TFW people resent & blame you for warning them

I can confidently say I’ve been based about this virus since before it was confirmed in America. I let every person, smart & dumb in my life know about its impact & how schools would end up closing only to be laughed at. I’m now met with resentment suspicion for being more chill about this fucking pandemic we all saw in January on this once pretty based message board. Imagine what someone with riches & fame like him would have to deal with for trying to wake the world up to the fact that we have no plan when shit hits the fan. He is one of the only people on earth taking mosquitos seriously. Considering Covid can spread on shoes and up to 15ft, why has no one tried to correlate the virus to mosquito spread infections? When /pol and social media are sharing the same conspiracies, it’s not the awakening, life has become a bad episode of a sitcom. He’s trying to find solutions and retards are saying “Hey, what the hell?? Why are you trying to help? And why are you spending all this money to try and help? You caused this, didn’t you!??!!?”

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm warning you right now that I'm going to create a problem, so don't blame me when it happens!

Shut the fuck up shill.

Just because you can't think ahead doesn't mean people who do are evil.
Stop being insecure.

>words words words words words
The new term I'm trying to coin is OBIE. Referring to those obedient to the state no matter what. This includes shills, jackboots, glowniggers, useful idiots, academics, political opportunists, boot lickers, etc. One word to cover all parts of one grand, shit-strained machination.

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Hmm good point I’m convinced he’s the antichrist now. But before I switch sides, can you tell me why your comments match the same comment my 70 year old aunt forwards me in emails and Facebook messenger? Fucking retard

>ugly computer nerd
>buys an OS and programs a word processor
>gets lucky
>becomes billionaire
>All of a sudden: "ok guys you need to take this vaccine we made and let us put a microchip in your body or you won't be able to gather in groups or use trains"

This. Everyone is fearful of the times and is looking for an answer as well as someone to blame.

Psyop 101 happening under our eyes.
>Bill Gates announce evil plan
>internet and Yas Forums call him out
>shilling campaign starts with both pro-gates propaganda based on feel good bullshit and anti-gates propaganda based on schizo shit unrelated to his actual evil plans
>both sides are divided and propped up one against each other
>cia wins
>gates microchips goys

remember when Yas Forums read declassified cia papers and the dumbest poster could see through disinfo with ease? now it's all low attention span, brainfried zoomers who get played whatever "side" they pick

>This includes slur, slur, slur, slur, academics, slur, slur, etc
I don't think you have thought about this much, but this does reveal a lot about you

conspiratards are modern-day equivalents of medieval peasants demanding to burn people for witchcraft
you're just mad that someone was smart enough to predict what was going to happen while your brain is too smooth to comprehend it so to resolve the cognitive dissonance you blame the smart people for all the evil in the world.

All my co-workers joked I was a prepper but by mid February multiple people were shook but several seemed very annoyed with me mainly management.

Fast forward to my last day at work and everyone was either seemingly resentful or were laughing about this mother fucker over here called this shit in January.

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Yup, that’s the exact timeline sequence of events. Perfect. You convinced me to forget that he’s been shit on his whole career like I remember.

Having the drink blood and semen lady do a commercial in the middle of a quarantine may not be the smartest move either.

gay blog post, didn't read

If academia was anything other than good goy training I might agree with you.

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It's not like it was a hard thing to predict either

you're a literal communist in the most primordial meaning of historical development as defined by Hegel and Marx.

Yup. Same here. I warned everyone I could. Remember when no media outlets were talking about it for almost a full month? I do. If this was a baked in conspiracy being fed by the media, why the fuck were they not talking about it in January?

What incredible reading comprehension. I don't give a shit about your opinions on academia, I was talking about your poorly-thought out idea.
Again, this reveals a lot about you.

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Ding ding ding. The public is trying to burn the witch at the stake for its sorcery and spells.

There’s a sequence of events in life where we just gotta let them go, senpai. Arguing with a retard isn’t going to change his chromosome count

I'm convinced with how badly everyone fumbled this either the large media parent companies that own all of these smaller news outlets refuse to spread negative press involving China in fear of loosing a large chunk of revenue or they are more involved with the CCP. Would also explain a lot of the misinformation and stupid China flu is racist nonsense.

Or best case scenario which is arguably worse, everyone is soft from decades of no real threats and now when one actually appears they burry their heads in the sand and think this whole thing will just miss America somehow due to optimism biased.

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As I'm reading all this BS by (you) I can't help but let my mind wander to Microsoft's spirit cooking ad and then think man fuck this OP and his drivel

How much are you getting paid?

Paid shills.
He didn't just try to warn people, he wants to corral people, chip them , and monitor them. Does that sound like a harmless warning?

$1000 a post.
I get a bonus every time you get clearly buttfrustrated
Wanna know how deep this goes? Trump signs the checks, but Killary kisses every single one.

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Zero. Like Bill I’m wasting my time and effort for free on people like you who will never break out of the mental constraints put on you by the social media and internet bubble feeding you all of your confirmation biases

>there are people who are paid to follow me around on Yas Forums and call me a faggot

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There’s a war for Pol going on behind the scenes. I wanna be on the side of history that isn’t turned into a “Say it again conspiratard” Bart meme.

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I want an explanation as to why Microsoft thought it was okay to create an advertisement featuring a Satanist. They had to know the shitstorm it would cause.

i don't get it, is eating ass supposed to make you more or less vulnerable to corona?

Keked and based desu

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Was just gonna say.
>Pure coincidence
Bill gates funds event 201 Corona virus outbreak simulation.
Bill gates creates ID2020
>The outbreak we should fear (we shouldn't) is Corona virus named Covid-19.
Pure coincidence Goys.
I believe in coincidences, we see them all the time. That said we should never trust coincidences.
The media has been coalhurst into scaring the population about a yearly flu.

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All the Mosquitos in april u fucking retard

>leaves company and gets blamed for everything it does after he leaves

Perfect example of the kind of emails my grandma would forward me if she were still alive.

it's one thing to warn. it'a another thing when you simulate the exact event and then the actual event leaks out of a place that is involved in your test

Sit back and enjoy the show, can't fix stupid

Notice how I mentioned Microsoft and not Gates. I don't know if Gates saw the preview or plans, but considering the controversy surrounding her, I would be surprised if someone hadn't mentioned it to him.

Sweet backronym

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Who are you trying to convince Bill?

eugenecist who has murdered thousands in africa by doing live human testing
its hysterical that leftists love this guy who loves to hate blacks so much
if all of africa doesn't trust you, what kind of brain power is the average democrat who's all in on with this douche have?

I hear your points and they make sense, but there were films like Contagion that hit the nail on the head harder than his shitty PowerPoint presentation did. Doesn’t mean that the writers of the film plotted to warn us in order to cull the herd. We were set up to fail if there was a pandemic and him knowing how chinese fuckers have an affinity for batsoup wasn’t too far off from reality. All the signs were there that we were gonna be fucked if a virus struck the world before covid

>no archive link
>some fucking blog
>website doesn't even work
fuck off