Why was this nuked and dozen of blacked and shitpost threads are still up? If you followed this thread, you would know that people there had proper discussions, unlike the 90% of name calling here. The jannies on Yas Forums are beyond kiked at this point, just leave the site altogether.
The GATE thread
Other urls found in this thread:
That shit belongs on /x/. The fact that 95% of the rest of the bullshit here is off topic too doesn't make your LARP belong.
This place has been a honeypot for years. Any actual discussion is removed since normies now come here. Most people have moved on to other boards but none have been the same since infinity was shoahed
Yeah this. Gifted programs? Haha fucking lol'd.
Remember when you idiots were ahead of the "normie" curve on doomsday prepping? Turns out it was flu season.
Same with these shite threads. You're not gifted, most of you are retarded and have some developmental delay.
What do you mean it was the flu? Half of humanity is under lockdown
Its not a larp retard. Kys
Education is a political topic
I think that one valuable path forward for these threads is for anons to start requesting school records and asking their parents what they remember about these programs and their purposes, etc. I haven't talked to my mother in 14 years or else I'd try, and when I requested my school records I wasn't able to get them.
This is not fucking larp. I randomly clicked on the last thread curious about what it was. I share EVERY TRAIT, and EVERY SIMILARITY. I am sitting here with chills over my body.
Why does all of this GATE shit seem vaguely familiar? I’m not LARPING either. I also fit the description of traits that former GATE kids share except for one or two of the points.
SAME HERE! It has been bothering me since I read it.
I remember this program as a kid at my school but I didnt go in because they were seperated from everyone else
I got banned for posting gate threads here. You probably will too op.
You're retarded, user. The school realized you were aspies and tested to see if you had any superhuman aspie ability. You don't. You're just retarded.
The only similarity i dont share is being put in gate or gifted classes. They tried to put me in there, my mom had heavy opposition towards it and did not allow me to be separated from my other classmates.
In my region, you had to have tested in the 97th percentile or higher in reading or math on state tests. Not autism, but genius.
Just because all the failed prospects wound up here, doesn't mean something wasn't going on.
Answer this question: why would children's school program be showing kids Zener cards (especially designed for psychic testing) and asking them to guess the symbol? Why not use some other set of cards not associated with this sort of thing? Like just a regular playing deck
I will not bother quoting retarded posts. Education goes hand in hand with our feature and the feature of our children. This thread has all the right to exist
>getting this mad about linked proof of existence of gifted programs
Seems like you are extremely triggered other anons were invited to a special program and you werent. It's your low iq user. So sorry for you. Kys retard :)
Explain this
What do you think these are? You get put in a smaller group and get to play with more advanced shit. That's all.
So go over to /bant/ to share your anecdotal tales of special ed classes or if you're trying to read some giant conspiracy involving psychic powers or some shit into this take it to /x/. This shit isn't politics period.
Whomever is pulling strings didn't want the topic to continue.
In the last thread, we briefly touched the topic of someone breaking through the Labyrinth and being able to help others by doing so.
The first Mandela effect's were discovered in 2012.
Do you think this is a coincidence?
bumping with info I collected. hopefully I dont get banned again
We needed a better term for this other than gifted. The vernacular surrounding this experience is so misleading, plus it leads everyone else to adopt the crab mentality. Also if you are gate look into the CIA's paper on hemi-sync.
What has his hand have to do with GATE?
I feel like my parents did the same thing. I’ll have to ask her about it tomorrow. Seeing those pictures of the headphones and symbols in the last thread stirred up memories I didn’t know I still had.
woah woah woah what is the labyrinth? please elaborate
Because GATE threads are literally /x/ tier schizo bullshit wherein it just turns to a circlejerk of larpers thinking they're special.
INTJ GATE remote viewer checking in. Just imagine what we can all do working together. The hidden knowledge they've tried so hard to keep in the highest circles. We are all capable.
Had some jesuits approach me on a retreat. They were really interested in all the top students for some reason. Several times there were some probing recruitment questions to some of our brightest students.
Tor, The Silk Road, the thousands of research chemicals flowing through the veins of humans in that era.
The explosion of electronic music capable of pumping low frequencies into the bodies of humans, at hundreds of thousands of watts.
The explosion of modern new-age philosophy, sudden acceptance of forgotten belief systems.
Everyone loves crystals now, stones capable of resonating at explicit frequencies.
No connection, right?
Every single one, checked. No more art-joos though.
literally shaking
Explain what exactly? A bunch of trolls larping?
People that had experience with the GATE program also has a little spot around their knuckles, I do too, that hand is mine
conspiracies are Yas Forums related. /x/ is for supernatural phenomena.
Im still waiting for a rebuttal to
I was in this thread. It got shoah'd right at the end.
What the fuck..
What is the Mars thing? That so rings a bell with me. Being inside a dwelling underground in Mars with no way of escaping the planet, little hope left. People were depressed because they were trapped and limited with the resources they had left. A lot of biological testing and work was being done. Long story. But we were trapped on that planet.
peak midwit
heres a better screen shot of the original post
I don't claim to know anything, but I smell something.
In the last thread user's spoke about the elites being obsessed with a Labyrinth.
I'll tell my story
>Blue eyes at childhood
>I've been told by my girlfriends and seen in photos my eyes colours seem to change on different days
>IQ tested 140+
>Was in a class in school teaching about emotions with only a few other students
>Applied for only 1 University on the deadline and got accepted the next day
>Only applied for 2 jobs got hired both times
>I seem to be able to completely coast through life
>Very interested in spirituality
>Interested in drugs and mind altering substances
>Pass all educational tests without any revision A-Cs fair mixture
>Everyone who's met me really likes me
>Been to employability centres and told I'm the best interviewed candidate in 10+ years
>Easily read people I've met in hours to their complete astonishment
>"user what's that song/film/book I like" with no other prompt, I'll know what they mean out of 50 others they like
>Seems like I'm supernaturally always right and know exactly how to treat everyone
>In return I've never had any legal/physical or any problems
I really believe I was spotted as incredibly intelligent at a young age, I went to school at this time around the turn of the millennium. I wasn't injected but I think I was heavily encouraged to help others and I've got a deep seated feeling to not just prioritise others but to actively fix their lives like that's what I was put here to do. I feel like this has been enforced into me
Can anyone relate or does anyone else have any stories similar
Glory to Mankind
Yeah, me too, posting this response to another user. I started a thread just to post this, missed my chance to screencap the post this is in response to, unfortunately I refreshed unaware the thread was gone. I have most of the thread saved as pdf, but I missed the last 10 or so posts.
As you See Me, I See You, and I See Myself in You as You See Yourself in Me.
As far as I'm aware, the genetic code can be manipulated at the spiritual level, which has a cascading effect on the physical level. Thus, I see no reason to tinker or alter humanity at a physical level, save for what is taught to the Mind which can then be used by Spirit. At its basis, it really begins with education and preserving this information on meaningful ways. It will be a long road, but we are ready to begin, if we haven't already. If we were of a collective that could understand such policies and ideas as constructive and helpful, and be allowed to make the choices for ourselves, I would agree. However, that is not the point of time in which we live, so I do not believe it would be beneficial. The more one tries to grasp or change earth, or water, or fire, or air, the more resistance is met.
Alright, I'm off for the day. Got a lot of packing to do. This time next week, I'll be in Denver! God Bless, and may Sol's light illuminate your Path.
probably because it is filled with delusional schizos and low IQ LARPers and you all need to fuck off back to /x/?