Americans on this board would go bankrupt if they caught coronavirus because they will never ever have free healthcare

Americans on this board would go bankrupt if they caught coronavirus because they will never ever have free healthcare

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Jokes on you I don't pay hospital bills.

I have 100% free healthcare paid by the government, what the fuck are you talking about. And guess what, it fucking sucks.

>chinkflu treatment is free
what did achmed mean by this?

>your free to die on sidewalk
Theres no cure

If I get sick, I'll try to construct my own ventilator from hardware store parts.

A. The government is paying for all china virus related treatment. They've probably repeated that ten times by now.
B. They never make poor people pay for medical care anyway. Even if they're at the higher end of poverty.

You clearly don’t understand our health care system.

Almost everyone has health insurance and everyone definitely has the ability to get it. Also, if you are poor enough, it’s completely subsidized and that goes double if you are old.

Anyone that doesn’t haven’t insurance in the US is just fucking stupid or lazy or both

Jokes on you my insurance is great.
t.23 and not on daddy’s payroll

No hospital can refuse service to someone sick, even if they can't pay their bill.

Also, I've never met a (non-Jewish) doctor who would turn a sick person away.
Most doctors are pretty awesome people.


Health insurance is not that difficult to get. Works just fine. No long waits, $20 copays


The real issue is how much you guys have to pay out of your pocket EVEN if you're insured.

I don’t know anyone how is having problems paying their bills right now. Most of the people who aren’t working are young people with waiting tables type jobs.
Honestly this whole thing has been very comfy.

Don't American churches pay for a lot of health care for their congregation?

This is what I read, it used to be the same in Wales with the metehodists - my great great uncle had a clubfoot, so the whole community got together to pay for his operation in the 1930s.

Godless people deserve to die.

Family members of room mate got rona. Unless you say you literally can't breathe doctors won't even see you and tell you to essentially suck it up and wait it out lmao.

Bahaha. I live an Uber ride away from the best hospitals on this earth....which are completely underwhelmed concurrently might I add.

Pretty sure they have a lower death rate than you mate.
>"at least it was >free"

That's exactly the point you dumb bitch.


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Nah, treatment is like $70k, max

Our poor have it for free. I don't know why the rest of the world and our upper middle class college students don't know that. I was on it when I hit 18 because I was all alone with nobody to depend on. I had a copay of 2 dollars for a filling once and that was it.

ok nigger

Meanwhile in Sweden you die in the queue.

(At least for free)

>muh bankruptcy
Money is meaningless, all that matters is blood and soil.

No but seriously, it's hilarious how no one has proven op wrong and just brush this off. You "can" get free health insurance but only if you meet very specific requirements like living close to the poverty line. And even then you're only allowed to see certain doctors that are covered under medicare (i.e. not the good ones). There's a good reasons besides the extra paper work and phone call wait lines that why a lot of laid off workers would rather keep paying their employers health insurance or pay for COBRA then actually go on free medicare. There's also the fact that most of the south doesn't even offer medicare which is where the poorest population lives anyways.

T. former health care worker.

Enjoy your 3 months in lockdown m8

Shut the fuck up militaryfag

He's not wrong, it's just that the situation doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.

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The secret Yas Forums server is discord gg pWJ8JK
It has to stay secret or discord will shut it down

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Lol I'm still employed though.... With health insurance....

I could only see certain doctors but I never encountered one that didnt take it. I was making 12 an hour in 2009 and had no problem. I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck by any means. Our living wage here is still only 10.60 to put that into perspective.

It's a state by state basis like the founders intended. My state offers it to the poor. You get everything covered, you can even have it as back up incase your insurance through your work doesn't cover something. They pay pregnant women to get prenatal care. They also pay you to get all your child's childhood shots. My state is extremely good when it comes to aid for the most in need because we are a midwest rural state without a massive population of parasitic niggers or spics. Instead the elderly, special needs, mothers who are fucking American, get help. The shitty thing is my sister in CA heard about what we offer and said out loud "wow!" Because to a Californian the help they offer is excessive but she still won't admit California is shot because of the high illegal population.

So is 90% of the population, just ignore that 10% that's unemployed right now. They'll just die in a corner or get a job some time from now.

>do you have a loicense for this opinion?
>oi its the BBC, open up and pay your BBC bill.

Go get killed by a drug cartel or something.

>pic related

pls burger, go back to Walmart and let the thinking adults shitpost

>go back to walmart

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Are sombreros even real

Most Americans are fat
Corona kills the fat
Can’t go bankrupt when you are fat

theres no secret discord server you faggot. stop spamming post with this shit

>Can’t go bankrupt when you are fat

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