Check this shit out Anons!
Current World Population almost 7,777,777,777
That probably changed 1 second after you made this thread. Unless you took a screen shot you failed massively on what would have been the greatest digits ever
Too big, must decrease by one place value at least by 2050. Take the vaccine btw.
Actually your digits aren't too bad.
keep this thread bumped for the next um 30 miins please user
We must find the 7,777,777,777th child, and devour it to absorb its powers
Keep fucking! Keeeeeeep fucking!
Umm yeah nice try. Actually the number is going backwards because of corona and its 100 gorillion victims.
>ywn be the 7,777,777,777th person born
Bumping thread
reminder that half the speed of that counter is due to Africa
it'll be another hour until it reaches 7,777,777,777
There's no way that's true, African population is just estimated. Niggers can't count
Since when is reality more important again than estimates and numberinos?
Found the jew
Guess we better discount Portugal's population numbers then
True, there are many illegals here
Getting there
That's a big number
Disgusting, humanity is cancer.
I hoped that COVID19 would have given reason to the site concerning the reduction of population in the world, unfortunately the mortality of the virus still seems too low.
Our lives could be so much better if a good part of the world population disappears, even without targeting certain populations, if you know what I mean ...>
One of the disappointing things in Deagel's predictions, however, is the unreduced Chinese and Indian population. So I am counting on you the USA and Pakistan to divide these figures drastically.
You really think the number that's fluctuating up and down and is titled "Current World Population" is the total born huh?
Next time think before you post yea.
>Indonesia is the 4th most populous country in the world
Well, how about that
lurking for the get of the world
>inb4 nuke at 7,777,777,776
Statistically it's likely to be +/- less than 1 million, so it's still sort of significant.
>child turns out to be a nigger