Why National Socialism?

Will someone explain to me the appeal of National Socialism?

As I understand it: an undemocratic, totalitarian government dictates what you're allowed to think, enjoy and what type of business you're allowed to conduct. That such a government is not replaced and whose principles aren't codified in a strict constitution.
Why would I want to surrender my rights and liberties to such a government? Why would i surrender my right to freedom of expression to conform to a state mandated ideal?

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You already did that poor poor brit bong.

Individualism is an illusion

Not really, else Yas Forums would be banned.
In what way?

Because fascist uniforms are sexy.

if you don't the muslims will


Because race is more important then individuals. Therefore, to protect the race, a strong government with a strong leader is necessary. The good of the folk is the priority. The good of the individual comes second.

Why do you need national socialism to protect the race? Every western country was predominantly white pre ww2 and weren't national socialist. They also had democracy and you were allowed to enjoy whatever art and music you wanted. If you didn't like the government, you voted on it. You weren't always under constant surveillance.
Seems like fascism/national socialism is nation-wide boot-licking

>what you're allowed to think
>an undemocratic, totalitarian government
It's not modern UK user, you confusing things. Average Hans under third reich enjoyed much more freedoms than you currently do.
>Why would I want to surrender my rights and liberties to such a government?
Oi, you have loicence for that butter knife maitee?
The truth is, there is always a hierarchy. There would always be elites. The state will always has an ideology that it will defend and enforce. So the choice here: state that is run by hostile foreign elite behind the scenes and ideology of self-hatred, child diddling, replacement migration, trannies, homofaggots, etc or an open leader and ideology of putting your own people before the interests of capital/international elites.

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>why national socialism
Because international finance loves tricking the youth of a nation into supporting destructive economic policy.
Elites are created by Mis-education.

>In what way?
In the way that traditional societies are unified organisms. We have incredibly complex group instincts that sociology couldn't even begin to decypher. For all the claims of acting 'based on facts', the modern world is incredibly willing to cut those ties without understanding the consequences.

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>As I understand it: an undemocratic, totalitarian government dictates what you're allowed to think, enjoy and what type of business you're allowed to conduct. That such a government is not replaced and whose principles aren't codified in a strict constitution.
>Why would I want to surrender my rights and liberties to such a government?

>an undemocratic, totalitarian government dictates what you're allowed to think, enjoy and what type of business you're allowed to conduct.

Oh woe, how will we live without degenerate thoughts, gotta have those 'options' to have 'true freedom of thought and will', can't just have a full set of good options that all benefit the intended audience.

No we gotta have some random shit in there that has no benefit and often a detriment or else it's evil fascist oppression gevalt gevalt gevalt.

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Hitler-> judeomasonic agent

that really ends the topic. It was all planned

ended in massacre of whites, covered by fake hololie

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The current state doesn't have death squads that execute you for your cultural tastes.
How does that preclude individualism? Clearly i can choose to believe what i want.
>moral rules
What does that even mean? Are current definitions of criminality insufficient?

The point a Fascist government is for the leader to act "through the people", and maintain unity and ultranationalism with a strong grip. Similiar to Socialist theory where the point is for a Dictatorship is to act through the common person to achieve equality, however Socialism/Communism is shit and never works out.

We need national centrism!

Once again your already there.

In all seriousness if you want to see the appeal of nazism simply look to the propaganda and promises that the nazi party made, it may be complete trash but people bought into it.

It's not totalitarian. Nazi Germany had limited control of religion, most native Germans had the right to own guns and there was also a large private sector. Power was also distributed among a number of different state and party agencies.

And being undemocratic is a very good thing.

Listening to jazz was banned, modern art was banned, basically anything that didn't exalt the race was banned. Why is that good?

No they just throw in jail for making jokes on the internet and have a age limit to buy plastic knifes.

If you give someone absolute power, you're now subject to their personal whims. Why the fuck do you think a dictator will represent the needs of the people?

Why is jazz and modern good?

its the only true ideology

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Jazz and modern art are shit. And yeah, banning trash anti-whites from talking and killing traitors sounds pretty good to me.

Some people enjoy it. It doesn't make them decide:
>time to genocide the white race
Why can't people be allowed to enjoy what they like, provided it doesn't make them a danger to society (drugs)

That's literally your opinion. Banning anti-whites is not mutually exclusive with free speech laws as they don't allow calls for violence

Perhaps my view of censorship is warped, so can someone tell me what specifically would be banned in a national socialist state?

Like you care about what happens to whites civnat faggot stop pretending.

This NasSoc shit here is just a way to freak out and repell normies that may find this place.
This board is really about freedom of speech and questioning the narratives laid out by our whoring media and overlords.

You kys. Sage in all fields.

Lol the system wouldn't be too much different now as in a Fascist government. There's plenty of things the government can do just now in countries like USA and the UK to people, justifying it with bogus laws.

And a leader never has absolute power. You gotta remember power comes from people following you, if you do too many things that upset the people, ofc they will rebel and get upset. Even medieval kings who did what they wanted got murdered fairly quickly. Romans are a good example.

Don't make assumptions about me, it's not helpful. Of course i care about the rights of white people, i don't see why national socialism is necessary to maintain that. Look to your own country for proof, America was a segregated and predominantly white state without need for a totalitarian government

Not necessarily true. The communists in Russia held power for over half a century because the people feared the repercussions of rebellion. Fear keeps people in line

Some opinions are better than others. If you really find pic related and orgy of sounds some call music then you're probably a mentally ill leftist faggot. Like who gives a damn if the worst form of art and music are banned?

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Yeah it worked out very well as you can see.

>all that typing
>Brit flag
Stay out of the pubs and hit the books, Mr. Bean.

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