad

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this page displays for one second then redirects to an error message
here it is capped

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Make a point, faggot. Do you feel lucky?

stupid fucking chink shill.
buisness insider:
80% of NYC's coronavirus patients who are put on ventilators ultimately die, and some doctors are trying to stop using them

Again I not claiming it’s a miracle drug, but if the studies show its effective, then you are obligated to kill yourself.


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Make a point. You can’t

Well I’m safe because Raoult’s “1,000 patient” study proves I have been correct all along. Which anyone who knew how to run a goddam calculator would have known.

they know
that's why they hate us so much

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Of course you did. He has a $100 investment in it. wow huge

What point have you made faggot shill? Go back to screeching about muh lupus medication on your containment site, nigger

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Lowest of information bait posting

>not calculating the negative average first
lol, what are you even talking about? you have no fucking clue, kike.

I think it’s pretty clear Raoult wanted it to work.